Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 386 Luoyang's Death

Chapter 386 Luoyang's Death (1)

"Wait, I'll go right away!" He hurriedly said, "By the way, did you call Xiao Xunxun and Xie Zhejun? To be honest, we brothers rarely get together to drink, and you are about to get married Now, this party is indispensable."

"I have informed them."

Luo Yang was not happy when he heard that, "Xiao Zeze, so I have such a low status in your heart, and I am ranked last!"

Gu Chengze frowned and hung up the phone directly.

There was a busy tone from the phone, Luo Yang took the phone away and pouted, and went to change into a colorful set of clothes.

After leaving the room, he circled back again.

Picked up the "Strategy of Violent Women", opened a few pages, took a few photos with the phone, and then went out.

Now time is running out, there is only more than a month left, if he still can't deal with that female devil, then he will have to stay away from the little girl in the country, so what's the point of life?
In the bar box.

"Luoyang, why didn't you bring a beauty here? See you soon!" Xie Zhejun looked at Luoyang and said with a half-smile.

Luo Yang sat on the sofa and said angrily: "I don't have time to pick up girls recently, so what beauty should I bring?!"

Speaking of this, he was full of anger. After chasing that female devil for so long, he didn't make any progress!

"No time? Before being squeezed by Chengze, you could find time to pick up girls. Now that Chengze has given you such a long vacation, you don't have time?"

"Don't mention it, nothing good has happened since I met that female devil." Luo Yang picked up a glass of wine and drank it down, angrily.

"Oh?" Xie Zhejun raised his eyebrows.

"Let's not talk anymore." Luo Yang looked at Leng Yuanxun, "Xiao Xunxun, your sister, Xiao Chengzi, has a bad temper as a friend with a woman who is not very good. Bring it bad."

Leng Yuanxun paused while pouring the wine, then continued to pour, and said indifferently: "Let her make more friends."

Hearing this, Luoyang's face was full of disbelief.

Did this little Xunxun take the wrong medicine today?

Forget it, never mind, if Xiao Chengzi gets spoiled, Xiao Xunxun will be the one to worry.

Thinking of something, he looked at Xie Zhejun and Leng Yuanxun mysteriously again, "Guess what I saw before?!"

Leng Yuanxun and Xie Zhejun glanced at Luoyang in unison with a tacit understanding, but did not speak.

There was a moment of silence in the box.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk about it if you're not interested."

1 minute has passed...

Luo Yang still didn't hold back, "I saw Xiao Yaoyao!"

"Oh, little Yaoyao? Your new love?" Xie Zhejun raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Luo Yang immediately retorted: "Xinhuan? How is it possible? If it is really Xinhuan, my little life will be gone! I dare not get involved with her!"

"There are people you dare not contaminate?"

Luoyang said angrily. "Xie Zhejun, are you here to fight against me?"

"This little Yaoyao is really not someone I can get close to. Although she has a good figure, a good personality, and most importantly, she looks like a fairy, but I swear, I absolutely have no unreasonable thoughts about her."

"is it?"

"This little Yaoyao is Ye Yao, the one who was abandoned by Xiao Zeze."

"Let me tell you, I was a month ago, no, I forgot when it was, anyway, I met her a long time ago, I didn't tell Xiao Zeze about it, it's useless to tell him, right?"

Outside the door, Gu Chengze paused when he pushed the door.


(End of this chapter)

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