may you have a good time

Chapter 36 Liang Caiyue's Madness

Chapter 36 Liang Caiyue's Madness
Li Sinian left.

In the ward, silence was restored.

Xu Manman looked at the ceiling, his mind was blank.

She and Li Sinian have resolved all misunderstandings, but her mother is gone.

After going through such a big thing, she actually couldn't sleep at all, but she didn't know how to face Li Sinian, so she just said that and wanted Li Sinian to leave first.

Xu Manman got off the bed weakly, his right wrist still wrapped in thick gauze.

She wants to go for a walk.

But when she opened the door of the ward, she saw Li Sinian sleeping on a chair in the corridor, with several bodyguards beside him.

"Miss Xu." Lu Ming stepped forward and bowed to Xu Manman.

"Hush!" Xu Manman gestured, and then asked in a low voice, "Is he asleep?"

"Yes, Ms. Xu." Lu Ming also replied in a low voice: "These days, Boss Li is worried that you will be angry and worried about you, so he has been guarding outside the door."

After hearing the name of the road, Xu Manman only felt a sore nose.

She wanted to try hard to convince herself not to promise Li Sinian, but...she turned around and went back to the room.

Lying on the hospital bed, moved tears flowed silently.

He was still the same Li Sinian from before.


When she woke up again, it was already the next day.

As if knowing that someone was guarding her, Xu Manman slept very deeply this time, as if all the fatigue of these days had been relieved.

As if... forgave him.

Seeing Xu Manman wake up, Li Sinian grabbed her hand excitedly and shouted, "Manman, you're awake."

Xu Manman opened his eyes and looked at the man sitting by the bed. He had already changed his clothes, looked like he had just washed his hair, and there was still a fragrance of shower gel on his body.

"Yeah." Xu Manman wanted to sit up, but Li Sinian hurried to help him up.

"Are you hungry? Is there anything you want to eat? I'll help you prepare it." Li Sinian asked gently.

"Preserved egg and lean meat porridge." Xu Manman did not refuse, and made his own request.

Seeing her actions like this, Li Sinian couldn't stop the joy on his face. He immediately stood up and said, "Wait for me, I'll buy it right away."

"Okay." Xu Manman replied.

Li Sinian rushed out of the ward excitedly.

For the next week, he stayed with Xu Manman in the hospital and took good care of her.

When she was resting, he would work, and when she woke up, he would chat with her, about the current news and interesting things from the past.

Xu Manman didn't reject him more and more.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Li Sinian went back with his arms around Xu Manman. When he was in the ward, Xu Manman had already agreed to be with him.

However, he has not agreed to his marriage proposal.

But Li Sinian is already very satisfied, and he needs to work harder.

The two left the ward together, and several bodyguards could see the joy on their president's face that had never been seen before.

Li Sinian originally planned to drive Xu Manman back to the villa to rest, but he did not expect to receive a call suddenly, saying that someone in the company was making trouble maliciously, and the trouble was very serious.

During this period of time, he went to the company and held a meeting, and the rest were telecommuting in the hospital.

"Just ask Lu Ming to take me back. I'm alive and kicking now, so you don't have to worry." Xu Manman heard the voice on the phone, and she smiled and said, "If the company goes bankrupt, you can't support me, but I will run away." .”

Li Sinian's originally irritable mood was broken by Xu Manman's teasing. He smiled and handed her over to the road name, and then drove straight to the company by himself.

"Madam, this way please." Lu Ming drove a car over and opened the back door.

Xu Manman paused, then raised his head in doubt and asked him, "Road name, what did you say?"

"Madam, you are the future wife, so I won't call you Ms. Xu, I will just call you Madam." Lu Ming, a big fool, smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Xu Manman looked a little embarrassed, she hadn't promised Li Sinian to marry him yet!Why are the bodyguards calling her wife now?

Is she really going to marry him?

She admitted that she really wanted to marry Li Sinian in her heart, but her mother passed away not long ago, so she didn't want to think about these things.

The car drove to the familiar gate of the villa.

Xu Manman first opened the car door and got out of the car, waved his hand towards the road name on the driver's seat, and said, "I'm going in, road name, you go and see how Li Sinian is doing! I heard that someone is making trouble, I'm afraid he will get hurt .”

"Okay, ma'am, I'll go right away." Lu Ming listened to the order and started the car to leave.

Xu Manman turned around, went to the door and rang the bell.

Suddenly, a disheveled woman appeared from nowhere, rushed towards her, and pushed her to the ground.

When she saw clearly, Xu Manman was startled, that woman was actually Liang Caiyue.

"Xu Manman, I'm going to kill you! You lingering bitch, you took my Si Nian away again, ah..." Liang Caiyue screamed crazily, her face grim.

Only then did Xu Manman realize that she was actually holding a dagger in her hand.

She got up from the ground in fear, turned around and was about to run, when suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her waist.

"Ah—" Xu Manman cried out in pain.

Seeing Xu Manman's pained look, Liang Caiyue pulled out her dagger, and a line of blood splashed in the air.

"Bitch! Go to hell!"

Liang Caiyue gritted her teeth, and raised her hand holding the dagger again.

(End of this chapter)

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