One Piece Demon

Chapter 74 Coming to the Great Route~

Chapter 74 Coming to the Great Route~

On the vast sea, dark clouds were swept by strong winds, and thunder shook the waves. A merchant ship was struggling in this disaster.

"Boss, it's not good, it's not good, the cabin is flooded."

"What, block it quickly, go quickly. Go quickly!"

Everyone on the board was in a mess, one of them was a man with a tall nose, a wide profile and a medium build, trying to solve the problems that kept appearing.

"You guys, go and help steer the boat, you guys get the water out of the boat, and then a few of you go to the cabin to check the leak and make up for it..."

With the order after order, the scene became orderly, and the chaotic noise gradually receded.Everyone has something to do.

However, this disaster seemed to be on the merchant ship. The hundreds of feet high waves on the sea made a long whistling sound, and under the instigation of Lei Ming, they crushed it with a ferocious face.

"It's over, it's over."

Looking at the ocean waves with dark clouds in the sky, everyone couldn't help forgetting the task at hand, and sat on the spot with gloomy eyes, watching the god of death approaching quickly.Everyone was ready to die, and the boss who had just calmed down lost hope of survival.

The waves were mixed with broken wood from nowhere, shaking their heads and pressing down.At this time of life and death, a black crack appeared above the merchant ship out of thin air, and all the incoming sea water was swallowed by it. Although the crack was terrifying like a devil, everyone who was looking for a chance of life under death at this time was all... Tears flowed, their eyes were full of divine light, and the starlight of redemption shrouded their merchant ships.

Strange to say, as soon as the crack appeared, the sky cleared up, the rough waves disappeared, and the violent wind became milder.There are countless schools of fish jumping out of the water to breathe the fresh air.

The people on the boat were like the most pious believers at this moment, kneeling on the board of the boat, still chanting words, and listening carefully were all prayers.

The crack in the air receded amidst the prayers of the crowd, and the crowd stood up when they saw that the miracle of saving themselves had disappeared.The chief mate walked up to the businessman and praised God's blessing again and again, and his escape from death gave everyone faith.

"Boss, look, there are people in the sky."

"Boss, someone really is there. I saw him come out of the crack that saved us."


"Over there, Boss, he's here, and it's a blessing to the mortal world."

The first officer hurriedly knelt down, buried his head deeply, and raised his palms together reverently in front of his head.

The boss looked at the handsome young man who was falling down. The surroundings of the young man seemed to be shrouded in divine light, so dazzling that people dared not look directly at him.The boss took two steps forward in panic, and said in a trembling tone:
"Wise and mighty God, thank you for your protection, I will remember your kindness forever."

After finishing speaking, the boss knelt down and kissed the splint gently to show his sincerity.

"Ah-choo~ I'm talking about you, what are you talking about, what body, you, Ah-choo, this exit is too reliable, I just planned to come out, a flood almost blows me back, Ah-choo~!"

The handsome man jumped onto the boat without knowing why, looking at the people kneeling on the boat, he also looked puzzled.

The middle-aged boss heard the puzzlement from the young man boarding the ship, and couldn't help but remind him.

"Isn't the black crack that swallowed the waves just now related to you?"

"Yes, yes..."

Yang Tian, ​​who was about to explain something, couldn't help but cast his gaze on the ship, it was devastated like a shipwreck.Could it be that Yang Tian suddenly became enlightened and immediately connected the cause and the end.

"Yes, I am the one who saved you, what do you call me!"

"God, we honor you as God."

"God? That's too vulgar, call me boss!"

"Uh~ Although I feel that the word "boss" somewhat lowers your status, we will obey what you say without hesitation."

"Okay, come here and let me ask you, where are we now?"

When the middle-aged boss saw this ~boss speaking, he naturally knew everything.

"We are currently on the great route, and the destination of this ship is Magnetic Drum Island. I am a medicine merchant. This ship is full of precious medicinal materials, and Magnetic Drum Island has a first-class medical power, so this The sea line is the route we often take, but this great route is changeable, and it is rare to encounter shipwrecks of that level just now, but once we encounter undead, we will lose home..."

"Okay, get me a room, I need to rest."

Yang Tian really didn't want to hear him voicing bitterness. Since ancient times, businessmen have been very quick-spoken, and Yang Tian couldn't stand this monk chanting scriptures.Hastily interrupted the middle-aged boss who was going to make a fuss.

"Yes, the first mate hurry up and take the boss to the best boathouse."

This businessman is also a shrewd person, naturally smooth, he quickly ordered his hands to come down.

Under the guidance of the chief mate, Yang Tian walked through the collapsed mast, came to the third floor from the stairs on one side, and entered a fairly complete room.

"Well, you go out, close the door when you go, and don't come in without my order. Go!"

"Yes, boss." The first mate replied with a salute like a soldier receiving an order.

Seeing that there was finally no one around, Yang Tian turned on the system excitedly, and couldn't wait to check his trial results.

"Xiao An, help me bring up the system panel."


Since Yang Tian fell into the abyss, Xiao An was imprisoned inside the system by an unknown force, and only escaped from the imprisonment at the moment Yang Tian just called it, so the meow just now was full of anger.

"What's the matter, An, you really treat yourself like a cat, the hair on your back is standing up! Haha"

Yang Tian smiled and stretched out his big hand, pressed it on Xiaoan's furry head, and rubbed it vigorously twice.

"Yang Tian, ​​are you okay!"

"Very good, what's the matter, by the way, quickly bring up the system panel for me, little cat!"

Xiao'an looked Yang Tian up and down, and found that Yang Tian was fine, so he relaxed.As for the matter of being imprisoned, it was forgotten all at once.


Xiaoan cat waved its paw.Light curtains with different information appeared in front of Yang Tian's eyes.Yang Tian drew closer the light curtain in front of him:
"Character panel:
Name: Yang Tian (St. Tyrell)

Status: Ten years of cultivation has increased dramatically, no sequelae have been found.

Cultivation level: the fourth level of the devil king, the first level of intermediate level

Skills: Six Forms, Shadow ~ Flash, Bloodthirsty (extended skills: Triple Wave, Blood Slaughter.), Magic Power, King Power Flame, Guardian of Hell. "

Weapon: Nirvana, Additional Abilities: Medium Gravity Control (upgraded), Dragon Flame.

Combat Strength: Junior General"

(End of this chapter)

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