One Piece Demon

Chapter 33 The Outburst Peach Rabbit

Chapter 33 The Outburst Peach Rabbit

Bucky laughed wildly, and the head that returned to the body couldn't help twisting, making a loud clicking sound.

But Taotu’s side is still terrifyingly quiet, as soon as it gets close, it gives people the illusion that the air is frozen. The originally clear sky seems to be infected by Taotu’s emotions, and it is covered with a layer of tulle. The body that was gradually losing temperature in the sky was put down gently, holding Jinpira with the left hand and Ji Mie with the right hand, holding up the body slowly after pauses, the wind became tighter in an instant, and the blowing hair danced with the wind, but it could not be blown. Peach Rabbit's eyes were gloomy, and Peach Rabbit pointed at Bucky with the tip of the Nirvana knife: "Bucky, Bucky~ Your name is Bucky, right!" There is no emotion, and the emptiness makes people feel scared.

Bucky was also panicked by the demonic voice, thinking in his heart that this voice like a dead man is really scary, no!I am Master Bucky, Bucky the king of clowns, how can I be scared by little ghosts.Bucky readjusted his state, and the corner of his mouth continued to show arrogance: "What's the matter with calling me a king, even if you beg for mercy now, I will not let you go."

"Begging for mercy, hahaha! Begging for mercy, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, today, I, Taotu, will fight you to the death!" Taotu raised his head violently, and a bloody red light flashed in his eyes, and they met Bucky's eyes.

"Really! It's really sad, then I will fight you seriously next time." Bucky put away his previous frivolous disdain, and took out a dagger from his arms.

Although it is a sword, it is more appropriate to describe it as a relatively long dagger.

The two met each other face to face, and the wind around them suddenly became violent, and a few dark clouds swept over from a distance. In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was illuminated by thunder and lightning from time to time. The warship leaning on the harbor was swaying left and right, and Al was looking into the distance at the bow. Just when he had a flash of inspiration and was about to research a new dish, a heart-wrenching pain made Al pant for a while. After not getting up, Al seemed to realize something when he realized that he was in good health. He hurried to the bow of the boat and looked nervously at the direction Taotu Yangtian was leaving. He never left.

The first raindrop still fell down without disappointment, and the sound of patter ignited the smoke of the battlefield. Ji Mi and Jinpiluo cooperated very tacitly in the hands of Taotu, as if Taotu was born with two swords.Under the afterglow of the lightning, the two figures kept interlacing each other. Bucky, who used to use the shattered fruit to stabilize Peach Rabbit, was wounded on his body, and Bucky was also surprised. At first, Bucky relied on his own The strength and fruit ability are almost playing with Taotu in the palm of his hand, but as the battle continues, Bucky actually finds that Taotu's strength is growing at a terrifying speed. Beginner, Jianhao Intermediate, Jianhao Advanced, until Momotu's strength is raised to Jianhao Advanced, the upward trend can be stabilized. During this period, there are four full stages of improvement.

You must know that Bucky is no more than the strength of a swordsman at an advanced level. Thinking back to how many years he had advanced to the four stages, it took him how many years to get to where he is today.But the kid in front of him was only for a moment, and the gap made Bucky feel a burst of heartache, wondering why he wasn't a genius.But what surprised Bucky the most was that the sword intent shown in Taotu's sword energy could already cause him harm. Fortunately, Taotu's grasp was immature, so Bucky could handle it with ease, but due to With the infinite increase in strength, the battle between Bucky and Momotu has entered a stalemate.Countless raindrops wet the clothes of the two, and countless raindrops were cut into nothingness because they strayed into the attack range of the two.

In the process of fighting between the two.

Yang Tian, ​​who was quietly lying on the side, is undergoing an astonishing transformation. Looking back, Yang Tian experienced the transformation of the body of the devil back then, but it was painful, and the transformation that time only felt pain and no other memories. At this time, Yang Tian With the help of magic energy, the body is undergoing a new transformation. The 50/50 numbers visible to the naked eye are constantly falling. Originally, the color of the healthier fibers was also more attractive, and the most important thing was that Yang Tianzheng clearly felt these changes.

The current Yang Tian is in such a state, just like a chrysalis, if he wants to become a beautiful butterfly, he must leave its safe and warm nest. environment, but in a certain sense, it has gained a new life.At this time, Yang Tian was experiencing pain, quietly waiting for his shell to be reborn.

The rain was still falling quickly, and the blood around Yang Tian had been washed away. The icy cold rain made Yang Tian's pale face even more morbidly beautiful. It was another scene, and Taotu thought it was a kind of blasphemy and trampling on Yang Tian.The lifeless eyes were covered with a layer of coolness, making Bucky's scalp numb.Subconsciously clenched the dagger.Taotu's attack became sharper, and it was slightly higher than Bucky's head. If it wasn't for Bucky's ability to rely on fruit and occasionally dodge one or two attacks, it was the scar on Bucky's body that time, but it wasn't so simple Two or three.

"Damn, hate, I, Bucky, was forced into such a situation by a kid, it's unforgivable." Angry Bucky, his eyes turned cold, and his body was torn apart randomly, making people wonder that an attack would suddenly appear from there, forcing De Taotu had to slow down the pace of the battle.Gradually controlling the rhythm, Bucky hit more and more smoothly, and began to counter-press Taotu again. As Taotu was suppressed, the howling wind circled in the air, blowing away the rainwater above.

Although there is Feng's care, it still can't change the overall situation. Taotu gradually loses strength, and his attack becomes weaker. After a few rounds, he loses. Bucky puts the short sword on Taotu's head, and the blade gently presses The flesh and blood on Taotu's forehead did not move forward for a moment.

"Little ghost, it seems that I, Mr. Bucky, are superior. Although your strength has indeed rivaled mine, you forgot that you are just a child, and your physical strength can't hold it! But, I suddenly changed my mind. , I suddenly don’t want to kill people today, so let’s go. With your resentment, he will come and kill me someday.” Bucky withdrew his dagger, swung his robe and turned to leave, leaving behind a man who was paralyzed in the rain and lost his eyesight. peach rabbit.

"Why do you want to run away after beating my man! Lord Bucky?! Haha!"

Just as Bucky was about to leave, a nightmare-like voice came to his ears, and Bucky turned his stiff neck unbelievably.look back.

(End of this chapter)

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