may you have a good time

Chapter 29 Li Sinian, Be My Boyfriend!

Chapter 29 Li Sinian, Be My Boyfriend!

"Li Sinian." She called softly.

"Huh?" Li Sinian asked.

"Uh... what I want to say is..." Xu Manman put his hands in front of him, with ten fingers intertwined, biting his little lip, looking very nervous and cramped.

"What do you want to say?" Seeing her like this, Li Sinian felt even more confused.

"What I want to say is..." Xu Manman lowered his voice, and said quickly: "Be my boyfriend!"

But after finishing speaking, Xu Manman patted her head, what happened to her just now?

She just confessed to Li Sinian?

Seeing the man in front of him froze there, there was even some astonishment on his face.


Xu Manman scolded herself in her heart, she was really crazy.

Li Sinian doesn't necessarily like her, she actually confessed her love to others, she is really waiting to be rejected!

"Li Sinian, hahaha... I'm joking, don't be intimidated!" Xu Manman hurriedly laughed, then turned around, ready to run away.

However, the arm was suddenly grabbed.

"Xu Manman, you want to run away after teasing me?" Li Sinian was very dissatisfied with Xu Manman's actions.

But my heart is as sweet as eating honey.

The girl he had liked since childhood confessed to him today.

"I told you I was joking!" Xu Manman felt so embarrassed, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look Li Sinian directly in the eyes, wishing she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

"I promise you." He smiled.

"Huh?" Xu Manman looked up in surprise.

At that moment, a gust of wind blew up and messed up her hair.


The two walked home side by side without saying a word.

As soon as he entered the house, Xu Manman ran back to the room and closed the door.

She bit her lip, stomped her feet again, and then pinched the flesh on her arm to confirm that these were not hallucinations or dreams.

She really confessed to Li Sinian, and Li Sinian agreed.


Xu Manman felt that her face was burning badly. She felt her face was so hot that she couldn't help screaming.

And outside the door.

Li Sinian, who was about to knock on the door, stopped his hand in the air, but the corners of his lips curled up silently.

In their world, the disparity in status made him dare not extravagantly ask for her liking, so he always kept his liking in his heart.

But today, Xu Manman's confession made him confirm her feelings for him, the sweetness in his heart, and made him more joyful than ever.


After confirming the relationship, Xu Manman has been embarrassed for a few days, but Li Sinian has always embraced him tenderly.

The relationship between the two became sweeter and sweeter, and Xu Manman became more and more attached to him.

It was a holiday that day, so Xu Manman and Li Sinian were reading in the garden, thinking that there was no one at home.

The sun was shining lazily, she looked at Li Sinian's profile, it was so handsome, she couldn't help but stretched her head over and kissed his cheek.

Li Sinian was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head, and the two kissed sweetly.

But this scene was seen by Xu Jianguo.

A few days later, when Li Sinian and Uncle Li returned to their hometown to worship, Xu Jianguo and Shen Wanjuan called Xu Manman to the study.

"Mom and Dad, why did you call me over so mysteriously all of a sudden?" Xu Manman asked suspiciously.

Xu Jianguo coughed twice, and said in a very serious tone, "Manman, break up with Li Sinian."

"You guys... got it?" Xu Manman's expression suddenly changed.

"Oh, I tested Lao Li, he didn't know about it, you two did a good job of hiding it." Xu Jianguo frowned, and said sullenly: "If I didn't see you secretly kissing in the garden a few days ago, We were all kept in the dark! Tell me, did Li Sinian seduce you?"

Xu Manman shook his head violently, sensing a bad premonition.

"It was me, I confessed to him." Xu Manman looked at the parents in front of him, and said seriously: "Dad, Mom, I like Li Sinian, I want to be with him forever."

"Manman!" Xu Jianguo roared angrily, and slapped the desk in front of him hard, making a "bang" sound.

"I won't agree, his identity is not worthy of you." Xu Jianguo said very seriously: "Your Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu have already married in private. When you graduate from high school, you will be engaged to Muchen."

Xu Manman's face suddenly turned pale.

"No, I don't agree. The person I like is not Brother Mu Chen. I just treat him like a brother. I don't want to be engaged to him." Xu Manman resisted his father's order.

"Manman, I'm doing it for your own good. Mu Chen is much better than Li Sinian!" Xu Jianguo said sullenly, "If you persist in your obsession, I'll fire Lao Li so that he can't find a job and Li Sinian can't find a job." I won't be able to go to college for a year."

"They are living so comfortably now, all thanks to our Xu family. Li Sinian can only be your servant, not your lover."

"Manman, hurry up and find an opportunity to break Li Sinian's fantasy, our Xu family doesn't need a son-in-law."

"Within a week, if I find out that you haven't broken up yet, don't blame me for being rude."


Back in the room, Xu Manman burst into tears and picked up the phone with trembling hands.

I wanted to call Li Sinian, but in the end I called Qin Nanxi and told her pain on the phone.

A week later.

On the last day of the time set by his father, Xu Manman finally mustered up the courage and sent a text message to Li Sinian.

[Don't go to the school gate after school, come to the school grove, I have something to tell you. 】

【Okay, my eldest lady o(∩_∩)o 】

Soon, she received a reply from Li Sinian.

(End of this chapter)

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