Chapter 37
As for Lieutenant General Jimmy, he was listening to music in the kitchen at this time, drinking coffee and slowly cutting steak with a western knife, even though the noise outside was loud, he couldn't be unmoved.

The ghost spider's eight swords are like Shura, and the weak pirate is not his enemy at all. The blood stained his sword and soaked his clothes. After giving Pika a look, Pika understood, a four-meter-high stone giant suddenly appeared on the warship, and Pica's thick giant sword collided with the ghost spider, temporarily blocking the ghost spider's attack.

When the ghost spider saw the strange man appearing suddenly, his spider-like eyes flickered coldly: "Who are you, you dare to attract the attention of the gold in the sky."

"~Doflamingo officer Pica." Pica's sharp voice suddenly made the battlefield in the fierce battle quiet down.

Several pirates who didn't know how to live or die even laughed wildly, and some even hugged their stomachs and laughed so hard that exaggerated tears burst out with the laughter: "Hahahaha, what is this sound, okay?" Strange! I laughed to death."

Pika, who was going to fight the ghost spider, turned around and fixed his eyes on the pirate who laughed at him, and roared in a low voice: "Never forgive, never forgive!", every step was full of haze. The eyes will add a little more danger. I noticed that the bad pirate turned his head to Pika. He was taken aback by the approaching Pika. There was a look of panic in his eyes. Seeing the approaching Pica, he couldn't help it. Backed away again and again, and said in horror: "Hey, I'm just laughing at your voice, what are you doing! Don't come over, don't come over. Ah~~ah~" The change of the plot scared the pirates who were being watched Hissing in horror.

For those who laughed at his voice, Pika mercilessly killed them one by one, and the supporting pirates saw this scene and couldn't help but stop attacking. Doflamingo yelled: "Dover, what is the situation, this is different from the agreement."

When Dover saw someone jumping out to ask questions, he couldn't help laughing, his ferocious face was extremely arrogant, and the red bird feather coat trembled rhythmically with his trembling body. Dover controlled his body and slowly flew up to In the middle of the air, facing the battlefield full of gunpowder, he showed his evil face: "Fufufufu~ A group of stupid idiots, do you think you can really go back when you come to this battlefield? Listen to me, today you hijacked What you are attacking is the tribute to the Tianlong people, which is the legendary "heavenly gold". You have to kill all the navy in front of you, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, otherwise you will spend the rest of your life on the run, so everyone, go crazy !"

"What is gold in the sky, Dover, it's different from what you said before, you lied to us, no~ no!, I don't want to die yet, what should I do, what should I do! The navy, the navy, the navy must all die, haha, Yes! As long as the navy is all dead, we'll be fine, we'll be fine. Kill, kill!"

In order to avoid self-immolation, the dead waiter arranged by Dover played a role at this time. Countless such crazy voices sounded from every corner of the battlefield, allowing the pirates who had lost their target to regain the dawn of life. Next, the group of pirates played the role Dover had expected. The sea was stained red with blood. Even the moon couldn't bear to watch it. They hid, and the night darkened a lot.

At the end of the "Luoying Ding Bay", Long saw the soaring blood in the distance, and couldn't help tightening the cloak wrapped outside.

Xiong closed the Bible, stood quietly behind the dragon, stared at the distant sky, pondered for a while and said: "Long, it seems that someone has done it before us! Do you want to go and have a look!"

"Don't worry, I already know who it is. Judging from the trend of the new world, it should be Doflamingo who made the move. We just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then show up when both sides are almost exhausted. I think They will be very pleasantly surprised, the Revolutionary Army is still in the development period, and they can keep as much strength as they can."

"Brother Doflaming! Where does he have the courage to seize the gold from the sky!" Ivankov pulled out the arrest warrant and looked at Dover, who had a bounty of only about [-] million, with a look of disbelief.

"Doflamingo is also an ambitious person, but his character is too bad to cooperate with."

Under Doflamingo's calculations, the flames of war intensified, the sea was full of violent winds, and the waves kept devouring the howling lives.

The moment the yellow monkey saw Doflamingo appear, he squinted his eyes and stopped in mid-air, thinking.At this time, Huang Yuan was also quite entangled, because not long ago, Huang Yuan also happened to know Doflamingo's true identity from Warring States, so now he is also in a dilemma, although Doflamingo has not yet made it public. I am a Tianlong person, but this identity is there after all! .

During the entanglement of the yellow ape, the pirates who stimulated their potential because of the fear of death gradually gained an advantage. Two of the lieutenant generals were entangled by Doflamingo's cadres and could not escape for the time being. The major generals in these new worlds The pirates are only able to protect themselves, as for the other navies, they are almost exchanging one life for another.

Looking at the bad situation of the navy, the yellow monkey came to Doflamingo in a flash.

"Brother Doflaming, you are really embarrassing the old man, but the old man is really scared! So let me arrest you today, big pirate Doflaming! Kick at the speed of light."

The yellow ape bit the three words "big pirate", so as long as he didn't kill Doflamingo, even if he could reach the Tianlong people, as the generals of the navy, these Tianlong people would be upset at most , the punishment given is also innocuous.

"Yazan~Che! What a tricky guy! Spider's Nest"

Doflamingo waved his left hand forward, shooting out many spider silk threads to form a spider web.The speed of light kick landed evenly on the spider web, and the entire spider web was like a solid shield, forcibly blocking the speed of light kick of the yellow ape.However, from the deeply sunken feet of Doflamingo, it can be seen that it was not as easy as it appeared just now.

"Fufurfurfur~General Orangaphus, try my kicks too. Shave the thread on your feet!"

Doflamingo raised his toes, and created eight almost transparent thin threads from the toes, with sharp threads attached, and kicked in a straight line.Foot shaving thread is one of the super skills mastered by Doflamingo fruit before awakening. It can easily cut several high-rise buildings, and the damage cannot be underestimated.

"It's so scary~" Looking at the silk thread coming from the bombardment, Huang Yuan covered his mouth with his hands and said lazily, but his body movements were not vague at all.

(End of this chapter)

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