Chapter 161
Feeling the coolness on her forehead, Mu Wanying woke up with a cough.

"Dou Dou."

When she opened her eyes and saw the person she was thinking about day and night, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, her voice was a little hoarse and soft, she wanted to take a nap at noon and came back, but she didn't expect to see it when she opened her eyes.

That feeling of surprise made her frail body feel stronger all of a sudden.

"did you miss me."

Tang Dou smiled and helped Mu Wanying sit up against the head of the bed.

"Think about it."

Mu Wanying nodded, and said helplessly, "It's unlucky, I'll catch a cold soon during Chinese New Year."

"The Chinese New Year will be fine."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's hair affectionately, and picked up a bowl to feed her porridge.Mu Wanying, who was sick, was very well-behaved. She fed and ate, and drank more than half of the bowl. She pursed her mouth and shook her head, saying that she didn't want to drink anymore and wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Hold it for a while, wait until it cools down."

Tang Dou drank the porridge left by Mu Wanying in two gulps, put down the bowl, wiped the fine beads of sweat from Mu Wanying's forehead, and said with a smile, "If I can't help it, I'll go get a basin, you're peeing on the bed, how about it?" ?”

Mu Wanying pouted and pinched Doudou.

Tang Dou lowered his head and bit her lip, Mu Wanying responded and dodged, "Be careful of passing on a cold to you."

"I'm in such good shape."

Tang Dou didn't bother, he huddled on the bed for a rest.

"How is the company doing?"

Mu Wanying whispered.

"After the debt is paid off, even if you go bankrupt in the future, you don't have to pay off the debt with your own body."

Tang Dou smiled, but didn't say anything specific.

Mu Wanying nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

Afraid of the tide of clothes, Mu Wanying's bedroom wardrobe was open, and Tang Dou saw a familiar pink mistress hanging in the corner, which was the one given by his first year of high school. Tang Dou stood up and took it out. keep it?"

"Dou Dou, don't move around."

Mu Wanying shouted anxiously.

Tang Dou didn't care about it, he looked at it on his own, and found that there was unwashed blood on the bottom, Tang Dou pointed and asked knowingly: "Wanying, is this your aunt?"

"Ah, Doudou, don't move, give it to me quickly."

Mu Wanying supported the bed to put on slippers, and came over to grab them.

"Look, I still sent you."

Tang Dou dodges and falls on the bed.

"Give me Doudou."

Mu Wanying held Dou Dou with one hand, and grabbed it with the other.

"Oh, Doudou, I'm sick"

"As soon as we met, I was angry and wanying. I don't know if it's like this outside."

Feng Qinglan was very helpless, her daughter was calm and didn't like fighting, but she was led by the nose only by Tang Dou, a brat.But compared to the dullness of staying at home all day, Feng Qinglan of course likes her daughter to be a little energetic.

"Do you know why I didn't object to him chasing Wanying back then?"

Mu Jinhua was used to seeing the two of them fighting for a long time, so he didn't care, he glanced at Feng Qinglan and asked.

"Can you speak well?"

Feng Qinglan didn't think about it.

"I've seen a lot of people who are eloquent than Doudou." Mu Jinhua shook his head, "It's one aspect that he can control Wanying's emotions."

"To be able to control other people's emotions, one must have strong self-control and be able to control one's own emotions."

Mu Jinhua continued.

Mu Wanying spent a lot of effort, but she couldn't get Xiaosan back, because Tang Dou stuffed it somewhere.

Mu Wanying was really helpless, how could there be such an invincible person, looking at Lai Pi lying on the bed, Mu Wanying was angry and helpless, but she didn't drive Tang Dou out like she did during the summer vacation.

"Wanying, you are so powerful. You don't look like a sick cat. The tigress has to get out of the way."

Depressed by Mu Wanying's big eyes, Tang Dou took Xiaosan out, threw her into Wanying's arms, and fell to the ground.

"Knowing that I am sick and still bullying."

Mu Wanying picked up the laundry basket, snorted, hugged the pillow with both hands and smashed it.

Tang Dou was wrapped in a quilt, and his teachers and wives were all there, how could he dare to fight back.Mu Wanying was exhausted, she threw down her pillow and sat down on the bed, Tang Dou looked at her glowing red face and said, "Wanying, you are not sick, are you lovesickness?"

"." Mu Wanying.

"Last night, I didn't rest well, and I took the bus early in the morning. I was so sleepy. Wanying gave me a massage."

Tang Dou turned over and said on his stomach.

"I'm a patient, okay? How can a patient serve someone else?"

Mu Wanying yelled loudly, but obediently came over to rub Doudou's shoulders and back.

The two made a big fuss in the bedroom, and Feng Qinglan murmured even more. She and Mu Jinhua dared to do this at home. How could the school live in peace? Feng Qinglan looked at Mu Jinhua and said, "Your little padded jacket was given away by yourself."

Mu Jinhua's heart was also very sour.

His heart aches when he sees his daughter's illness, but who gave him the courage to let his daughter serve him when he came back.

Hearing the teacher's wife's conversation, Tang Dou's spine shivered, and he didn't dare to order Mu Wanying anymore.

"Just kidding, Wanying, get down on the ground, and I'll give you a massage."

"Wanying, your waist is really thin, and your legs are also very thin. It's been half a month since you came back and you haven't gained any flesh."

"Mom's cooking is so delicious, why don't you eat more?"

Tang Dou said one sentence after another.

"It's my mother, not your mother."

Mu Wanying pinched Doudou.

Mu Wanying sweetly forgot the existence of her parents.

Feng Qinglan couldn't help but want to find a rolling pin, and gradually calmed down when she heard the compliment.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dou went home.Mu Wanying sent him into the elevator, sat on the sofa after returning, picked up a fruit plate and ate a piece of grapefruit, Feng Qinglan touched her forehead and said, "Look, Tang Dou is more effective than taking medicine."

As soon as Tang Dou entered the house, he heard a yin and yang melody, "Chinese New Year is coming soon, did you not stay?"

"Stay, I'm afraid of causing trouble to others."

Tang Dou glanced at his mother, and answered plainly.

"You son of a bitch, what are you doing here? It's too much trouble at home."

Without waiting for Shen Yun, who was furious, to refute, Tang Tang imitated his mother's tone and said, opening Tang Dou's bag and tossing.

The lines were robbed, Shen Yun had nothing to say.

Old Tang was just like a normal person, watching him without saying a word, but with his son's IQ and EQ, if he wanted to get angry with his mother, he would even keep his face down, and if he wanted to calm his anger, he would just say a few words.

"Wanying is sick, I'll go take a look."

It's the Chinese New Year, and Tang Dou doesn't want to be angry with his mother.

"Ah, what disease?"

Shen Yun asked with concern.

"Fever and cough."

Most of Shen Yun's anger subsided, and he was so angry that he didn't have the motivation to speak anymore. He picked up his phone and sent a message to Mu Wanying.

"Brother, you didn't buy me anything?"

Turned his brother's bag upside down, only one roast duck and two clothes, Tang Tang said disappointedly.

Tang Dou: "Don't you want nothing?"

Tang Tang: "I don't want you to buy it!"

Tang Dou: "You don't want me to buy anything."

"Brother, a straight man like you should always be single."

Tang Tang originally thought that she would not come back empty-handed even if she said she didn't want her brother. She originally thought that if she said she wanted something, her brother would buy it. The value must be higher than she expected, but in the end, my brother came back empty-handed.

"However, my girlfriend is the school belle."

Tang Dou said lightly.

"In our junior high school, the first boy in the second class was recognized as the school girl, the captain of the student basketball team, the announcer of the radio station, the vice chairman of the student union, he can play the piano, and he is good at studying. That kind of almighty male protagonist ended up being green." Tang Tang said: "So the school belle and the green hat are a perfect match."

Tang Dou was furious in an instant, wouldn't this kind of sister be beaten to death and kept for the New Year?

(End of this chapter)

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