Chapter 51
Yang Tian looked directly at Tao Tu, the relaxed and natural look in his eyes made Tao Tu fascinated by Yang Tian's self-confidence, and the original tension disappeared immediately.

"Yang Tian can hit him if he wants to, don't just jabber there."

"Don't worry, I haven't eaten yet."

Yang Tian casually picked a few fruits from the branches brought back by Wu Si, and chewed them one by one to leave a fragrance on his teeth and lips.

"Peach Rabbit, would you like some?"

"Well, these fruits are Lieutenant General Garp's treasure. We can't usually eat them. They are so delicious."

"Haha, don't talk about Taotu, the old man seems very mean. If you want to eat in the future, you can eat it yourself, and you can eat as much as you want."

"En." Taotu, who was gnawing on the fruit, nodded decisively, as if he was afraid that Garp would regret it.

Feeling left out, the face of the tea dolphin became increasingly ugly, and couldn't help standing up to find a sense of presence.

"Hey, do you still want to fight?"

"Fight, why rush. Come~"

When it comes to playing tea dolphins, Yang Tian will not go too far, otherwise he will stop playing after a while, and it will be a waste of effort.

The two found an open space, and the duel began.

Ji Mie was stuck on the ground by Yang Tian, ​​facing the tea dolphin empty-handed.

Seeing this, the tea dolphin snorted coldly, and also stuck the saber on the ground.

"Hmph, overthinking one's abilities. Pointing to the gun—repeating bullets."

The air bullets roared towards Yang Tian with their long tails of broken sound.


The first time Yang Tian used the technique of shaving, he really couldn't control it, his body almost fell to the ground when he crooked, but luckily he escaped the tea dolphin's attack.

"Haha, you can't even shave, yet you still dare to challenge me."

Seeing Yang Tian's embarrassed figure, the tea dolphin let go of his hanging heart.Just now he was worried about whether Yang Tian would hide his clumsiness, but now it seems that he was thinking too much.

"Yang Tian, ​​don't say that I'm bullying you, I won't show mercy next time."

The tea dolphin is full of self-confidence now, thinking that he must let Taotu see who is the real genius.

Maybe this time the tea dolphin has forgotten how he was defeated by Yang Tian in the first place, and only wanted to humiliate Yang Tian severely.

"Yeah, yeah, it's actually underestimated. Although it's a bit unfamiliar, it's still quite easy to learn."

"Don't put on airs, Yang Tian, ​​point to the gun - shotgun."

Faced with the tea dolphin's attack, Yang Tian actually closed his eyes. Seeing Yang Tian's movements, the attacking tea dolphin showed a triumphant smile, but this smile didn't stay on the tea dolphin's face for long before it disappeared. , the tea dolphin was surprised to see that the finger gun penetrated Yang Tian, ​​but Yang Tian's battered body, which had been beaten to pieces, actually sank down and disappeared. The tea dolphin hurriedly looked around to find Yang Tian's figure. It tensed up again.

"Hey, stop looking! I'm here."

Yang Tian laughed when he saw the nervous look of the tea dolphin looking around.

The tea dolphin followed the source of the sound, raised its head, and Yang Tian was standing directly above him, standing in mid-air.The look of ridicule was so dazzling in the tea dolphin's eyes.


The tea dolphin cursed in a low voice, with a gloomy and ugly face.

"What did you do just now!"

"What did you do! Of course you escaped your attack with Shave, don't tell me you don't even know Shave."

"Bastard, you definitely didn't use shaving. You couldn't even control the direction of shaving just now. How could it be so fast that I can't see it now?"

"Probably because I'm a genius."

Seeing Yang Tian's shameless look, Taotu on the side couldn't help but cover his mouth and start laughing, and his crooked eyes were even more special.

But Us and Garp looked at Yang Tian seriously. They had clearly seen through Yang Tian's speed, and it was precisely because they saw through that that they were shocked, because if they had to cultivate to produce phantoms, at least It takes several years to practice, but Yang Tian only got to know the six styles in one night, which is intriguing.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Yang Tian felt secretly refreshed. He never thought that combining the system skills "Shadow-Flash" and "Shaving" would be so powerful.However, regarding the control of "shaving", Yang Tian still felt a little flustered, he almost went down just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly and pulled back and ran to the sky, he probably would be lying on the ground eating dirt.

The tea dolphin didn't even see Yang Tian's figure clearly, so naturally he didn't know the situation of Yang Tian's existence, so he said angrily unwillingly:

"Damn~! Lanjiao—the storm, I'll let you hide this time."

It has to be said that the tea dolphin has a strong sense of fighting. It slashed several feet at Yang Tian in the air. The saber energy of Lan's feet was like a sickle, densely gathered together, forming a storm circle abruptly. The nearby trees directly He was bent over by the blow, and the dust covered the sky for a while, and the sky was filled with yellow sand, under the cover of an indiscriminate and large-scale attack.With Yang Tian's current level of control over "shaving", it is obvious that avoiding it has become less obvious.

"Iron block!"

Yang Tian squinted his eyes in front of Huang Sha, his body stuck in the air became stiff, every inch of his skin became as hard as steel, and the attack brought by the tea dolphin "Lan Jiao" hit Yang Tian, ​​sending out a series of attacks. The crisp sound of bumping.

The tea dolphin saw that the storm did not pose much threat to Yang Tian, ​​and his face became even more gloomy. If the tea dolphin knew that Yang Tian had only practiced the six postures for a day, he would faint in anger.

"Well, I told you I wouldn't show mercy. Lan'foot—the Hurricane."

The tea dolphin retreated towards the rear, and didn't stop until the periphery of the center. It used its moon steps to suspend in the air. cohesively.The tea dolphin's entire legs were coated with a layer of light. The momentum revealed by this attack made Momotu feel flustered. She clasped her hands together and placed them in the center of her chest, silently watching the attack across the air. "Land's Foot——Storm" is worthy of its name. Just one slash actually brought up the surrounding storm and walked up. After the tea dolphin released this attack, its whole body was on the verge of falling, and its floating body almost fell in the air. His lips were already white, and he barely opened his eyelids to watch, intending to see the result he expected, that is, Yang Tian's tragic appearance after this attack, either dead or injured.

Garp showed displeasure at the tea dolphin's performance. After all, Yang Tian was his grandson, and Us clenched his fists and planned to rush to the sea dolphin, but now we still have to pay attention to the results.

In the center of the storm, Yang Tian, ​​who felt the danger, actually showed an excited smile. The long-lost death tentacles entangled him, and the bloodthirsty feeling that he had almost forgotten rushed to his heart again. Yang Tian felt intoxicated as if he had just taken drugs. The feeling of blood boiling.

(End of this chapter)

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