Chapter 61

I don't know how much time I think about, and it turns into a neon Ran Qingxia.On Huangquan Road, on Luochuan, and Mengpo Bridge, I would like to wait for the peach blossom tree for a pot of tea on the other side.

The pain of lovesickness is always hard to understand why. Taotu, who has been away from Yang Tian for a long time, is sitting quietly in front of the wooden house at this time, her face has long lost the vivid brilliance of the past, she is calm and without a trace of color, and her eyes are also cold Yes, it was a little bit colder than the twelfth lunar month in winter, and the pleated lotus skirt shook casually in the wind.

After sitting like this for an unknown amount of time, Momotu raised his head dully, like a sculpture recovering from contemplation.

Taking advantage of the scorching sun, Taotu stood up, stroked her black hair messed up by the breeze, stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance, trying or expecting to see her long-awaited figure.

Linglong dice puts red beans on the bones and knows nothing.

"Hey~ I heard from Us that Karp went to pick you up, why haven't I seen you yet?"

Taotu sighed faintly, clenched his hands together vigorously, and murmured in a low voice, the hope in his eyes was extraordinarily tender under the afterglow of the setting sun.

And Wu Si, who came back with Taotu, was looking for food in the jungle.

In front of Us there was a healthy and robust Succulent Gourd tree. The fruits were like ripe red apples, exuding an alluring fragrance.

"Not bad, this time the sour gourd looks really good."

As he said that, Us couldn't help jumping up the tree, picked off two or three, and stuffed them directly into his mouth. The crisp chewing sound was like a clear spring hitting the rocks on the roadside. Us only enjoyed the word happiness, It hangs high on the face.

"Yeah~ The taste is also great, crisp and juicy. It's really the right time to come back this time."

Us, who was eating vigorously, suddenly clapped his hands and said inarticulately:

"By the way, take a few back for Nanny Taotu. I almost forgot the business, umm~ this one is good, take it off. This one is also good~ I want it."

While picking them, Us didn't forget to eat two. After a while, these delicious apple-sized fruits were packed tightly into Us' arms, and he was extremely busy.

In the end, Wu Si saw that there were too many to pick, and he couldn't fit it in his arms, so he had to find a foot of cloth, wrap the fruit in a square cloth, and tie it obliquely on his back.Jumping up the treetops, three or two ups and downs disappeared in place.

The shadows of the trees in the forest swayed, and the birds in the middle flew up in panic, flapping their wings.

It didn't take long for Us to return to the hut, just in time to see Momotu standing up.As if asking for credit, Us walked forward happily.

"Peach Rabbit, it's time to eat. Don't look, it's useless for you to be anxious now. You see, this is a fresh gourd gourd. I just picked it. This is my favorite. I brought you a lot, you Eat more. Otherwise, let Yang Tian know that you are under my care, even if you lose a little weight, I guess he will blame me."

Taotu pursed her vermilion lips, smiled lightly and walked gently with brows bent, like a gentle spring breeze.

"Usi, you are still so humorous, but Yang Tian didn't come back, I can't let go, even if it is delicacies, I can't eat it, you can eat it yourself."

"Aren't you going to eat? Really?"

Momotu smiled and waved his hands, and turned his back.

"I really don't want to eat! Okay~ okay~ Us, don't bother me here. I want to sit by myself for a while."

Us glanced at Taotu who turned his back, and the setting sun stretched her thoughts a little bit along with her shadow.Us shrugged his shoulders. He didn't understand the love between these men and women at all, but it was easy to detect Momotu's bad mood.

Us looked down at the package, and the gourds lay down one by one, as if they were tempting Us, and Us couldn't help but drool.

"Shut up".

Wu Si felt the corners of his mouth cool, and quickly sucked it back. His small eyes glanced at Taotu embarrassedly, and he was relieved when he saw that Taotu didn't notice.Seeing the tempting fruit in his arms, now that he doesn't have to share it with Taotu, Wu Si is also secretly happy.

As the sunset gradually came to an end on the ancient road, two figures, one big and one small, one in front and one behind, appeared in Taotu's field of vision one after another.

Taotu Congliu covered her lips with her small hands excitedly, and the tears of joy in her eyes shone tenderly against the last ray of sunshine.

Yang Tian looked at Taotu in the distance, with the corners of his mouth slightly curled up as gentle as jade, and waved to Taotu, like a husband returning after a long absence.

At the moment when Yang Tian waved his hand, Tao Tu's thoughts burst out like a dam opening a river, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.Tears of joy crushed Taotu's last point of support, and his body turned into a phantom with force under his feet, and disappeared directly in place, and the next moment he had already thrown himself into Yang Tian's arms.

Yang Tian was caught off guard by Ke Rener who suddenly appeared in his arms. He was at a loss for a while, his hands seemed to be frozen, and he stopped in midair like this. After a long time, Yang Tian was relieved. Suddenly, he gently patted the back of the choked up person in his arms.

"You~you are back~! I feel like I haven't ~seen~ with you in ~several lifetimes~."

Taotu and Yang Tian are next to each other, Yang Tian puts his arms around Taotu's shoulder, Taotu puts his head on Yang Tian's shoulder, the tip of peach's nose sticks to Yang Tian's neck, letting the tears wet Yang Tian's lapel , and then remained motionless, as if confirming Yang Tian's body temperature, with a warm current swaying through his chest, Yang Tian lowered his head, and gently left a hickey on Taotu's already bitter face.

I don't know if it's because the radiation of love between the two is too strong, or someone just likes to destroy the beautiful encounter.

"Okay, don't get bored in front of the old man anymore. The old man has something to talk to you about! Pack up and hurry up."

The old man Garp pressed his temple, and he was quite speechless about the two people in front of him who were about to go to the battlefield, but they didn't feel nervous at all.Garp didn't know whether he should be happy or angry, whether to be happy that their mentality was stable, or angry that they didn't take this trial seriously.

After Yang Tian comforted Taotu in his arms, he smiled leisurely and said:

"Okay, come right away."

On the contrary, Taotu felt embarrassed, and looked at Garp shyly from the corner of her eye, thinking that this is her future grandfather, so don't leave a bad impression.Thinking of Taotu's crying red face, she blushed a little more than the setting sun just now.He lowered his head and played with his fingers subconsciously.

"Peach Rabbit, we have to keep up!".

"Oh~ okay."

Under the leadership of Yang Tian, ​​the shy Taotu stumbled into the wooden house like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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