Chapter 53

"Haha, I heard that there is no grandson of Karp, my grandsons haven't forgiven you yet. In this case, let's have a game with the old man's heirs. If you win, let you leave. If you lose, you will be given here. The old man loosened the soil for a year, and he came here to be a soil loosener as a punishment. What do you think!"

"you sure?"

"The old man will never break his promise."

"Okay, since you are the boss, I don't think they will not abide by your agreement!".

With Yang Tian's well-balanced fingers, he moved Feng Yin, and his sword pointed across the other three vine masters one by one.

"Haha, you brat from the Karp family. You underestimate me too much. What we say is naturally a promise."

Yang Tian snorted coldly, swung his sword finger upwards, and took a step forward with his right foot.Sword Qi Lingyun, with a heroic momentum, roared:


"Okay, since the grandson of the Karp family dares to come down! That's clear, clear! Don't embarrass us, you two little guys, go!"

"Okay, grandpa's grandpa's grandpa! Hehehe~"

Two vines slid down the body of the vine master, and stood in front of the vine master, nodding respectfully in response.

"Hi, my name is Qingqing!"

"Hello, my name is Chuchu!"

Yang Tian looked at the two vines with silver flowers hanging on the top in front of him, and saw them greet each other so rationally, feeling inexplicably awkward in his heart.

But since the other party introduced him, Yang Tian naturally wouldn't disrespect etiquette, and he had all the etiquette of clasping his hands and clasping fists.

"Yang Tian!"

"Hee hee, then we're going to fight!"


The ethereal laughter of the two vines disappeared in the void for an instant, and a sense of solemnity gradually gathered in the air.

The two vines shook their bodies and burrowed into the ground headfirst, disappearing.

The black is not as heavy as black, and the mist is not as soft as water mist. The thick black mist is terrifying and can swallow people's souls, lingering and floating like demons, ghosts, gods, immortals and people.

The wind stopped playing around, calmed down the ups and downs of the restless heart, except for Yang Tian's powerful heartbeat, there was no trace of movement, the space became quiet, and time also quieted down.The two vines that sank to the ground seemed to have disappeared, without any traces or traces.

"Iron blood kills Lin".

The two voices overlapped perfectly without the slightest setback, and echoed in Yang Tian's ears. The excitement in his body made Yang Tian drink a thousand cups of wine, and cry himself in blood.

Silver-white vine thorns rose from the ground, and the sharp sword head pierced the heavy atmosphere. As more and more thorns emerged, the original heaviness had long since disappeared, and the sharp thorns stirred up the atmosphere. Next, the smell of gunpowder and smoke from the flames of war stirred up the already quiet wind.

Sharp thorns continued to emerge from Yang Tian's feet, and Yang Tian's figure also kept retreating.Yang Tian, ​​who was retreating again and again, sank in his heart, secretly thinking that something was wrong, he kicked his feet on the ground, flew up into the air and turned 720 degrees in the air, the cold light of extinction pointed down, and hit the center of a sharp thorn that had just emerged. When it was soft, the sharp thorns that were pressed hard fell apart, and the lightness of the soft sword made Yang Tian jump backwards and leap back again.

After all, sharp blades are limited. When the battlefield is full of sharp blades, two piles of soil bumps appear on the ground. The two little guys clearly poked their heads out. After watching the situation, they drilled out again.

"Hee hee, not bad! He actually escaped the attacks of the two of us."

"The attack range is not small, but the power is not up to standard! What do you think, it's clear."

"I know, I know, but this is just the beginning. Don't worry! The next thing is the main event."

"Chuchu, it's started!"

"Okay, I can't wait."

Yang Tian looked directly at the two little ghosts, and saw that the two vines were densely packed with tentacles like granulation, and then intertwined and blended together, and finally merged into one.

"Haha~! Death Wu Lianhua."

As soon as the vine brothers merged, they directly transformed into a human form, grabbed a sharp thorn on the ground with one hand, and danced gracefully, but this dance forced Yang Tian to dance together.With a cold light and coolness, the sharp blade always hopes to have a close contact with Yang Tian. It is tireless and has no rules, but the dance is beautiful and endless, like the dancing red shoes, grabbing your soul and trying to take you forcibly Walk on the Naihe Bridge, smell the flowers on the other side and taste the Mengpo soup.

Yang Tian has long been unable to count how many sharp blades Ji Mie cut off, and only remembers many, many, but for the sharp blades that emerged from the battlefield, that is just an insignificant number, not worth mentioning, Yang Tian is still entangled by the pace of death .

"It's really troublesome, these two brats don't know how tired they are at all."

Yang Tian muttered to himself.

"Hey, we won't tell you, you should concentrate on fighting with me!"

Us, who was watching the battle, was really anxious now, he wandered unconsciously, nervously watching the two figures swaying back and forth in the center of the battlefield, feeling uncertain.

"Stop dangling in front of the old man, I'm dizzy. Besides, what's the use of being anxious, the old man is not in a hurry!"

"You are always not in a hurry, because Garp doesn't come to trouble you, but I will be miserable."

"Cut, isn't it just to loosen the soil for the old man for a year? Why are you so anxious, the old man hasn't said anything yet!"


"Ke Ke Ke~ But what can you do? Shut up, I'll hang you up while you're talking. It's so noisy that I can't watch the game properly."

Seeing that the master of the four vines who had tied him up just now stood up, Wu Si quickly covered his mouth and stepped aside.Taotu is really unfamiliar here, and he can't say anything, so he can only pray silently for Yang Tian to come back victorious.

"Quadruple Waves—Death Cut."

"Hee hee, I've seen your trick just now, so it doesn't really work for us."

With a sly smile on Qing Qingchu's face, he smiled slightly facing the imminent waves of sword energy, plunged into the ground, and disappeared out of Yang Tian's perception again.

Jianlang came with overwhelming momentum, but drove west without making any contribution.Perhaps only the shattered trees that have been cut around can make people know that a powerful attack has just been cut.

"Hee hee, let's be smart!"

Hearing the voice suddenly coming out from behind, Yang Tian slashed over reflexively, the rest of the knife slashed his soul and heart followed the knife, but he still threw it in vain.

"You said, you can't even touch me. Or you just admit defeat."

"Shadow - Flash."

Yang Tian didn't pay attention to Brother Vine's ridicule. The actual actions proved that Yang Tian really couldn't catch up, which forced Yang Tian to try to combine Shadow Flash and Shave again. Perhaps it was no longer a coincidence, this time Yang Tian When touching, there is a special feeling, where the mind wants to go, and the body stays there, without any deviation.

Feeling this change, Yang Tian secretly sighed that fighting is indeed the best mentor, although the haste is not enough, but the stupid bird can fly first.

(End of this chapter)

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