Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 701 Very Lucky

Chapter 701 Very Lucky

Ye Yao and Shen Mingxuan walked out of the venue together, and the reporters rushed up and surrounded them.

Shen Mingxuan saw the reporters constantly pushing forward, he hurriedly protected Ye Yao, for fear that those reporters would accidentally hurt Ye Yao, he frowned and said: "Please be careful, be careful not to hurt others."

Seeing Ye Yao being guarded by Shen Mingxuan, the reporter immediately understood what was going on, and did not push any further. They stood in place, pointed the microphone at them, and asked questions one after another.

"Miss Ye, will you return to China to develop in the future? Will you hold a concert?"

"Miss Ye, in the interview with ML magazine, you said that you have a six-year-old child. Is this child yours and Gu Chengze's?"

"Miss Ye, why do you want to hide your identity as the real boss of Ronny and Yixing Entertainment?"

"Miss Ye, about what you said to Ye Sichen, can you reveal in advance what method Ye Sichen used?"

"Miss Ye, what is your relationship with the chairman of Lanxuan Group? Are you already together?"

"Miss Ye, Gu Chengze, the president of the Gu Group, said on Weibo that his wife will only be you, and he will marry no one but you. What do you think about this? Will you accept it again? Him, with him?"

After asking these questions, they stopped, waiting for Ye Yao's answer.

Shen Mingxuan lowered his head, looked at Ye Yao beside him, and asked in a low voice: "Yaoyao, do you need me to let the bodyguards escort you away?"

Ye Yao smiled slightly, "No need."

She looked at the reporter, nodded and replied: "Singing is my hobby, but I don't plan to hold concerts or participate in any awards, but I will still release albums as usual. If there is no accident, I will personally release the album As for whether I will continue to stay in China in the future, sorry, I cannot answer this question now."

The reporter was not surprised to hear that Ye Yao was not planning to hold a concert. After all, she is the real helm of Yixing Entertainment. She is worth tens of billions, so she doesn't need to be an artist to develop in the entertainment circle.

Ye Yao continued: "My child, he has nothing to do with Gu Chengze, he has no blood relationship with me, but in my opinion, he is my own son. As for why I want to hide my identity, it is a last resort For this reason, if I don’t do this, I’m afraid there won’t be the glory of Ronny and Yixing Entertainment in this world.”

The reporter nodded in agreement. Lin Mengxi was very insane. With the support of the Mu Group and Gu Chengze behind her, Ye Yao couldn't compete with her at all. Their hearts were full of sympathy and admiration for Ye Yao, and they endured it for so many years. The unreasonable abuse and Lin Mengxi's step-by-step calculations, she did not feel depressed, and continued to strengthen herself, and finally made Lin Mengxi unable to retreat, completely exposed.

"As for Ye Sichen's method." Ye Yao smiled slightly, "I won't reveal this, you can guess, and the answer will be revealed in two days."

She has the evidence and can send Ye Sichen to prison at any time, but she wants Ye Sichen and Ye Zi to endure the torment of worry and fear for two days.

As for her relationship with Mingxuan...

Ye Yao looked at Shen Mingxuan and met his gentle eyes. She smiled slightly, and put her hand into Shen Mingxuan's palm. She glanced at the reporter, "What is my relationship with Mingxuan? This is the answer, I am very happy." I was lucky to meet him and thank him for being by my side for so many years.”

(End of this chapter)

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