Chapter 57 The Dialogue Between the Vine Masters
Regarding the change of Yufeng Vine Master, Yang Tian touched the tip of his nose in puzzlement and raised his head. His eyes had already been concentrated, and he asked full of doubts:

"Hasn't a vine master passed away since ancient times?"

"Yes, but when it comes to the essence of wood, I am not here to protect it."

There was a flash of light in Yang Tian's eyes, and he murmured softly:
"That means there is ~ since there is, there is always a way!".

Just when Yang Tian was about to continue his routine journey, the towering vines all around fell to the ground, and the dust flew for a while.

"Little Yang Tian, ​​you have been staying with the fourth child for too long, didn't you agree that it would be an hour? The fourth child is starting to chat."

The one who spoke was the master of three vines, "Yu Jian", with a violent personality but without loss of proportion, and his actions are well-founded. To be strict, he is a bit rigid, but sometimes he is unrestrained and informal. In short, he is a free and unrestrained self who lives as he wants .

Immediately behind the three vine masters is the second vine master "Yushui", just like the word "water" in its name, with a gentle personality like water, but sometimes as cold as ice, a wise man who strategizes.He is also the only one who makes Yang Tian feel that his IQ is suppressed.

"Haha, so it's the second brother and the third brother! We were chatting about the essence of wood just now." The little guy Yang Tian seemed very interested. The most annoying thing was that he actually asked me if I had any stock!Brother, do you think it’s funny~”

When Master Yufeng Vine said the four words "Essence of Wood", Master Ervine's reaction was not as intense as that of Lord Yufeng Vine just now, but Yang Tian was very clear about the flame of the soul that Master Yushui Vine had contracted. The idea of ​​the water vine master.

"Haha, is that right, fourth child! Did you tell Xiaotian that the essence of wood is hidden there?"

Although Master Yushui's words were extremely relaxed, perhaps it was because of this ease that Master Yufeng's heart was like warm jade passing by, revealing a gentle but cool chill, and re-stabilized Master Yufeng's heart.

After Yushui Vine master controlled the rhythm, he smiled and said to Yang Tian:
"Okay Yang Tian kid, I'll let you go today, go find those two little guys clearly, and go to their training, you still have a lot of room for improvement!"

Yang Tian is not a stupid person. Naturally, he could hear the voice-over of Master Yushui Vine clearly, and Yang Tian did not respond with a pretentious and chic smile:
"Okay, Master Yushui Fuji."

Yang Tian didn't want to face Master Yushui Vine at first, but now that Master Yushui Vine gave him a step, Yang Tian was naturally overjoyed, and left the scene along the road automatically paved by the surrounding vines.

After Yang Tian left, Yushui Vine Master controlled the surrounding vines, making them interweave and surround each other, forming an airtight vine wall.

In the constructed vine space, the three vine masters are in a triangular shape, facing each other with Misui vine master at a slightly higher position.

"Fourth, let's talk about it! How did it happen, why did Yang Tian kid know the essence of wood?"

Facing the serious Master Mishui Fuji, Yufeng Fuji managed to sort out his thoughts.

"Xiaotian told me that he learned it from books. I really don't know, but judging from Xiaotian's blunt explanation just now, I guess he definitely didn't know it from any book, so I just went along with it." looked at him and said something unimportant."

"Oh~ come on, tell me what you said, fourth child, you are very good at making up stories, tell me!"

Master Yujian Teng saw his fourth child showing a strange smile, and coaxed from the side.

Hearing Master Yujian's urging, Master Yufeng Vine didn't rush to look at Master Yushui Fuji who was sitting upright, and then glanced at the sun. At this time, the sun was already directly above his head, and the brilliance of the scorching sun was just at its peak. Most "strong" time.

"Tell me! I also want to hear how you explain it."

Seeing that his second elder brother had spoken, Yufeng didn't talk about it pretentiously.

"I told Xiaotian that the essence of wood is formed by the condensed energy in the body of the vine master after his death. Second brother, tell me, do you think this statement can convince him?"

"Yes, this explanation is quite convincing. The most important thing is that I believe Xiaotian. Observe Xiaotian's state in the past few days to see why he is looking for the essence of wood. If you wait for me Unfavorable, directly killed in the cradle, Garp will naturally have a big brother to take care of it."

The soul of Yushui Vine Master flickered, full of majesty and domineering.

At this time, Yang Tian was on his way to find a clear path, and he was thinking about how to find the essence of wood like relics. Yang Tian even thought about whether the essence of wood would be enshrined in the ancestral hall like relics. among.However, this idea was immediately rejected by Yang Tian himself, because Yang Tian had never seen a house from the beginning to the end, since there is no house, so how could there be an ancestral hall.However, if Yang Tian knew that the Four Vine Lord, who he thought was the most kind, actually brushed him around, I don't know how he would feel.


It is clear that the place where the two brothers practice is not very far from where Yang Tian was just now, but Yang Tian is a little absent-minded and always distracted. Although the distance is very short, Yang Tian wasted a lot of time before leaving arrive.

Seeing Yang Tian coming, Qing Qing, who was training herself, had a look of joy on her face, and jumped in front of Yang Tian.happily asked:

"Xiaotian, shouldn't you be giving the vine masters a loose soil massage now? Why did you come to our two brothers? Could it be that you miss us! Hehe~"

Although Qingqing is older, she speaks and acts more like a younger brother. She actually left her teacher aside and asked Yang Tian in front of her.

Facing Qingqing's tireless questioning, Yang Tian hurriedly came to the middle of the venue, in front of the teacher sent by the vine master, as if he wanted to run away from the wilderness.

"Hi, I'm Yang Tian, ​​you can call me Xiao Tian from now on."

Facing the red vines in front of him, Yang Tian greeted him politely, and gracefully stretched out his right hand to hold the raised vines of "teacher".

"Hello, my name is Enels. I was sent by Master Ervine to teach me clearly. I specially train them on the use of their own vines, the use of their own energy and how to use their strengths. , How to use the field to expand one's own advantages, or to narrow one's disadvantages."

Yang Tian and Enels are like friends who haven't seen each other for many years. They used to be together on a certain day and at a certain moment in the past. After decades of separation, they suddenly reunited in this completely unfamiliar place today.This time it was like opening a chatterbox, chatting endlessly with gusto.

(End of this chapter)

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