Queen Sun

Chapter 1 Tang Shu

Chapter 1 Tang Shu
In 2007 AD, one afternoon in March, a woman about 20 years old was sitting in an ordinary community library, holding a book drowsily, reading it half awake.It was a rather old book, with yellowed and brittle paper.It was raining gradually in the gloomy sky, the woman seemed to be awakened by the sound of the rain, pressed her finger on her temple, looked at her watch, and finally looked out the window, her delicate eyebrows frowned suddenly, He muttered softly, "Why is it raining again?"

At this time, the administrator Xiao Dynasty, who was separated by a wall, shouted: "Ruoshui, it's time to lock the door, can you go?"

Ruoshui thought for a while and said, "You go first, I will lock the door for you."

"Then I'm going first, don't forget to turn off the lights."

The two were obviously very familiar with each other. Ruoshui responded and heard the crisp sound of the door closing outside. Then he stood up slowly and was about to put the book in his hand back on the shelf.At this moment, all the lights in the reading room went out, and the huge space was suddenly dark, filled with a faint smell of old pages.

Ruoshui felt depressed for a while, the fuse must have blown again. In this kind of community library, not only the books are collected in sacks from the second-hand book market, but even the most basic electrical equipment has problems all the time. It's not trying to be quiet... While thinking this way, she walked towards the door, she was absent-minded, and somehow tripped over the threshold, Ruoshui yelled out all of a sudden, but her "ah" was not over yet , the surroundings fell into darkness, Ruoshui began to panic, her facial features seemed to lose consciousness, her body seemed to lose weight, and the whole person seemed to be lost in the gap of time, and time was frozen.

The next morning, the administrator Xiao Wang came to work, and was surprised to find that not only the door was unlocked, but also all the lights inside were turned on. When he walked in, he felt a little angry.This Ruoshui didn't even put the book away, she unconsciously glanced at the opened page, it was printed on it:

Taizong Wende Shunsheng Empress Changsun, born in Chang'an, daughter of General Sheng, Youxiaowei, Sui Dynasty.Sheng's wife, daughter of Gao Jingde, governor of Yangzhou in Sui Dynasty, after birth.Few are good at reading, and when they make mistakes, they must follow the rules of etiquette.Thirteen years old, concubine in Taizong.During the Sui Daye period, Chang returned to Ning in Yongxingli. His uncle Gao Shilian and Zhang Shi saw a big horse outside the dormitory of the latter.The divination of fate, when encountering the "Tai" of "Kun", the divination person said: "To Kun Yuan, all things are born, and they follow the sky. Kun is thick and contains things, and the virtue is boundless. The land of the mare is boundless. In "Tai", the inner yang and the outer yin, the inner health and the outer smoothness, is the harmony between the heaven and the earth and the connection of all things. "Xiang" says: "Afterwards, it will be supplemented by the appropriateness of the heaven and the earth to influence people. Dragon, the image of "Qian" Also. Horse, the image of "Kun". It changes into "Tai", and the heaven and the earth meet. You are associated with "Guimei", which is a sign of a woman. The virgin is respectful, and she is in the middle. This woman is very precious. Word."

Close the book, you can still see the three big characters of "Old Tang Book" on the tattered cover, "It's strange, Ruoshui is not a history student, how do you read this kind of book? When she comes today, I have to talk about her, Why didn't you pack up and left." Then she started her day's work.

But Ruoshui didn't show up for the whole day, not only that day, but also the next day and the third day, that slender figure never appeared in front of Xiao Wang again.

(End of this chapter)

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