Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 150 As long as I don't admit you, there's nothing I can do

Chapter 150 As long as I don't admit you, there's nothing I can do

Tang Dou understands with reason and moves with emotion.

Finally, Mu Wanying obediently bowed her head and admitted her mistake, and stopped worrying about whether the relationship between the two could stand the test.

Mu Wanying recalled the details of the struggle since college, and then imagined that if the two of them were in different places, they would not see each other, and if they wanted to be with each other, they could be sweet companions, but they chose to be in a different place. Mu Wanying hated herself.

Mu Wanying, who knows her mistakes and can correct them, is quite cute.

In Tang Dou's previous life, he had never won an argument with Mu Wanying because of the "Golden House Hidden Beauty" and the reason of giving away the house. Now, with his good tongue and understanding of Mu Wanying, Mu Wanying has the opportunity to lose her temper. nothing.

Unless Tang Dou's skin loosened and made her go berserk.

Tang Dou rubbed her hair, and the two walked into the restaurant together.

Returning to the dormitory at night, Tang Dou checked the company's December briefing sent by Mi Le.

Le Dou Company started operations at the end of November. In December, the initial investment of 500 million was transferred to 700 million at the end of the month, and the monthly income was more than 270 million. The detailed financial report will be completed by Guo Jing after work tomorrow.

Tang Dou decided on the investment direction for tomorrow and sent it to Mi Le.

"Should I buy directly after going to work tomorrow morning? The technology stocks and energy stocks held last week fluctuated slightly on Friday. Do you want to sell them tomorrow?" Miller asked in a message.

"We'll see what happens when the market opens tomorrow. If it doesn't rise well, we'll sell it." Tang Dou replied.

The benefits of the company are self-evident. In addition to working hard, Zhang Yadong and other employees are still groping for Tang Dou's investment methods, but Tang Dou himself is confused, let alone them, and can only follow the company's investment in fear. As an extra bonus, it is also good for the company for employees to follow the investment, and the employees who follow the investment are more active and dedicated to their work.

The final exam started on Monday, Tang Dou did not review well, he was well prepared, the cheat sheet, two mobile phones, and pencils were all the same. Before the exam, he went to the classroom and used a pencil to write the possible major questions on the desk.

"Hey, the squad leader took the lead in cheating."

"Let me see what you copied. Is there any gossip?"

Wang Xuehan, the second most beautiful woman in Class Two, walked past Tang Dou and bent down to read what Tang Dou had written.

"Being the lead in cheating is better than the lead in failing."

Tang Dou smiled at Wang Meiren.

"Squad leader, I like you." The fat girl Gao Meng paused on purpose, and after successfully attracting the attention of the whole class, she continued, "Take the lead to fail."

"Cute girl, if you don't want to break the sentence, don't break it, just omit the latter part."

"I also think the monitor must take the lead in failing the class."


Tang Dou was also completely dizzy by Pang Meng's broken sentences.

"Remember this, the teacher emphasized it several times in class." Wang Xuehan opened the textbook and pointed to Tang Dou.

"Which one?" Several boys came together.

Tang Dou looked around, Su Yuwei was in the last corner, it would be nice to sit in front of him, then everything would be safe, Tang Dou used to sit behind Su Yuwei every time in the university exams in his previous life, it was not copying, but Su Yuwei answered for him.

When the test papers were handed out, neither of them wrote their names.

After Su Yuwei answered seventy or eighty points, she exchanged papers with Tang Dou while the invigilator was not paying attention.

After hugging Su Yuwei's thigh for four years, Tang Dou never failed a class.

Now Tang Dou is sitting in front of An Qi, Mi Le on the left, Hu Tengfei on the right, and Chen Yu behind.

They are all students from various dormitories.

An Qi is a fake academic bully, and a fake academic bully just barely protects himself for a long time, and if he is not careful, he will fail the exam.

Tang Dou can only ask for more blessings for himself. This is the first time in two lives that he has to worry about college exams.

The other students were sharpening their guns or guessing the questions and making cheat sheets. Su Yuwei sat quietly and looked out the window, calm and calm, without any sense of urgency for the exam, a real student.

"I didn't review at all, you write the multiple choice questions bigger."

Mi Le also looks like a real scholar, he doesn't write cheat sheets or read books, and talks to Tang Dou.

"I didn't look at it much either."

"It's okay, he's better than me, if you want to hang up, hang up together."

"Dude, you turned to the left when you answered."

Chen Yu in the back wore glasses to adjust the angle.

"No problem, it's all scumbags who take care of each other."

At the beginning of the exam, Tang Dou looked directly at the big questions. As expected, Wang Xuehan said that. The other questions were not taken with his mobile phone and written on the table. Tang Dou first copied the mobile phone and took pictures.

For the scumbags, exams depend on mentality, and cheating depends on acting skills.

Students cheat in various ways.

The answer is written in the palm of the hand, the cheat sheet is put in the cuff, the one is pressed under the test paper, the one is pasted under the short skirt, and some take out the book from under the buttocks to flip through it. If you are brave, just put your phone under the test paper. The invigilator turns a blind eye. .

After copying the big question, Tang Dou put the phone on the table.

He came in during the inspection tour, and it was a male teacher with a Chinese face.In order to prevent the invigilator from raiding the back door, the students closed the back door before the exam started to prevent it from being blown open by the wind and held it against the bucket. When they heard the sound of the door opening, the students had already put away their little tricks.

The invigilator looked serious. He stood at the door and watched for a while, then came over and took out Tang Dou's cell phone and asked Tang Dou to unlock it.

The whole class, as well as the invigilator at the podium, all looked this way, sweating for Tang Dou.The invigilator is easy to talk, and if he sees cheating, at most he will take away or hand in the papers in advance. It is not so easy to be caught by the patrol.

It will definitely hang up, and maybe it will be notified.

Tang Dou also murmured in his heart, and forgot to quit after searching the questions.

However, facing Tang Dou on the inspection tour, he was very calm on the surface, "The phone is not mine."

"Then whose?"

The inspector's expression darkened, and his tone was obviously not so gentle.

In each exam, a few typical notifications must be caught, and warning education is carried out, which is the so-called killing chickens to warn monkeys. At this time, the inspection tour is undoubtedly ready to attack Tang Dou.

"I don't know, maybe the students who went to self-study before the exam were left behind."

Tang Dou was still calm and unhurried. He had never seen such a storm in the university examination room.

Anyway, you can’t admit it, as long as I don’t admit it, you can’t do anything about me. At worst, you don’t want this phone. Tang Dou is not afraid to inspect his phone number and dial it. Only Mu Wanying and her family know about this small number.

"Where's your phone?"

The inspector carefully looked at the changes in Tang Dou's expression.

"Done." Tang Dou calmly pointed to the podium.

"Why do you write the big question first?" Xun Kao picked up Tang Dou's test paper and looked at it.

"I got it right, I memorized it before the exam." Tang Dou didn't change his face.

The inspector stared at Tang Dou for two seconds, then put the mobile phone out of the lecture table, the chicken was not killed, and the monkey saw the joke. .

The other students couldn't help admiring the monitor's composure and wit, which made the invigilator fail.

"You're so calm, I'm sweating for you."

From behind, Chen Yu poked Tang Dou and asked multiple choice questions.

Tang Dou tore up a piece of draft paper, copied the answers to the multiple-choice questions and stuffed them into the pen holder for Chen Yu, and passed the same operation to Mi Le.Although Tang Dou didn't review much, the multiple-choice questions on literature and history like the outline are basically no problem.

After the exam, the invigilator took Tang Dou's cell phone away, and Tang Dou asked Li Hao, who was taking the exam in the next classroom, to come back.

"Squad leader, you really pretended. If I didn't know that the phone is yours, I would have believed your nonsense."

"Lying grass, Doudou, you are too calm. I was holding my mobile phone between my legs, and I was trembling nervously. I was afraid that it might not be clamped tightly."

Angie was terrified.

"Haven't you been reviewing for a few days? Still copying."

Li Hao looked at An Qi and said.

"If you don't take the exam, I have to ask for a way. As soon as I took out the cheat sheet, the invigilator took it away. Did you pass the exam?"

An Qi was very depressed. Fortunately, he watched it for a few days and reviewed it for nothing.

"There's no problem with getting eighty points in the test." Li Hao looked at An Qi's depressed face, and said with a smile, "With your guilty conscience, the teacher doesn't pay attention to who you pay attention to."

"I'm honest."

"To be honest, you are still a cheat sheet and a mobile phone."


An Qi was so angry that he was really not suitable for cheating. When he lowered his head, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Li Xiongxiong came out with Zhao Rui, followed by Zhang Yao and Tao Minmin Xiaozi. Their eyes were very subtle. Compared with Zhang Yao and others with weird eyes, Zhao Rui was very natural, flirting with Li Xiongxiong from time to time.

Zhao Rui was acting for real, and her roommates thought she was acting.

Li Xiongxiong doesn't like to show off, and Zhang Yao is here, so he keeps a close distance from Zhao Rui.

In Zhang Yao's eyes, there are only two words, hypocrisy.

The time passed quickly during the exam. On January 12th, Chinese is on holiday.

Mu Wanying also had the last one left.

PS: In the past two days, I have revised the previous ones. There are no major changes. I just made minor changes to the places that readers are likely to misunderstand. I also sorted out the book reviews. I didn’t want to delete the book reviews and express my own opinions, but after reading it, I found that it affected some readers’ reading. Experience, so I deleted the one that was sprayed as soon as it came up.

It should be almost changed today, and the update will resume tomorrow.

I wish: Everyone has a good shot today (Happy Qixi Festival).

(End of this chapter)

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