One Piece Demon

Chapter 63 Departure

Chapter 63 Departure
Being described by Garp like this ignited the fire of curiosity in Yang Tian's heart.

"The three of you will take a good rest next time. I will stay on the island this month. If you have any doubts about your practice, please raise them as soon as possible. It is agreed that there will be no such shop after passing this village."

Facing Karp's wild and concerned voice, Yang Tian curled up his mouth and propped up his hands, holding them together forcefully.

"It's rare that old man Karp has such a heart, I will definitely not let go of any opportunity to squeeze you. Hehe~".

Looking at Yang Tian's eyes, Karp pushed the chair away with a domineering smile, a natural smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and walked out of the wooden house.

The gurgling water washes away the dust, and the moment the white horse passes by. One month is neither too much nor too short. Under Garp's training, the three of Yang Tian finally survived.The only good thing during this period was that Al was also brought over by the old man Garp, and the food was always satisfying everyone's appetite, so there would be no big fruit gatherings every day.And the tea dolphin also saw Yang Tian's true strength in this month, and now he has become more open-minded to learn.

Yang Tian remembered that when he first started training, when the tea dolphin's strength broke through, he yelled very arrogantly:
"Yang Tian, ​​wait for the day when I am stronger than you, and I will definitely snatch Taotu back into my arms."

You don't know how arrogant the tea dolphin was at that time.The chubby face was full of flesh, and there was only a gap in the eyes. His fingers moved across the air firmly, pointing straight at Yang Tian's nose.

To be honest, Yang Tian still admires the determination of the tea dolphin, but it's a pity that Yang Tian always feels that he is not smart enough. Logically speaking, shouldn't such words be kept in his head, or used to cheer himself up in his heart?Saying it so blatantly is really not like a person who has been raped several times by himself, who should point at his nose and say it.In short, this gave Yang Tian a good reason, that is, Tong Tong quickly beat the tea dolphin hard again.

"Stop~stop~it hurts!"

The tea dolphin covered his face, which was several times fatter than before, and spoke his heart in a slightly crying voice.

It is also an extraordinary battle to end this beating battle by beating a strong man until he screams in pain.

Yang Tian, ​​who was riding on the tea dolphin, turned a deaf ear and beat him hard again, then stood up in relief, took a long breath and turned his wrist, but he was tired from the beating just now.

"Really, beating people can make me tired now, it seems that I should exercise hard."

Although it was a small episode, it lit a fire for the tea dolphin's subsequent cultivation, which made the tea dolphin inspire potential that he hadn't realized.This made the tea dolphin feel more awe towards Yang Tian.

The seagull's wingtips brushed against the slightly cold sea breeze, causing a whistling tremor, and a few crows, which rolled up the floating clouds and swayed straight up, breaking through the thick clouds and going to the place it yearned for.

On the turbulent sea, a blue and white ship parked at the port, making creaking noises from time to time.

"Hurry up, let me do everything quickly. The lieutenant general will be here in a while, and everyone is pulling my heartstrings. Stand clearly and guard your posts. We represent the image of the navy."

A sailor with a beard and long sideburns and a scar on his brow is standing at the bow of the ship, directing the busy scene from his rough voice.Just from his sharp eyes, it is enough for people to easily understand that his heart is fierce and decisive.

Under the command of the big man, the scene quickly became orderly. Everyone was in position, with their chests upright and their eyes wide open, revealing their blood, and their hands tightly holding the handles of the guns. It seemed that they were a little nervous or overly excited. .

When everyone was ready, a figure in the distance was in a daze.Seeing the kind old man who suddenly appeared at the bow of the ship.The whole ship exploded in an instant.

Justice is blowing with the wind, and the blood on the boat is raised and shouted:

"See, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Good~ good~!"

That's right, the figure just now was Garp.

"Old man Garp, you are running so fast to catch up with your reincarnation!"

And besides Yang Tian, ​​who made this voice, probably no one else dared to be so presumptuous.

"Little Yang Tian, ​​let me show you something good."

Garp turned his head with a smile, looked at Yang Tian who was panting slightly, and waved to Yang Tian with a leisurely smile.

Garp's shaking fingers seemed to be infected with magic power, and immediately attracted Yang Tian's gaze.

Yang Tian swallowed lightly, and waved his hands awkwardly: "Ahem ~ forget it!"

"Haha, Boss Yang Tian, ​​what are you playing with!"

As soon as the tea dolphin got on the boat, he saw Yang Tian's embarrassing side, and couldn't help joking.

"Why do you want to know?"

Maybe he didn't learn anything else, but this silent threat, Yang Tian learned a lot from Kapu.

"Sorry, I'm not that interested. Goodbye!"

Feeling Yang Tian's voice of cooling down in an instant, the ice tea dolphin felt chills in his heart, he took two steps back uncontrollably, and then ran directly to the cabin.

After the tea dolphin left, three or two flower petals suddenly floated in the air, and a slim figure floated out leisurely from the flying petals. Su's feet lightly touched the boat board, covering his mouth and smiling, Bai Meisheng's eyes were full of exquisite beauty. smile.

Yang Tian smiled slightly at Taotu who walked beside him, then turned to Garp and said.

"Everyone is here, old man Garp, let's set sail!"

Garp glanced at Yang Tian and waved his hand.

"set sail!"


The adjutant heard Garp's order and immediately sent a message.

Boom, the warship pulls anchor and sails, the sea wind blows up the sails, bang, kaka, the warship slowly leaves the harbor, and rushes out of this small island where it has been specially trained for several months against the wind.

Yang Tian couldn't help but stand on the bow of the boat, letting the sea breeze blow the three thousand threads of trouble, the young man's blood boiled again at this moment, Yang Tian also wanted to see if those opponents who were called geniuses were really is worthy of the name.

Tao Tu held a handful of black silk, and looked tenderly at the figure standing at the bow, her heart seemed to be filled, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her warm face.

In the galley of a warship
"Hi~ This chef's skill is far from that, that brother Al's."

The tea dolphin picked its teeth, walked out of the cabin in a figure-of-sight manner, and walked out crookedly.Just after complaining a few words, I saw the scene of Taotu's tenderness. Following Taotu's gaze, the tea dolphin was also stunned by this restrained and domineering figure. The tea dolphin quickly shook his head and pulled himself out. He turned his head and looked at Taotu complicatedly, then lowered his head to look at himself, shook his head helplessly, sighed, turned and returned to the cabin.

Perhaps it was because Taotu's gaze was so aggressive that Yang Tian, ​​who was standing at the bow of the boat, was a little shaken. Yang Tian turned around with his hands behind his back.The tip of the toe was a little bit in front of Taotu.


Taotu, who was still immersed in Yang Tian's artistic conception and hadn't pulled out, was startled by this sudden visit, and slapped him while exclaiming in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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