Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 388 Luoyang's Death

Chapter 388 Luoyang's Death (3)

Gu Chengze paused the hand holding the wine glass, and drank the wine again.

He put the empty wine glass on the table and said, "Didn't I always want to marry her?"

"But are you sure you really like her?" Leng Yuanxun asked complicatedly.

Although he doesn't know what love is, and he has never fallen in love with anyone.

But Luo Yang kept talking about him, Ye Yao and Lin Mengxi in front of him and Xie Zhejun, and even a person who didn't understand love could feel that something was wrong.

Usually Luoyang is a little unreliable in many things, but it is relatively reliable in emotional gossip alone.

A sense of irritability suddenly rose in Gu Chengze's heart.

This sentence again! !

Why does everyone think that he doesn't like Xiao Xi!
He obviously likes his little girl, the little girl who illuminates his dark world!

Gu Chengze didn't answer and continued drinking.

In the end, Leng Yuanxun didn't say anything more, he just said, "I hope you won't regret it in the future."

At this time, Luoyang also calmed down his worry and fear, but he didn't dare to provoke Gu Chengze anymore.

He poured everyone a glass of wine, "Come on, everyone will not be drunk tonight! Let's celebrate that Ozawa is about to get rid of the title of bachelor."

Speaking of this, Luo Yangyou continued: "Unexpectedly, Xiao Zeze was also the first to become a married person at first. I thought it would take a long time to enter this rank after divorce. But now he got married so soon, and the others One is still a single dog! Happy single dog!"

Gu Chengze felt very uncomfortable.

He raised his head and continued to drink.

Finally, the table is full of wine bottles.

Only Luoyang was so drunk that his face was flushed, and the other three were only slightly drunk.

Xie Zhejun looked at Luoyang who was clenching his fist and using it as a microphone with a speechless face.

A folk song is being sung.

Leng Yuanxun had stopped drinking. He glanced at his watch, frowned, picked up his phone and walked out.

"Yuan Xun, you have only been out for a long time, and you are anxious to report to your family that it is safe!" Xie Zhejun asked with a smile.

A touch of tenderness flashed across Leng Yuanxun's eyes, "It's so late, she will be worried."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Xie Zhejun's eyes were full of jokes, and then he looked at Luoyang thoughtfully.

It should be that these good brothers of his will soon leave the order.

When Leng Yuanxun called, Leng Yucheng was already sleeping soundly in the room.

The phone kept ringing, but she didn't wake up.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the ringtone of the mobile phone, turned over and went back to sleep.

Leng Yuanxun's deep eyes were full of helplessness, presumably the girl had fallen asleep heartlessly.

He made a phone call and asked the servant to cover Leng Yucheng with a quilt.

Here, Gu Chengze is still drinking.

After the drunken Luoyang sang a few deadly folk songs, he started to shout again: "The female devil, the violent woman, actually ruined the young master's appearance, so that the young master couldn't go out to pick up girls, I hate you, I hate you ,不相爱何必相杀,嗷~女魔头,总有一天我会把你揍得嗷嗷叫,满地找牙……”

Xie Zhejun was enjoying Luoyang's wail with great interest, but he finally couldn't help it until Luoyang made a gesture to start singing for the third time.

He hurriedly interrupted him, "Luoyang, take a break, take a break, if you continue singing, be careful that Cheng Ze will throw you to Africa."

Hearing this, Luo Yang fell silent for a moment, and sat aside obediently.

But within three seconds, he turned on other death modes.


(End of this chapter)

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