Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 359 The Second Ronny

Chapter 359 The Second Ronny
Li Manhua is an old-timer in the singing industry. Due to damage to her vocal cords, she had no choice but to withdraw from the industry. Because of her excellent performance before, she entered the National Music Association and has great influence. The entire singing industry respects her.

This time, she offered to serve as the judge of each link.

He was still worried that Ye Yao would not be able to pass Li Manhua's level, but now it seemed that he was worrying too much.

"Very good. If she maintains this level in the future and there are no other accidents, she will most likely become the second Ronny!"

As he spoke, Li Manhua casually ticked the column of Ye Yao's name.

Hearing Li Manhua's high evaluation of Ye Yao, the organizer was also surprised.

After the shock, there is joy, excellent singing skills, complicated background, it seems that this year's ratings are guaranteed, and the ratings will double!

Soon, everyone went in, and it was time to announce the results.

All the people stared straight at Li Manhua, Li Manhua's gaze stayed on Ye Yao for a moment, and he smiled.

Tao Ying, who had been paying attention to Li Manhua, froze when she followed Li Manhua's gaze.

Li Manhua looked at the list in his hand and said, "There are 15 people who can enter the preliminaries of "Mysterious Singer" this afternoon, number 8, number 29... 86."

Tao Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her number.

"No. 136." Li Manhua read.

When Xia Qi heard this, she was so excited that she grabbed Tao Ying's hand.

"Sister Tao Ying, I'm in, I'm in, that's great!" Xia Qi said excitedly.

As long as she enters the "Mystery Singer" preliminaries, she can appear in front of audiences across the country. After all, "Mystery Singer" is a duel between singers, and it is also a variety show. The ratings are extremely high, and she is so good-looking , at least looks better than Tao Ying, then she will be a big hit in the future, it doesn't make sense that Tao Ying has always been on top, and she can only stay low and be small!

Tao Ying pulled out her hand abruptly, with a look of contempt in her eyes, she never thought that Xia Qi could enter the preliminaries of "Mysterious Singer" at this level!
Xia Qi's face stiffened slightly, and then she hid the unwillingness in her eyes.

"Number 220..." Li Manhua continued to read.

There are 6 more people!Bless that woman not in it!Tao Ying has been thinking silently in her heart.

Tao Ying didn't relax for a moment when she didn't hear Ye Yao's number, while Liang Yuyan and Leng Yucheng listened anxiously.

"Yaoyao, why haven't you read your number yet, they won't be so blind!" Liang Yuyan said.

Turning her head to look at Ye Yao, she saw a calm expression on her face, holding her mobile phone with her head down and looking at something.

Liang Yuyan: "..."

It is true that the emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch!

"Yaoyao, aren't you worried?" Liang Yuyan said angrily.

Ye Yao looked up at Liang Yuyan, and asked doubtfully, "What are you worried about?"

Liang Yuyan: "..."

Sure enough, she should have such awareness, except for Gu Chengze, she has never seen her rush! !
"There is one more thing I haven't read." Leng Yucheng said suddenly.

Li Manhua stopped when he read the last name, and looked deeply at the direction of the girl who was playing with her mobile phone.

Those who hadn't read their numbers clenched their fists nervously, hoping that it would be them.

"The last one is - No. 119."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding was even more terrifyingly silent.

Most people couldn't hide their disappointment and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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