may you have a good time

Chapter 34 Marry me, will you?

Chapter 34 Marry me, will you?
Xu Manman never expected that Liang Caiyue was responsible for her mother's death.

She has no grievances with her, and this vicious woman actually did such a thing.

"Ah... Liang Caiyue, I'm going to kill you..." Xu Manman pulled out the needle, rushed to Liang Caiyue, and grabbed her neck.

I can't wait to die with Liang Caiyue.

"Oh... Si Nian, save me..." Liang Caiyue blushed from being pinched, and seemed to be out of breath.

Li Sinian sent someone to separate the two of them, and had Liang Caiyue taken away.

"Ah! Ah—" Xu Manman shouted like crazy in the ward, trying to chase him out, but was caught by Li Sinian.

"I'm going to kill her! I'm going to kill her! I'm going to..."

She was very emotional, but because of her weakness, she fainted after a while.

"Doctor! Doctor!" Li Sinian was extremely anxious.

Li Sinian breathed a sigh of relief after the doctor's examination confirmed that Xu Manman was just emotionally comatose and had no other problems.

He has been by her side.

"Dong dong dong..." Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door outside.

Li Sinian walked over, frowning slightly and opened the door.

Outside the door, is a young woman.

Li Sinian recognized her as Xu Manman's former best friend, Qin Nanxi.

"Li Sinian, come out with me." Qin Nanxi clenched her fists with anger on her face. She suppressed her voice, not wanting to wake up Xu Manman who was sleeping soundly in the ward.

The two came to the end of the corridor.

Qin Nanxi was full of anger. She glared at Li Sinian angrily, feeling deeply worthless for Xu Manman.

If he hadn't learned about Xu Manman's suicide from Lu Muchen, Qin Nanxi would not have been kept in the dark until now, and he would not have known about Li Sinian's evil deeds towards Xu Manman.

"Li Sinian, how could you treat Manman like this? I really don't deserve it. I've liked a disgusting man like you for 15 years!" Qin Nanxi yelled at the man in front of him.

15 years.

It has been exactly 15 years since he met her.

We've been together for ten years, and we've been apart for five years.

His pupils contracted and dilated, as if he couldn't believe what Qin Nanxi said.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Sinian replied coldly.

"I'm talking nonsense? I'm a witness to the past between you and Manman!" Qin Nanxi said bitterly: "Manman has always liked you. She had a hard time breaking up with you. It was her father who threatened her. If she doesn't get along with you Breaking up will make Uncle Li unable to find a job and prevent you from going to school!"

"She is so kind to you, she thinks of you in everything, and pretends to break up with you because she is afraid that you will worry. But what have you done? Look at her now, you have caused her so much misery, your conscience Are you upset?"

"Even if you didn't know it, you hated her for hurting you back then, you wouldn't have done it so badly, would you?"

"Li Sinian, after all, you have lived in Xu's family for ten years, how can you have such a vicious man!"

After Qin Nanxi finished speaking angrily, she turned around and walked towards the ward. She was going to visit her best girlfriend.

And Li Sinian has been stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time.


Another three days have passed, and Xu Manman has recovered his complexion.

Due to work reasons, Qin Nanxi flew back to the country after confirming that she had almost recovered.

For the past three days, Qin Nanxi had been taking care of herself, so Xu Manman didn't see Li Sinian.

But today, after Qin Nanxi left, Li Sinian appeared in her field of vision again.

"Manman, I'm sorry, can you...forgive me?" He knelt in front of her, begging for her forgiveness.

Li Sinian hated himself, hated himself for blindly hating Xu Manman for so many years.

Only at that moment did he realize that he loved Xu Manman to the bottom of his heart.

It is precisely because of how much you love that you will hate so much, and now... you will regret so much.

"As long as you let me go." Xu Manman glanced at him, took a deep breath, and spoke lightly.

Li Sinian's body froze, he took out a small box from his pocket, then knelt on the ground on one knee, and opened the box.

The brilliance of the diamond, with the sunlight outside the window, exudes a dazzling light.

"Manman, let's not be separated again, okay?" He handed the box forward, looked at her with gentle eyes, and asked expectantly: "Marry me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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