Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 109 Large-scale dog food scene

Chapter 109 Large-scale dog food scene
Tang Dou went to order songs, opened Jay Chou's playlist and looked for "Confession Balloon"

Tang Dou often sang this song to Mu Wanying in his previous life.

"You said you were a little hard to chase and wanted me to retreat"

Tang Dou has a special feeling for this sentence. Mu Wanying was like this at the beginning, but her eyes betrayed herself, and she refused to admit it, "Your eyes are saying I am willing", which was also the motivation for Tang Dou to persevere in his previous life.

I haven't found "Confession Balloon" after searching for a long time

Well, it looks like this isn't out yet.

"What do you want to sing?" Tang Dou turned to ask Mu Wanying.

"Eh..." Mu Wanying thought for a while, "I love you around the corner."

She likes to listen to this song these days.

Tang Dou searched for dark circles, found "Corner Love" and put it on top.

Noticing a pair of eyes staring at his back, Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying's waist.As a girl, Mu Wanying's sixth sense is of course sharper, and she also noticed those eyes, so Mu Wanying took advantage of the opportunity to get closer to Tang Dou.

"I also want to fall in love, but there are too few boys around. Who has excellent resources to introduce me."

"Mimi, you know a lot of rich people, introduce one to me."

Li Hao was singing with his girlfriend, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying snuggled together to order songs, An Qi and Zhou Tian were about to sprinkle sugar, Zhou Tian's roommate wailed.

"Li Xiongxiong is not bad."

Mi Le was very calm, pointed to the boy, then looked away from Tang Dou and Mu Wanying who were close to each other, and took a sip of beer alone as if nothing had happened.

"I don't want to find someone from our class."


Seeing that An Qi was nervous, Li Xiongxiong opened another can of beer for him, and Tang Dou also picked up a can, opened it and walked away.

After drinking three cans in a row, An Qi became more calm and couldn't wait.

"Regard my sister-in-law."

After Li Xiongxiong and An Qi finished touching each other, he raised his glass to Mu Wanying, and An Qi also raised the glass again.

Mu Wanying smiled, picked up the drink and took a sip.

On the opposite side, Mi Le smiled slightly and clinked glasses with Mu Wanying in the air. Before, Mi Le and Mu Wanying had a simple confrontation on Knockout, but now it was like meeting for the first time, and there was a feeling of smiling away all grievances.

Mu Wanying didn't care too much, she picked up the cup and responded with a smile.

This is not a kind of contest.

Mu Wanying is also very magnanimous, she doesn't care how many girls like Doudou, she doesn't care how they challenge herself, Mu Wanying only cares about Doudou's attitude, since the college entrance examination, Doudou has suddenly matured A lot, especially since she went to college, Doudou made her feel very safe.

After Li Hao and his girlfriend sang, they gave the wheat to Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, and the song was cut to "Corner Love"

"I pretended
I want to be by your side without showing any trace
Quietly accompany you and look at the sky
riding a bicycle”

"Corner Love", Tang Dou and Mu Wanying each have a section, and Gao Chao sang in chorus. This song is also very suitable for the confession scene, especially in line with Angel's confession atmosphere. This song expresses Angel's pursuit of Zhou Tian very well the process of.

There is no stage fright in Tang Dou, let's start first, no matter what song, he dares to sing when he picks up the microphone, singing is very natural.

".I don't want to
leave you alone
i love you
The heart no longer hides desperately, no longer fears the result

Suppose there is a future, what would you say."

When it was Mu Wanying's turn, at first she was a bit reserved and shy, her voice was very delicate and soft, like a trickle in the forest, and it was precisely because of this that she was more charming and her voice was more beautiful.

This song was created by Mu Wanying and Tang Dou for the roommates, and it was also what Mu Wanying wanted to sing for Tang Dou.

In high school, Mu Wanying avoided the relationship of Dou Dou for three years, but now Mu Wanying decided to face it.

"Who do you meet at the corner of love? Is there beauty in love?"

In the part of Gao Chao, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying looked at each other and sang together. Tang Dou deliberately lowered his voice, trying not to cover Mu Wanying's voice.

"I'm so envious of the class monitor. "Love Corner" is also my favorite song. Who will sing it with me?"

"Tiantian will be able to fight back in a while. We're just here to eat dog food today. First, Li Hao, now the squad leader, and Tiantian and you in a while. This is the big dog food scene."

Zhou Tian's roommate looked at Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, feeling sour in her heart, more sour than eating lemons.

I have to say that Li Xiongxiong and Li Hao came up with this wonderful idea. Let the two couples sing love songs to create an atmosphere, bring Zhou Tian into the sweet wind of love, completely break Zhou Tian's heart, and then let An Qi confess.

As long as Zhou Tian has a crush on An Qi, she will be safe.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying sang for the second time, and Li Xiongxiong took out a bouquet of roses prepared in advance from behind the sofa and gave it to An Qi.

"Go Pikachu, it's your turn to behave."

Li Hao pushed An Qi out.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying stopped, the song switched to the original singing mode, and Tang Dou gave the Mai to An Qi.

"Come on bro."

Zhou Tian's roommate imitates Zhou Tian's occasional northeast dialect to encourage An Qi.

"Zhou Tian, ​​I like you"

Emboldened after drinking, An Qi held flowers in front of Zhou Tian, ​​and directly expressed her love in the simplest way.

"Who are you telling it to? Shout it out loud." The roommates on both sides said they didn't hear it.

"Zhou Tian, ​​I like you and be my girlfriend." An Qi paused and shouted at Mai.

Zhou Tian didn't hold her appetite either, she didn't like her mother-in-law, so she just accepted the flowers.

Sprinkling sugar is the duet performance of An Qi and Zhou Tian. Encouraged by the roommates on both sides, holding
Licking the dog successfully embraced the beauty.

Taking pictures, booing and booing, the scene was extremely sour.

Tang Dou originally thought that An Qi would be alone for four years, but in the end, he left Li Xiongxiong far away so quickly, thanks to Mi Le's divine assist. At the beginning, he raised his hand to ask Zhou Tian for An Qi. On the first date, An Qi looked shy. After leaving a deep impression on Zhou Tian, ​​An Qi devoted herself to licking dogs for more than two months, which moved Zhou Tian.

No matter what the ending with Zhou Tian is, the first love confession ceremony carefully arranged by her roommate will make An Qi unforgettable for life. Unforgettable is a good thing and a bad thing. First love is unforgettable, and it is so romantic.

But to have such a confession of first love is really good and enviable.

The participation of the two dormitory roommates is relatively low-key, and some of them are very high-profile when they go to school at every turn. Tang Dou remembers that once in the university in his previous life, a boy confessed his love downstairs in the girls' dormitory. He lit a circle of candles, alarmed the security guards, and held a fire extinguisher. In the scene of coming over, it is estimated that the security guard had not recovered from his emotional injury, and stomped out a circle of candles with a few feet.

Hard to screw up a good confession ceremony.

The roommate gave An Qi and Zhou Dessert a song "The Temptation of the Wolf".

Looking at the sweet couple, Mi Le couldn't help but sigh, sending his best friend on the right track, when will he be able to fulfill his wish.

Tang Dou, Li Hao, and Li Xiongxiong bragged and drank.

"You drink and play games, we drink all the white beer." Li Xiongxiong.

"It's just for fun, it's boring to drink dry."

"Low on the grass, if you don't take one, you can call nine. I thought you had a 0 and a 3." Li Hao was so depressed.

He had already won two games in a row, and didn't want to win three games. Tang Dou didn't even look at his own points, and he still won.

"Bragging is true and false."

"No, I can't beat you guys, come to Dream Golden Flower." Li Hao lost three cups in a row to Tang Dou, and he couldn't bear to drink beer like this in the winter.

"I'm going to buy poker."

"You don't need poker, just go to a dice, two per person, it's easier."


After the girls had finished singing, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong practiced "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

After eight o'clock, Tang Dou withdrew first to send Mu Wanying back.

"It's quite romantic." After going out, Mu Wanying held Tang Dou's arm, "But I still like the two of us to be quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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