Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 433 I Believe In You

Chapter 433 I Believe In You
When Mother Liang saw the big and small bags her daughter was carrying, her expression became stiff.

She asked strangely: "Daughter, are you going to rob the mall?"

Liang Yuyan glared at her mother, "I am a law-abiding citizen!"

Mother Liang scoffed at this.

"However, robbing is indeed robbing a person."

When Liang's mother heard this, she immediately regained her spirits, "Male, female?"

"Man." Liang Yuyan said with distaste, and she added with disdain, "A super annoying big pig's hoof, he jumped in front of me whenever he got the chance."

Liang's mother's eyes burst into light instantly, and her heart was full of excitement.

Is she about to be able to marry off this worrying daughter?And isn't it too late to hold a good grandson?
Liang's mother smelled something tricky, and every day after that, Liang Yuyan was kicked out of the house.

Luo Yang took turns playing different roles, different personalities, domineering president, sullen belly, arrogant and poisonous tongue, aggressive and domineering, and the little milk dog, using his life's acting skills to pursue Liang Yuyan.

Liang Yuyan robbed money from Luoyang to buy clothes every day, and she was very happy.


"Young master, Ye Yao appeared in the top commercial street of the imperial capital." A subordinate reported to Mu Shaolin.

Mu Shaolin narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Get ready."

This Ye Yao poses too much of a threat to Xiao Xi, and now he has to take extraordinary measures. If he stays for one more day, the threat will be one more day. Regarding Xiao Xi, he dare not be sloppy.


Gu's Group.

Assistant Lin received a call, took a deep breath and came to the door of the president's office.

Boss, for you, I broke my mother's heart.

Now I just beg you to stop being so deadly, and quickly chase Mrs. Boss back!
You don't cherish the opportunities created for you every time. You really did your best to die!
With shaking hands, he knocked on the door of the president's office.


Assistant Lin closed the door carefully, and came to the desk tremblingly, "boss."


"It's about Miss Ye..."

Hearing the name, Gu Chengze paused the tip of his pen, frowned unrecognizably, then took the pen and signed his name on the contract as if he didn't care.

"Miss Ye is in the top commercial street today! Just go!"

"go out."


After Lin Tezhu left, Gu Chengze put down his pen.

Heart, extremely disturbed.

Top business district...

He rubbed the space between his brows irritably, finally got up and walked out.

When Lin Tezhu saw Gu Chengze, he quickly stood up, "Boss."

"Our Gu's Group's brand store in the top business district seems to have not been inspected for a long time." Gu Chengze said lightly.

"I'll arrange it right away."

Assistant Lin's face was very respectful, but he kept complaining in his heart.

Is this dead tsundere?
The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

"Don't think too much, I just checked the turnover over there, it's not ideal." Gu Chengze frowned, worried that Lin Tezhu might misunderstand, and added another sentence.

Assistant Lin was stunned for a second, then nodded in agreement, "Indeed, I haven't visited it for a long time. There should be a lot of problems, so I should go and have a look."

I believe you evil!

Seeing Assistant Lin nodding, Gu Chengze frowned slightly, and walked out.

Thinking of something, he ordered again: "You don't need to inform them this time."

"Weifu private visit?"

Gu Chengze pursed his lips, nodded, and continued walking outside.

(End of this chapter)

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