Chapter 111 If I Were Tang Monk

Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying back to school, and then accompanied her to the playground for a run.

Today is Friday, there is no class tomorrow, Tang Dou is not in a hurry to go back.

Mu Wanying's steps are steady, and her braids are swaying from side to side regularly. She is very attentive in everything she does, and her running also gives people a very focused look.

"Dou Dou, I learned something from running." Mu Wanying said.

"What?" Tang Dou was very interested.

"When running, don't look at the finish line, don't think about how far you can run, how far you are going to run, it will be much easier, you can last longer, and it will not be so boring. This is what the teacher said to pay attention to the process. I should understand earlier For this reason, this year’s exam will definitely be better.”

Mu Wanying said with a trembling tone.

"It seems quite reasonable, Wanying, you have done a good job."

After running five laps, Mu Wanying's task was completed. She was out of breath from exhaustion, and her tender face was flushed. She helped Tang Dou to stand on the lawn inside the track to catch her breath.

"Just after running, the muscles are active and the blood flow is fast. Don't sit down or stand still immediately."

Tang Dou squatted down and rubbed Mu Wanying's legs.

"You want to take advantage of me." Mu Wanying held Doudou's head in both hands.

"There is this element, but you do have to pay attention. You see that professional athletes give massages before and after exercise. Some people run a lot, but their legs are ugly. They just don't pay attention to maintenance, and their muscles tend to gather in local areas."

"You can lie flat after exercising, don't sit with your legs bent."

Tang Dou didn't know if he was right or not, but there was no harm anyway, and he successfully fooled Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying stood obediently and asked Tang Dou to rub her legs, calves, and thighs.

"Then is it okay for you to sit now?"

"This amount of exercise is just a warm-up for me."

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying's hand closer, and stuck to her arms in a daze.

Mu Wanying knelt down and looked at Doudou with a smile, "What are you thinking?"

"Think how easy it is to make twins." Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying's face flushed, she thought that Doudou was implying something, so she stretched out her hand and pulled Doudou's face.

It was still early, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying for a slow walk.

Chatting about high school, walking and stopping, thinking of angry things, Mu Wanying would fight.

In the dark place, the two people who were holding hands stopped at the same time, chatting seriously, after a while, they felt that Mu Wanying's neck was sore, Tang Dou staggered and lowered his head to Mu Wanying's neck, and kissed gently.

Mu Wanying didn't reject it either.

Gradually calming down, Tang Dou raised his head, leaned against the railing, and put on Mu Wanying's down jacket and hat.

Mu Wanying still had her arms around his back, her head resting on his shoulder.

Mu Wanying's phone rang, she took it out and looked, "Tang Tang's."

"You take it." Tang Dou.

"Hey, sugar."

"Sister Wanying, is my brother with you?"

"Here, his cell phone is out of battery, do you have something to tell him?"

"It's okay. If he can't get through on the phone, I'll ask. You two are dating."

"No, just go around together."

"Then you go ahead, I won't bother you."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wanying leaned against Tang Dou's arms again, "Dou Dou, you have really matured a lot since you went to college, which makes me feel so at ease."

"At home, I'm playful, let my temper go, I want to protect you outside, so of course I have to be more prudent." Tang Dou put his arm around Mu Wanying's shoulder.

"Dou Dou, you are so kind."

"Wanying, your mouth is so sweet, don't you not like sweets? Why are you eating candy today?"

"You like it."

"Is there any sugar?"


It's fun to share a candy between two people.

Remove the lollipop lollipop, it feels a bit like playing with dragons and phoenixes.

The two scrambled to finish eating a piece of candy, and it was getting late.

Tang Dou returned to school at eleven o'clock, and met An Qi downstairs in the dormitory. An Qi was full of joy, smiling from ear to ear, like a treasure boy in the state of first love. When he came over, he took out four Alpine lollipops for Tang Dou.

"It's only now, why don't you wait for the breakup." Tang Dou pretended to be dissatisfied.

"I forgot to bring sugar when I went to sing, make it up, make it up." An Qi apologized with a smile.

Back to the dormitory together, Li Hao said in surprise:
"Qiqi, why are you back?"

"Why don't you come back?" Angie asked.

"Dry peat, today is the best chance to win Zhou Tian completely. Go out and watch a movie, and everything will fall into place in the middle of the night." Li Hao hated iron for steel, "Okay, it's almost Christmas."

"I didn't think about it that much."

Angie said a little unconfidently.

"I don't want to be like this all the time now? Let me tell you, some girls are best when they are in love, and they will be very rational when they calm down after the love period. At that time, if the other party feels that they may not be with you for a long time, you should still It is inevitable to lick the dog and end up with nothing."

Li Hao said patiently:
"Don't say that you just want to fall in love. If you want to talk seriously, it's good to know the truth. Two people can get along with each other more openly, and it can also play a reassuring role. Otherwise, it will be more tiring to always respect each other as guests."

"Shoot when it's time to act. Of course it's good for a man to be lustful, but he can't be lustful. There are some things that you feel embarrassed about as a boy, and even more so for a girl." Li Xiongxiong patted An Qi on the shoulder and said:

"Don't let the young and strong not know the joy, the old will only be sad."

Brother Ritian in the 412 dormitory is an old driver and a love theorist. Li Xiongxiong occasionally recites a good poem.

The crouching dragon, the phoenix and the young teamed up to guide the treasure boy An Qi on the road step by step.

The hard-bodied man is still sad about the beauty pass, and Uncle Liu Huang continued to play music and dance.

It looks like an insulator on the surface, but nine out of ten it is boring.

In fact, An Qi is very conflicted in her heart. During this period of time, she has watched so many educational films. Every time Li Hao comes back refreshed, how can he not be envious? He wants pure love, but sometimes he can’t help but have a wild imagination .

There is.

Sleeping out is so expensive, he can't afford it once a week.

In fact, in the final analysis, it was poverty that limited An Qi's throbbing heart.

"Xiongxiong isn't a little boy anymore, where is Doudou?" An Qi asked curiously.

"Me? I panicked when I saw my wife in my previous life." Tang Dou said lightly.

"Hey, maybe you were a monk in your previous life."

"That's also Monk Hua."

"Surnamed Tang, Doudou must have been Tang Seng in his previous life."

"If I were Tang Seng, I would collect all the female elves along the way, and just reward them with a bite of meat. The end point is the daughter country."

"Damn, you have enough taste, bone spirit, snake spirit, spider spirit, and scorpion spirit."

"Doudou and his girlfriend want to be like that, how come back so late, don't look at Dou's appearance, he and his girlfriend are childhood sweethearts, and the girlfriend is the daughter of the high school class teacher, there must be a sense of proportion in dating, even if we can't get together in the future, You can't make trouble to meet each other."


Tang Dou's mobile phone was charged and turned on, and there was news of his old sister, missed calls, Mu Wanying's call asking if he was back, and his best friend asking if he was alive.

Mi Le reposted the company's financial statistics made by Guo Jing in the office group this week, and asked about the company's investment plan for next week. She was just looking for an excuse to chat, because Tang Dou normally didn't reply when chatting.

Tang Dou picked up an important reply.

Looking at the company's total income this week, it was more than 93, plus last week's investment of 300 million and the income of more than 40, the company's official operating income for two weeks was more than 130 million.

Aside from the cost, it's no problem to share 50 each with Mi Le equally. It's only half a month, and it's 100 million a month.

This is much more comfortable than the hard work of writing novels.


Mu Wanying sent a photo, showing Tang Dou the purple mark on her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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