One Piece Demon

Chapter 21 Mysterious Gem

Chapter 21 Mysterious Gem
In the captain's room of the Sapphire Pirate Ship, Bruggem is hugging a box of jewels bestowed by the king, hugging and kissing greedily, talking endlessly.

"Haha, it's all mine, it's all mine. I'll be a nobleman in the near future, and I'll use you to decorate my hall." Bruggem spread out the jewels, squinted his eyes and lay down on the bed, the corners of his mouth drooping. Drooling, with a haughty look on his face, as if he was imagining his aristocratic life, the kind of aristocratic life full of paper and gold.

"Knock, knock~" Bruggem, who was still indulging in his fantasy, was brought back to reality by the sudden knock on the door. He covered the jewelry with a wave, opened the seat and lay down on it, with a haze in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Come in."

Outside the door were two big men who brought the green-haired man. Among them, the shrewd one heard the captain's mood from the voice inside the room, and he hesitated when he opened the door.

Bruggem, whose dream was interrupted by a sudden visit, saw that there was no movement after knocking on the door, his anger rose and his face darkened, he knocked on the table unconsciously with his fingers, and said angrily: "Don't come in yet , Could it be that I can’t open the door for you, hum!”

The big man outside the door was shocked by the cold snort, his unsure mind suddenly became more confused, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably, he choked up a mouthful of saliva, and suppressed the fear in his heart, "Crack", the doorknob There was a heart-pounding sound, and the wooden door slowly opened with the movement of the big man.

The big man pulled the green-haired man carefully to Bruggem's desk, the corner of his eyes accidentally caught the gun in Bruggem's hand, his little heart beat fast, his palms were sweating, and his forehead was sweating. Breaking out in a cold sweat, the big man tremblingly wiped off the cold sweat that he couldn't help running out of. After organizing his words, he said word by word: "Captain, there is news about that brat."

When Bruggem heard the news, he narrowed his eyes, threw the pistol on the table casually, and made a bang, so frightened that the big man almost fell to the ground with his legs weak, and Bruggem sat back on the chair On the screen, the original normal face began to distort, and he smiled sinisterly with his lips parted: "Oh, not bad! It's good news! You are lucky, otherwise, hehe ~ tell me the details now!"

Seeing Bruggem's sinister smile, the big man put his hand behind the green-haired man and pushed him out: "It's him, he said he knew about those brats."

Bruggem looked at the green-haired man who was pushed to the front, and continued to smile sinisterly. His hands moved like lightning, and he lifted the green-haired man directly across the table, and his distorted face was pressed against the green-haired man's face all of a sudden. : "Oh, just you!?"

The green-haired man was so frightened by the sudden appearance of Bruggem in front of his eyes that he didn't dare to move, his limbs went limp, his tears couldn't stop flowing, he couldn't help himself in fear under Bruggem's pressing, his lips Trembling more than stammering, he said: "I know, I really know, don't hurt me, don't~"

It seemed that the green-haired man was really frightened.Seeing that the green-haired man was so weak, Brujime lost interest with a cold snort, and threw it away like trash.

The green-haired man flew out of Bruggem's hand, and hit the ship's wall so hard that even the paintings nailed to the ship's wall shook, swayed left and right, and almost fell off.But for the green-haired man, this feeling of getting rid of the feeling of peeping at death at close range is really blissful, and now he regrets coming here to inform.He hastily touched all the parts of his body, and after making sure that he didn't lose one or two, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get up, take us to find this brat. Or I'll kill you!" Bruggem picked up the portrait with a pistol, aiming the bottomless black muzzle at the green-haired man's head.

"Don't kill me, I'll take you there right away!" The green-haired man got up in a panic, bowed his waist and nodded timidly, and walked out of the captain's cabin. At this moment, the green-haired man was eagerly wishing that Bruggem would hurry up. Find those brats, and then beat both sides, and finally hehe, the green-haired man was thinking that when both of them were dying, he stepped forward with a sharpened knife, and slowly cut through the bastards who hurt him Looking aside, they proudly watched them writhing in pain, and watched them hold their throats and couldn't breathe, couldn't swallow, and their mouths were bleeding miserably.

"Here~here~!" The green-haired man is still so flattering and flattering on the surface, it's a pity that he survived in this world. If this kind of person lived in ancient times, he would definitely be able to do a good job, that is, the chief eunuch.

Led by the green-haired man, Bruggem called on his crew and walked towards the dilapidated hut in the garbage mountain.

And at this time in front of the hut, Sabo and Ace Luffy were exchanging ideas with each other. The three of them looked serious when they came and went, and they attacked without any hesitation or softness. The weapons were fierce and vigorous. The people kept changing positions, and the surrounding area was already dusty. When the rubbish blown up by the wind slipped under the feet of the three of them, they were beaten to pieces in a blink of an eye.The three of them who fought fiercely did not realize until now that the danger was slowly approaching.

But what is strange is that the figures of Yang Tian and Na Geli disappeared.In fact, after Yang Tian became a teacher, Na Geli led Yang Tian to a hidden place. It was because of the existence of this place that Na Geli survived in this remote place for so long.When Yang Tian walked into this world under the leadership of Nageli, he was also taken aback.The entrance is just a big and unremarkable tree, the bark is cut open and the gray mist fills the inside of the tree. When Yang Tian walked in, his head slammed, and Yang Tianzhen was almost fainted. Nagri explained with a smile that the gray fog was actually a portal.

Inside the portal, it looks like an unfinished world, and the scope is not very large. It is only the size of three football fields by visual inspection. The outer wall of the glazed gold and colorful world flows around like a liquid. With curiosity, Yang Tian stepped forward and stretched out his hand Gently stroking the colorful boundary wall, when Yang Tian just touched it, the boundary wall sank in as if shy, and not only this position, as long as you touch any place, he will Immediately retracted, really like a shy girl, in the middle of this secret place, a mysterious gem-like object taller than a person is constantly emitting brilliance.

Nageli stepped forward and patted Yang Tian with a surprised face, sighed, looked at the gem with some helplessness and pity and said to himself: "When I was defeated by Roger, the crew of the broken ship also Without a trace, I drifted on the sea for several days, and this mysterious stone was also drifting on the sea. Due to the current, it happened to collide with me. At that time, I was knocked out and passed out. After waking up, I have come to this small place. I have been searching for its secrets all these years, but until now there is no clue. Hey~"

(End of this chapter)

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