may you have a good time

Chapter 32 Xu Manman, I won't let you die!

Chapter 32 Xu Manman, I won't let you die!
"Li Sinian, I warn you, stop pestering me!"

"You are just the son of my servant, and I was the one who got drunk yesterday, seeing how handsome you are, you're just distracted!"

She spoke fiercely, but her heart was suffocating with pain.

Li Sinian stared at her coldly, his eyes were bloodshot.

He didn't know how much she loved him, but she couldn't admit it.

Pushing Li Sinian away, Xu Manman rushed out of his room.


Just when Xu Manman finished his shower and went downstairs to relax, Uncle Li rushed into the living room in a hurry.

While patting his legs, he shouted: "It's terrible, Miss, Mr. Xu's company has gone bankrupt, and he is now under arrest."

"What? My dad was arrested?" Like a thunderbolt, Xu Manman froze in place.

Uncle Li said anxiously: "Miss, please stay at home and don't run around. I will contact Madam first."

"No, I'm going to find my dad!" Xu Manman looked a little dazed, and rushed out of the villa.

Uncle Li chased after her and shouted: "Miss, come back quickly, the company is full of debtors now! It will be very dangerous if you go... Come back quickly..."

Xu Manman didn't listen to Uncle Li's words, ran crazily, stopped a taxi and went straight to the company.

Li Sinian heard his father's yelling from upstairs, and he also hurriedly chased him out.

Uncle Li didn't run as fast as Xu Manman, and when she left in the car, Uncle Li ran out of the gate of the villa.

And at this moment, a speeding car knocked him into the air.

When Li Sinian arrived, he happened to witness this scene with his own eyes.

He cried out in despair.


When Xu Manman just arrived at Xu's, he could see a large group of people inside and outside.

She was just about to squeeze in, but she received a call from her mother asking her to go to the back door of the company.

Xu Manman hurried over, and was pulled into a black business car, in which only his mother was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Mom, where's Dad?" Xu Manman panicked.

"Your dad was surrounded by those people in the office. Your dad told us to leave first. We can't go back. Let's find a place to avoid the limelight." After saying that, Shen Wanjuan drove away.

Just as the car drove to the entrance of the company, Xu Manman saw a figure falling from a high altitude.

Then there was a loud bang.

That was her father.


Later, she and her mother Shen Wanjuan have been avoiding debts.

In the first three months, before they left Beicheng, she secretly went back to the villa, but at that time the villa had already been sealed.

Uncle Li and Li Sinian were missing.

Later, her mother took her to other cities and lived in panic.

The past five years have been really tiring.

It's good to be free.


At night, Li Sinian returned to the villa.

There was no sign of Xu Manman in the bedroom, and he was suddenly a little angry, but no one reported to her that Xu Manman had left.

In the bathroom, there seemed to be the sound of water ticking, could Xu Manman be taking a bath?
Li Sinian opened the frosted door and walked in, he could vaguely see a woman lying in the bathtub.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" He faced the wall and reached out to turn on the switch.

No one responded.

When he turned his head, he felt cold all over his body.

Xu Manman cut his wrists.

The bathtub was full of blood.

"Manman—" He rushed over and roared.

Li Sinian patted Xu Manman's cheeks a few times, but seeing no response, he hugged her wildly and howled like crazy: "Xu Manman, I won't let you die!"

(End of this chapter)

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