One Piece Demon

Chapter 93 An Unexpected Acquaintance

Chapter 93 An Unexpected Acquaintance

Yang Tian who was lying on the ground pricked up his ears, and vaguely discerned a few words from their murmurs, but Yang Tian repeated it several times in his heart, but he couldn't find any clue.I can only let it go, no longer intend to consume my brain cells, wait for them to finish praying, and see what they will do!After all, the language barrier is a big problem.

After a tedious chanting of prayers, the savages raised their hands above their heads as if they were embracing the sky, and their eyes were full of sincerity.After the ceremony, the feathered man ordered several strong and strong male wild men to carry the stretcher, and carried Yang Tian and Ah Jin who was so frightened that he was about to cry. He always thought he had encountered a cannibal, but at this moment he was on a stretcher worrying whether he would be fried or boiled.The poor appearance is also really funny.

As the crowd continued to go deeper into the forest, the wild man began to sing a joyful song. Although he didn't understand the meaning, the melody made people want to let go of themselves, and even the poor Ajin began to be intoxicated by it .The vegetation here is surprisingly thick, and it takes a dozen people to surround it, but they are short, and the tallest one is only about three meters, which is no more than the same height as these savages.Passing through the bush-like forest, Yang Tian finally saw the savage's residence. What he saw were all tree houses. The houses were all made of local materials from the forest. Windows and doors were cut out around them, and a little decoration was added. Some people on the top of the tree where they live have planted flowers of various colors, which is really beautiful.

The lush green flowers bloom, and the fireflies spread their wings intoxicated.Fragrance is an inaction, but the more it confuses the spirit and the soul.

The fragrance of flowers in the air came, and with the breath into the nose, it felt like inhaling the most beautiful past in the world, making people feel excited and full of strength in the intoxication.

"Hey..." Yang Tian clenched his fist, stretched it out, clenched it, and repeated several times before he was sure that he could really move.

"Could it be the fragrance of flowers..."

"Yang Tian, ​​I can move now, that's great."

Having regained control of his body, Ajin turned over and got off the stretcher, startling his wild brothers.The rash look is still the same as before.

Seeing A Jin's movement, the wild people pulled out a round wooden stick as thick as a calf from his waist, and stared at A Jin warily.Seeing this posture, Yang Tian couldn't help but sit up from the stretcher, perhaps because Yang Tian looked kinder and behaved more elegantly, so he didn't attract much attention.


The savage captain who was walking at the front noticed the movement behind him, turned around and said something, and the savages who had been vigilant put down their weapons one after another.

Captain Savage pushed aside the wild man in front of him, walked up to Yang Tian and A Jin, held Yang Tian and A Jin's hands with a smile, said some words that made the two of them confused, and finally revealed His big white eyes smiled politely.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Seeing that the savage was not hostile, Ah Jin immediately relaxed.When he became more playful, he also learned how to speak like a savage.He learned it well, but seeing the confused faces of the savages around him, he knew what the result would be.

"Don't play tricks, go with him to meet the elders of the wildlings, and you will understand when the time comes!"

"Hey! Do you understand what they said!?" Ajin asked in surprise.

"Understand a little, listen to the general idea, let's go!"

After answering Ah Jin, Yang Tian stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation with a smile. Captain Savage immediately understood, and walked to the front with a chuckle.

As soon as I entered the village, the feeling of the ancient tribe came up from the bottom of my heart. The women in the tribe wore animal clothes, and the men showed their upper body. There were various patterns of beasts tattooed on their bodies. The tribe was very prosperous, and the streets and alleys were full of people. Yelling, uproar.It was only when Yang Tian entered the tribe that he discovered that there were buildings here, but their buildings were also made of trees, and the low trees were reinforced with special means to make them taller.

"Yang Tian, ​​this big black man is quite popular. You see, everyone salutes him along the way. Maybe he is a high-ranking official!" Ah Jin whispered in Yang Tian's ear.

Big Black is a nickname specially given by Ajin, which is simple and easy to remember.Yang Tian didn't refute, after all, these people couldn't understand what he said.

Passing through the bustling market, the black guy asked the other savages to wait in place, and led Yang Tian and Ah Jin towards a house in the suburbs.

This house is very different from the previous ones. The most intuitive thing is the color of the tree. The other tree houses are all brown, but the one in front of you is red all over. It feels like a hot summer when you get close. so-so.

"Knock knock..."

The big black man asked Yang Tian and Ah Jin to stand still in front of the door, walked to the door and knocked twice, very gentle and light but there was a crisp echo.After the big man knocked on the door, he stood in front of the door and listened quietly to the movement in the room. He repeated this several times until there was an impatient response from the room, and then the big man stood back in front of Yang Tian and Yang Tian, ​​waiting respectfully.

"Heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." A sound of hurried footsteps approached the door in front of him with the sound of complaints.

"Squeak~" The door was opened with a small gap, and a face protruded from the gap.

Seeing this face made Yang Tian stunned.

This is a face that is both familiar and unfamiliar. She has appeared in his dreams many times. Yang Tian has this indescribable feeling for her from the bottom of his heart. Although he has a vague memory, he often forgets her appearance. , even in a dream, it was just a silhouette, but at this moment she unexpectedly appeared in front of his eyes.That lovely Celestial Dragon sister.

"Annie, why are you? Why are you here and become an elder?"

"Ahem, brother sauce. Hug~"

The super cute sister sauce kept rubbing against Yang Tian's chest with her red and tender face, until she was pulled away by Yang Tian, ​​she still looked reluctant to part.

"What's going on, why did you appear here, on this empty island?"

"'s a long story." Annie paused, looked at the big man Hei and said a few words to him. The big man bowed and bowed before retreating. He glanced at Yang Tian with complicated eyes.

"Come on, let me speak slowly in the next room." Annie saw the big man leaving, took Yang Tian's arm, and dragged him into the room. Of course, A Jin also followed into the room.

The inside of the house looks like a little girl's residence, with pink wallpaper, cute plush toys, and... There are also underwear scattered everywhere.

"Ah! Don't look, turn around and wait for me to clean up." Annie, who reacted, her small face was flushed instantly, and she surrounded Yang Tian and Ajin to the corner while steaming.

Then Annie started the big cleanup operation, and cleaned up with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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