Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 384 Sister Found

Chapter 384 Sister Found (2)

But she did look somewhat like her mother.

Thinking of this, he laughed at himself in his heart.

It seemed to be his problem, just now he was worried that his sister would be unfamiliar with him, but he didn't have any sense of intimacy with this found sister.

"Master!" Seeing Shangguan Hao standing there motionless, the assistant reminded him softly.

Shangguan Hao looked at the woman with complicated eyes.

He took out the bracelet.

The woman's eyes were full of surprise, and she asked, "Why is my bracelet in your hand?"

"Is this yours?" Shangguan Hao asked while looking at the bracelet.

The woman nodded, "This bracelet has been with me since as long as I can remember."

Shangguan Hao shook his hand.

"I sold it, so, were you the one who bought it in the end?" the woman asked.

Shangguan Hao stood there without moving for a long time.

The assistant reminded from the side: "Master."

Shangguan Hao looked at the woman steadily, and said, "I have something to tell you about your life experience."

The woman was shocked.


inside the house.

"You say I'm your sister? How is it possible?" The woman's eyes widened, in disbelief.

Shangguan Hao was silent for a long time before saying: "Your name is Shangguanxi, you are the eldest lady of the Shangguan family. You got lost for some reason 19 years ago."

Hearing this, the woman stood up abruptly, shook her head and said, "Impossible, impossible, how is it possible! I don't have parents, and I have been here alone for so many years, how is it possible?"

Looking at this woman, Shangguan Hao felt inexplicably impatient and disgusted.

Is this his sister? !
Even if he hasn't seen her for so many years and is unfamiliar, he shouldn't feel this way.

You know, his sister has been mischievous since she was a child, and it is common for her to be hurt and knocked. When he sees her hurt, he will feel distressed, and he wishes that the person who hurt is himself.

but now……

Everything is different, it shouldn't, it shouldn't feel this way!
The fetters of blood relationship will not be such a result!

My heart is full of doubts.

On the way here just now, the assistant had already reported everything to him, and all signs showed that she was his sister, the sister he had been looking for for many years, and everything was impeccable!


He didn't notice it just now, but now he has calmed down. It is precisely this kind of perfect and fitting information that makes him even more confused and suspicious.

A scene suddenly appeared in my mind.

His brows were furrowed suddenly.

He looked at the smooth bracelet, his hands tightened slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The bracelet is exactly the same...

But it can't be so intact!

I was so excited just now, I forgot about it!
My sister, who was mischievous when she was a child, secretly removed the bracelet from her mother and scratched it a few times with a knife, but in an inconspicuous position.

It seems that someone got impatient with waiting, and even hit his sister on his head!
Shangguan Hao played with the bracelet in his hand, was silent for a while, and said: "Take a closer look, is this your bracelet?"

A pair of fox eyes looked at the woman tightly.

The woman took the bracelet, looked carefully and said, "This is mine, I'm sure."

"So, according to what you mean, you found me through this bracelet?"

He looked at the woman and emphasized again, "You are my sister, Shangguan Hao. If you don't believe me, we can do a paternity test."


(End of this chapter)

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