Chapter 365
Gu Xueer rolled her eyes, "I'm just itchy, and, I'm telling the truth, you're still scolding me, you're really a disrespectful old guy!"

Old man Gu was angry and stared at Gu Xueer.

This granddaughter must have been sent down by God to torture him because he thought he lived too long!

In the kitchen, Ye Yao put the last dish on a porcelain plate.

"Okay, you all take it out."

After the servant brought out the food, Ye Yao also took off her apron and walked out.

Gu Xue'er and Mr. Gu in the restaurant were all staring at the delicious dishes on the table.

After Ye Yao sat down, she picked up chicken, tofu and put them in Ye Yao's bowl.

"Sister Yao!"

"Come on, Yaoyao, eat, eat more meat, you are too thin!"

Ye Yao smiled, "Grandpa, Xue'er, you can eat too."

"By the way, where's Uncle?" Ye Yao picked up the chicken in the bowl, paused her hand, and asked suspiciously.

Gu Xueer stuffed a big mouthful of food into her mouth, and replied vaguely: "Don't worry about him, my dad... is on a business trip."

Soon, Mr. Gu and Gu Xueer launched a "battle".

"Grandpa, didn't you say you left it for Sister Yao? Why did you stuff it into your own bowl?"

"Gu Xueer, can you respect your elders?"

"Gu Xueer, you eat so much, don't you worry about gaining weight?"

"I'm not fat enough to eat, so I won't bother you old man!"

A car slowly drove into the old house of the Gu family...

A maid was stunned when she saw Gu Chengze's car.

She has worked in the old house for more than 10 years, so she naturally knew that it was Ye Yao, but now Gu Chengze is back! ! !

After thinking about it, he told Mr. Gu about it.

The original good atmosphere was broken like this.

Old man Gu looked at Ye Yao subconsciously, seeing that Ye Yao didn't respond, he was relieved.

He opened the mouth and said: "Come back when he comes back, let's continue to eat ours, you go down first."

Old man Gu frowned. Gu Chengze, a brat, usually doesn't see him coming back once. He only comes back once every two weeks for family dinners. It's too abnormal to come back in less than a week!

But soon, he was attracted by the food on the table again. Whatever, the food is more important.

Started eating this meal again.

"Master." The servant said respectfully.

"Well, where is grandpa and my dad?" Gu Chengze asked without seeing Mr. Gu.

Before the servant could answer, they heard snatching in the restaurant.

"Gu Xueer!!" Old Master Gu's exasperated voice came vaguely from the direction of the restaurant.

The servant replied respectfully: "Master, they are in the dining room."

After Gu Chengze handed the fruit basket in his hand to the servant, he and Lin Mengxi walked into the restaurant.

Lin Mengxi's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of her lips curled into a disdainful smile.

Gu Chengze saw Ye Yao as soon as he entered the restaurant, and so did Lin Mengxi.

"Grandpa." Gu Xueer winked at her grandfather.

Mr. Gu was eating vigorously, and he didn't notice anything wrong with Gu Xueer at all.

"Grandpa Gu, hello!" Lin Mengxi shouted.

Hearing this voice, Mr. Gu looked up.

Seeing this, his face sank, he put down his chopsticks, and said coldly: "Why can any cat or dog enter our Gu family's door?"

Lin Mengxi's face froze, and her hands hanging by her side tightened tightly!
Ye Yao didn't give Lin Mengxi and Gu Chengze a look.

(End of this chapter)

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