Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 101 Let the Tornado Come More Violently

Chapter 101 Let the Tornado Come More Violently

As soon as Tang Dou and Mi Le left, the atmosphere in the office relaxed immediately.

"I just found out today that the boss is so young, is it reliable?" Wang Zhennan closed the door and said.

"I think they are more reliable than the uncle. If Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi go bankrupt, there must be someone to wipe their asses. If the uncle fails, it may be really dirty. Just like Principal Wang, you will worry about his company going bankrupt?"

Joe Mai said.

"This is not what we should care about. We just do the things at hand well. If the boss fails to start a business, he will go home and inherit the family property. If the company goes bankrupt, we will lose our jobs."

Zhang Yadong interrupted them, talking about the success or failure of the boss in the office is not a good thing.

"Brother Jing, you came early, do you know the background of President Tang and Vice President Mi?" Qiao Mai gossiped to Guo Jing.

"I don't know, there are too many rich people in Beijing, and the two of them are very low-key, so I haven't heard of it." Guo Jing shook her head.

"Brother Wang, why did you come to work in Kyoto after you bought a house in your hometown?" Qiao Mai asked Wang Zhennan while listening to his male colleagues talking about marriage and career.

"In my hometown, housing prices are high and wages are low, and it is too stressful to pay off the mortgage. I come to work in Kyoto to pay off the mortgage for two years, save some money and then go home to marry a wife."

"You are really difficult."

"It's a good idea, but can you save money?"

"Live and eat and save a little, and you can still save some money after paying the mortgage. In my hometown, there is not much left after paying off the mortgage every month."


Passing by near Zhongcai, Tang Dou wanted to see Mu Wanying, worried that it would be inconvenient to smell of perfume on her body. This unnecessary conflict could be avoided. Tang Dou said to Mi Le: "Is it okay not to wear perfume in the car from now on?" ?”

"I don't like the smell of leather." Mi Le replied lightly.

"Just spray some air freshener." Tang Dou said and opened the car window a little.

"All right, you are the boss, listen to you."

Mi Le sighed, originally wanted to use the "casual perfume" to create a rift between Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, make Mu Wanying suspicious, arouse Tang Dou's resentment with a clear conscience, and slowly disintegrate their relationship and relationship.

The better the relationship between two people, the more often they cannot stand the suspicion, because the more they care, the more disappointed they are.

Trust is no match for poisonous perfume or other people's hair.

Once one party becomes suspicious, a series of problems will follow, resentment, unreasonable, and rupture.
Internal conflicts are the most frightening. When the time comes, she, Mi Le, will be able to pretend to be "better". As long as she maintains a pure working relationship with Tang Dou, she doesn't need to deliberately seduce Tang Dou or provoke Mu Wanying.

At that time.

Mu Wanying's irrational nonsense hinders Tang Dou's career. Instead of adding fuel to the flames, Mi Le will avoid it. When the time is right, she will stand up and be a peacemaker between Mu Wanying and Tang Dou, which is better than directly provoking too much.

In a relationship crisis, whoever is rational is the "better" one, and the possibility of winning is high.

Unexpectedly, Tang Dou was more cautious than expected. It was really difficult to deal with. Mi Le made an incomprehensible look and said, "Your girlfriend is so suspicious? You are not tired of being so careful with her all day long."

"I'm used to it." Tang Dou said calmly without even looking at Mi Le.

In fact, Mu Wanying is not that irrational, she likes to make trouble when there is nothing to do, but she is very calm when things happen.

"I'm tired of looking at it. In the future, our company will inevitably socialize with people from the expensive circle. A lemon essence girlfriend can bore you to death."

Mi Le was speechless, feeling that all his thoughts were wasted.

"You don't doubt that your husband came home smelling of perfume?" Tang Dou glanced at her.

"My thinking is still relatively traditional. I make compromises and take the overall situation into consideration. Why bother to compete? Sometimes tolerance is for the sake of getting better. Anyway, I don't believe that any man can be innocent for a lifetime. The love has already been engraved in your genes. Your three big Pursuit, money, power, beauties, don't say you haven't thought about it."

Mi Le showed a clear understanding of righteousness.

"A scumbag is a scumbag, don't talk about being so high-sounding, and get involved with all the men." Tang Dou said flatly.

"Ask what love is in the world, and people are willing to be scumbags. Scumbags and scumbags are different. Some people do it for money, and some people do it for lust. I am neither short of money nor lonely. I really love you, Tang Dou."

Mi Le was not angry, but admitted it frankly.

"A scumbag is true love, a gentleman is ruthless."

Tang Dou ignored her, and Mi Le sighed alone.

Tang Dou was thinking of having dinner with Mu Wanying in the afternoon, running with her in the evening, and exchanging words when kissing goodbye. It was another fulfilling day. Since the company opened, there was something to do, and every day was very fulfilling.

After class in the afternoon, Tang Dou looked at Zhang Yadong's work report on the group, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he asked them to get off work by themselves.

Today's investment of 500 million, a daily limit, and others are also very good, with a total profit of more than 20 in a single day.

"The people behind Mr. Tang are very tall. In a few days, if the income is stable, I will follow the company to buy."

"Don't be too hot-headed. It doesn't matter if the boss goes bankrupt. If you pay once, you may lose everything."

"You can follow less, make some extra money if you make money, and don't jump off the building if you lose."

After the market closed, the financial data of the day was sorted out. The employees were very excited and full of energy.

When the enthusiasm of employees is mobilized, the company has a sense of prosperity.

Tang Dou went to Mu Wanying's school at five o'clock, and Mu Wanying came out of the teaching building a few minutes after six o'clock. The roommate explained a few words and trotted over.

The eyes of a few boys from behind followed Mu Wanying's movement, noticing that Mu Wanying's target was a boy, they deliberately walked around to see what kind of guy the boy from the other school who took the class flower was.

"How long have you been waiting?" Mu Wanying came over with a smile on her face and hung her schoolbag on Tang Dou's shoulder.

"Ten minutes." Tang Dou put his schoolbag on his shoulders, and put his arms on Mu Wanying's shoulders.

"You know I'll finish class at six, you just need to come over at six, it's so cold outside." Mu Wanying leaned closer.

"I like the feeling of waiting for you." Tang Dou said with a smile.

In a simple sentence, Mu Wanying sounds very sweet. In high school, if she went to the toilet between classes, Doudou would wait for her outside every time. She would feel embarrassed by a boy waiting outside the toilet, so sometimes she intentionally I can't hide and don't go with Doudou.

Now think about it, how good it is.

Before a few boys not far away had time to see Tang Dou's face, they were thrown back by the dog food flying across the sky.

Mu Wanying suddenly felt sorry for Doudou. Doudou has been caring for her and loving her with actions, but she has been slow to give Doudou an accurate word. Will Doudou be disappointed one day.

In fact, Tang Dou is not so hypocritical, he is not as selfless as An Qi, but in terms of dog-licking mentality, he is two blocks away from An Qi.

What's more, Mu Wanying has already expressed her position with actions. The head portrait and the space background are photos of the two of them together, and the phone screen is a photo of Tang Dou. Some real boyfriends may not be able to enjoy this kind of treatment, right?

"Dou Dou, are we in love now?" Mu Wanying summoned up her courage and said reservedly.

"You haven't confessed yet." Tang Dou curled his lips, it was time to come, the impulsive kiss on the night of Singles' Day knew that this day was coming, Mu Wanying was definitely not that kind of irresponsible girl.

Tang Dou would not take the initiative to speak out about his relationship with Mu Wanying now, but if Mu Wanying took the initiative to speak out, Tang Dou would not say no explicitly.

Then let the tornado come more violently.

"Dou Dou, don't joke, I'm serious." Mu Wanying held Tang Doujiao and said.

"I don't care. Whether you accept it or not, I am here. If you hit me, I will run, and if you run, I will chase."

Tang Dou said indifferently, but it didn't arouse Mu Wanying's displeasure, instead it made Mu Wanying extremely warm and happy.

"Dou Dou, actually"

 Thank you so much, I will reward you with Feiyang

(End of this chapter)

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