Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 103 Is shopping a specialty?

Chapter 103 Is shopping a specialty?
Falling in love with the wife of the previous life feels very boring, and very.very.
Tang Dou doesn't want to say it's boring, it's nonsense, but it's really boring and painful. In short, there is no novelty, just like accompanying his girlfriend Kang himself in a new movie that he has already enjoyed, and acting like he has not.

Actors are so tired.

Tang Dou felt that acting with Mu Wanying for a few years would make him an actor.

In order to give Mu Wanying a good first love experience, Tang Dou still acted humorously and patiently, trying his best to make his wife's girlish heart feel comfortable.

Like when you just hung up the phone.

Mu Wanying: "Doudou, why don't you hang up?"

Tang Dou: "I'm waiting for you to hang up first."

Mu Wanying: "Goose, I'll hang up then, you wash up first, and we'll chat after we're done, bye."

After talking on the phone, Mi Le often teases Tang Dou: "You hang up first."

Then what Mi Le waited for was not "You are a girl, you hang up first", but "Doo Du Du"

Mi Le gave Tang Dou the big hat of a straight man of steel.

Tang Dou will chat with Mu Wanying now.

Mu Wanying: "What is Doudou doing?"

Tang Dou: "I was wondering what you were doing! I just finished washing my feet and I'm going to ask you."

Mu Wanying:
"I was thinking about high school. Sometimes you really deserve a beating. As far as I can remember, the teacher never scolded me, my parents never beat me, and I never cried. You made me cry several times in high school."

"The first time was in the summer of the first year of high school. You gave Dai Yuan the crispy noodles and yogurt I bought for you, and you thoughtfully inserted the straw for her. I swore at that time that I would never buy anything for you again."

"Wearing my school uniform to ask girls to sign, I didn't cry this time, but I was really angry. I washed it with sodium hypochlorite from the chemistry lab."

"The second year of high school lied to me that you went back to your hometown to go to school, which made me cry"

"Sneak peek at my diary"

"And the night of the class reunion after the college entrance examination, the day when the college entrance examination results came out."

Tang Dou:

"It's not good to think as much as you can, you won't be thinking about how to take revenge on me when you finally have a chance?"

"Shall I make you laugh more?"

Mu Wanying: "It made me even more angry."

Tang Dou:

"That's your narrow mind."

"Your stomach hurts in class, I slipped out to buy you sanitary napkins, bought brown sugar for you to soak in, and filled my water cup with hot water for you to cover your stomach."

"You sprained your ankle when you went down the stairs, and I'll carry you on my back."

"I'm worried that your legs will be numb after sitting for a long time."

Mu Wanying: "You also said that your mineral water bottle is also a water cup, and the hot water will leak if you cover it."

Tang Dou: "Didn't I change to a better quality Coke bottle later?"

Mu Wanying laughed while chatting. Some boys in high school are really casual. They don't buy water glasses, but use the finished drink bottles as water glasses. They also say that they can be reused, which is green and environmentally friendly. I don't know how long they reuse them.

Mu Wanying: "Of course I will remember your kindness."

Forget all my good things because of an inexplicable misunderstanding.

It was very late for Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong to finish copying their homework. Tang Dou didn't want to stay up all night, so he simply copied in class tomorrow.

Although the college homework teacher does not force it to be written, who knows if the teacher will include it in the final grade assessment. The test score and the daily score are [-] to [-]. I don’t listen much in class, so I can’t lose too much daily score.

Classes the next day.

Tao Minmin, the school committee member, collected homework one by one. Seeing that Tang Dou was still scribbling, Tao Minmin said, "What is the monitor doing all day? Taking the lead in copying homework in class is not good."

"I'm busy with dating, I'll go to Zhongcai if I have nothing to do." The roommate next to me was talking.

"Dou Dou, you are too much. There are so many girls in our class that you find a foreign school. How embarrassing are you to dump your girlfriend. You can choose as many as you like in our dormitory."

The cute girl Gao Meng is eating a lollipop, and put a lychee flavor on Tang Doushu.

"Okay, no problem, then I'll choose all four of you." Tang Dou smiled. The four girls in this dormitory are all his favorite types. Chen Yu is generous, Gao Meng is chubby and cute, and Su Yuwei.

"Then I won't be alone, monitor." Wang Xuehan turned around and looked at Tang Dou.


"Give me another copy." Tang Dou gave An Qi's homework to Tao Minmin, and asked him to take another copy. He felt that there was something wrong with An Qi's homework, so he copied Xueba's homework if he copied it wrong. Deepen the image yourself.

"Pass it to me when you finish writing it." Tao Minmin randomly picked a share from the homework.

Su Yuwei's writing is very serious. Su Yuwei is the only one in the class who treats college courses as middle school courses.

There must be no problem with her homework. She was a top student in her previous life, and her test scores ranked first every year.

"good morning students."

The teacher has already given a lecture. Today, instead of teaching textbooks, it is an exchange class. The teacher said that it is best for each student to develop a specialty in college, and then let each student talk about their specialty from the first row.


Playing basketball, reading, drawing, swimming, football, badminton, whatever you like.

"Stop, some students may confuse my expertise with hobbies. Expertise and hobbies are different. A person can have many hobbies. Hobbies don't matter whether you do well or not, it's just a matter of whether you like it or not.

The specialty I am talking about is that you are good at something or a certain aspect, you can show it, it is practical, it can solve certain problems for yourself, friends, colleagues or the company, and it can reflect your value. "

"For example, the classmate just said that he likes swimming, which is very good, but if swimming is his specialty, he should not only swim well by himself, but also be able to guide others to swim. For example, in the future, the company will organize summer camps and go to the beach. Some female colleagues Maybe he can't swim, but he can teach, which makes people feel um, not bad."

"Everyone understands."

"If you don't meet the requirements for specialties now, you can talk about what specialties you plan to cultivate."

"You must take this issue seriously and don't be perfunctory. This will be very important in your career in the future."

"Okay, the next classmate will continue."

The teacher interrupts the correction.

"Teacher, I have long legs and I can play basketball well. If the company organizes sports activities, I can organize a basketball team." Ma Jiang stood up and took a step and patted his leg and said.


"If you want to play basketball well, you should directly recruit sports students."

Ma Jiang's narcissism caused laughter in the class.

"Don't say that. Generally, companies don't recruit sports students just to organize a sports event. The company's spare time activities are to increase the fun of employees, relieve work pressure, combine work and rest, and enrich corporate culture."

"Specially recruiting a sports student can't play a role in normal times, and they have to be paid."

"Those big companies and good companies have a lot of spare time activities. Boys can play basketball well and have a place to play. A senior student I took last year had the specialty of playing basketball on his resume. During the interview, the interviewer asked Prepare a basketball and let this classmate perform as a leader."

"This classmate is really good at basketball. He dribbled the ball smoothly under his crotch, and passed the interview smoothly."

"So everyone, don't pay attention to your specialty. It is the most useful thing for you besides your profession."

"Next." The teacher continued.

"I like photography."

"I run fast and won the women's 100m champion in the high school sports meeting."

"I like dancing." Zhang Yao said confidently.

"I like sketching. Teacher, what do you think of mine?" Gao Meng turned the book to the last blank page and drew the teacher's lecture. teacher.

"Mengmeng, isn't your specialty eating?"

"You're a foodie."

"It's not bad, it's much prettier than me. Thank you, Gao Meng, but I'll pay attention to the class in the future." The usually serious teacher Ping Ding nodded and praised after reading it, and then put the sketch in his book.

Gao Meng looked at Silly and silly, this trick is really good, she has already passed the exam for this subject.

When it was Chen Yu's turn to stand, she got up and asked:

"Teacher, is shopping a specialty?"

 Thanks to Tianhua No. 5049, unknown classmate Liu, tail number [-], Liu, a funny citizen, and the Sutra of the Water Emperor, slowly returning, I will give you a reward if you know it.

(End of this chapter)

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