Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 165 Happy New Year's Eve

Chapter 165 Happy New Year's Eve

Tang Dou made New Year's Eve dinner for the first time.

Show off your skills.

I made the stewed mutton that my father likes, the potato and chicken nuggets that my mother likes, the steamed fish that my sister likes, Tang Dou’s favorite pickled pork with preserved vegetables, as well as fungus eggs and dried beans, and cold vegetables with pork head and meat mixed with boyfriend .

In addition, the Kyoto roast duck that Tang Dou brought back, the meatballs that my mother made before, and the sauced pig's trotters given by my aunt.

Meat and vegetarian, hot and cold.Set a table full.

Tang Doujia’s pork, pork head, and trotters are all given by his aunt’s house every year for Chinese New Year.

My uncle is a pig dealer, and several relatives never worry that they will not be able to afford pork.

"Brother, this is the style of a chef."

Before taking a seat, the old girl first flatters the old brother, and then takes a photo and sends it to Moments:
"Brother Chef's craftsmanship, isn't it very 6."

Feeling ashamed, Shen Yun also took a photo and sent it to the crowd. The group was bustling with activity, and eating at the aunt's house was already underway after posting the photo.Grandma and grandpa are celebrating the New Year at his uncle's house, so my aunt and cousin Shen Feifei are still busy.

Tang Dou forwarded the photo sent by Shen Yun to Mu Wanying.

"My house will be ready soon." Mu Wanying replied, "You can't do it all, can you?"

Tang Dou: "The freshly prepared main course is my handwriting."

"Dou Dou, you are too good." Mu Wanying showed Feng Qinglan the photo, "Dou Dou's craftsmanship, how is Mom?"

"The craftsmanship is more comprehensive than mine. I don't even know how to cook pickled pork with pickled vegetables."

Feng Qinglan couldn't believe it, she recognized this son-in-law.

In the past, there was only one way of communication. During the Chinese New Year, each family had fun alone, and just made a phone call to celebrate the New Year. Now everyone is happy.

Qunli Xiuxiu's own New Year's Eve dinner, eating and chatting while grabbing red envelopes, made the festive atmosphere more intense.

Aunt Shen Xiaolong said in the group:
"Sister said that Doudou could cook. I thought he could cook noodles, stir-fry shredded potatoes, tomatoes and eggs. I didn't expect his cooking skills to be so good, no worse than Hao Jun's."

Tang Dou is modest: "It's just that the appearance is good, the taste is still far from my uncle's craftsmanship."

Aunt Hao Yuan: "Brother Dou, Happy New Year."

Cousin Shen Feifei: "My cousin is handsome, he is a good student, and he is also good at cooking. What kind of girl can be worthy of you?"

Some time ago, my cousin introduced Tang Dou to her best friend's younger sister, who also went to school in Kyoto. Now that she is a sophomore, knowing about Mu Wanying's situation, her cousin gave up.

Cousin Shen Jie: "Girls are no longer good enough for their cousins, only boys who really love are good enough for their cousins."

Tang Tang: "Cousin, you still care more about yourself, my brother already has a partner."

Shen Jie: "What love are you talking about in college? Didn't you say that it's better to be a bachelor when you're in the rivers and lakes? Why did you talk about it right after you entered college? You're still the daughter of the head teacher's family in high school. Aren't you putting a chain on yourself?"

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves."

Tang Dou had no choice but to hold on to his wife from the previous life and give it to someone else?

Aunt: "Jiejie, don't catch up with beautiful women who say love is sour. Doudou's girlfriend is so beautiful."

Shen Feifei: "Mu Wanying is indeed very beautiful in the photo."

Auntie: "I am more beautiful. I met the parents at a parents' meeting in Doudou's second year of high school. She is naturally beautiful."

This year Tang Dou has become the focus among relatives.

"Dou Dou, Uncle has a good bottle of wine, I don't want to drink it today, wait for you to come back later."

Uncle Shen Lang spoke.

My aunt, Shen Xiaolong, immediately despised it. It was too indecent for my uncle to invite his nephew to drink.

It seems that there are not many serious uncles.

But letting uncle take the blame is good, every time Shen Yun complains about Tang Dou's drinking, he doesn't care about complaining about old Tang, Tang Dou just says that my uncle taught it, Mom, you should talk about your brother, your brother also taught me smoking.

Shen Yun was also helpless, fortunately Doudou's grandfather was strict and didn't let Doudou learn to smoke.

"Drink two drinks with Dad today."

Tang Dou said as he went to get wine from the cupboard.

There is a lot of wine hidden in the cupboard. Old Tang doesn't usually drink it, and saves the gifts from others. Tang Dou took a bottle of Six Years Xifeng from his uncle two years ago.There is Moutai in it. Tang Dou is not used to drinking the sauce-flavored liquor, but is used to the mellow type.

Shen Yun usually doesn't let Lao Tang drink alcohol, and he doesn't say anything during Chinese New Year.

Before Tang Dou was a minor, Shen Yun wouldn't let him drink, and Old Tang was not interested in it alone. Now that Tang Dou is an adult, Shen Yun's control is not so strict, so he let the father and son drink.

Tang Tang opened the fruit orange and poured it for himself and his mother.

"Take the wine cup, are you two going to finish a bottle?"

Seeing Tang Dou wash two glasses of water, Shen Yun said.

"Just pour less."

Ever since Tang Dou was admitted to university, Old Tang has been in a good mood, and wants to have a few more drinks with his son today.

Tang Dou poured wine for Old Tang first, Shen Yun watched, Tang Dou's hands trembled and he poured half a glass.

"Did you drink less when you went out?"

Shen Yun looked at his son.

"Go out and drink some beer at most, not a drop of white."

Tang Dou said with a smile, it's true that you don't usually drink baijiu outside, and you only drank some with your buddies in your previous life when you were in junior year.

"Also try to drink as little beer as possible."

Old Tang followed Shen Yun's words, then clinked glasses with his son, took a sip, curled his lips, really excited.

"You have never been allowed to drink liquor at home, and you have never drunk it when you go out, but I don't think it's the first time you drink it."

Seeing Tang Dou's proficiency in drinking, Shen Yun said.

Tang Dou didn't panic at all, "I've had a drink with my uncle."

"I don't think Shen Jie will be much better than your uncle in the future." Shen Yun said.

While chatting and eating, Tang Dou and Old Tang inadvertently drank half a bottle of wine. Before Shen Yun could say anything, Old Tang stopped right there.

After dinner, Tang Tang helped his mother clean up, while Tang Dou and Lao Tang went to watch TV.

When it was time for New Year's greetings, Tang Dou switched to the large QQ account and received a lot of news about New Year's greetings.There are junior high school classmates, high school classmates, college classmates, and Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing from Ledou Company.

Tang Dou first gave New Year greetings to counselor Sun Ying.

Less than a minute later, Sun Ying replied, "I also wish you and your family good health and happiness together."

As soon as classmate Tang Doutiao, who was in constant contact with him, replied, the company's staff would pay New Year's greetings in the group.

Mi Le sent a message to Tang Dou to discuss how the office group would express it. After the discussion, it was decided that there would be a wave of red envelopes. The two of them would each send six lucky red envelopes, and each 200 yuan would be divided into six. Tang Dou and Mi Le would not participate in the grabbing.

Except for Tang Dou and Mi Le, there were exactly six people in the company.

In theory, Tang Dou and Mi Le each gave each employee a red envelope of 200 yuan, but in reality it depends on their luck.

This will add some fun.For the employees, it is not surprising to directly send three 400 yuan red envelopes to each person. If it is replaced by luck red envelopes, it would be interesting to draw a lottery.

After the New Year's greetings in the group, Tang Dou and Mi Le each received a wave of red envelopes, and each gave out 200 yuan in red envelopes, adding up to 400 quick cash. The average of the six employees was [-] yuan each. Got robbed.

Qiao Mai was the luckiest, robbing more than 700 in total.

The one with the worst luck, Wang Zhennan, snatched six red envelopes totaling a little over a hundred and ten.


Wang Zhennan, you are really difficult.

Zhang Yadong grabbed more than 300.

Guo Jing snatched over [-] yuan, no loss and no gain.

"(Happy) Thank you Mr. Tang, thank you Mr. Mi, I wish Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi all wishes come true and everything goes well. I wish Ledou a prosperous new year and complete the first small goal as soon as possible."

Qiao Mai robbed nearly two people's money by himself, so happy.

The others followed Shane.

Wang Zhennan: "Student Mai, you took mine too."

Qiao Mai: "Hee hee, thank you, Brother Wang, for your acceptance. I'll treat you to dinner next year."

The university class group is swiping the screen, grabbing red envelopes, someone @监长.

Tang Dou doesn't send out too much, just one hundred lucky red envelopes, divided into more than 30, one for each person, which means meaning.Those who were online were robbed in less than a minute, and those who were more were robbed for eight or nine yuan, and those who were less were a few cents.Su Yuwei snatched five yuan, she smiled slightly and continued diving.

Hu Tengfei: "Squad leader, do you have some water in your red envelopes? I'll snatch ten cents out of a hundred."

"It's not the monitor's red envelope water, it's your hands that stink, you didn't wash them after wiping shit!"

Li Hao snatched more than eight yuan, which is not bad.

"I'm eating, don't be so vulgar, okay?"

Zhang Xiaofan: "What's so vulgar about this, my pigs and dogs are still fighting to eat shit."

"You are too disgusting, I suggest the administrator to ban Zhang Xiaofan from speaking."

"Is freedom of speech good?"

"Freedom of speech should also be based on public morality, okay? You can't disgust us."

"People of our class must be self-cultivated, and whoever swears or makes noise will be banned."

The school committee and administrator Tao Minmin spoke.

"Why are you arguing, let's give out red envelopes. I'll start with ten for five yuan each time. Next time, I'll give out the one with the best luck, and so on."

The university class group is still lively in the freshman year, and it becomes more and more deserted in the sophomore year. Those who talk are always those few, and those who don't talk can dive from freshman to graduation.

After the idlers finished replying, Tang Dou wished the elders a New Year greeting.Grandparents and uncles, dear aunt Shen Xiaolong, beloved teacher Mu Jinhua, and teacher's wife.

"Wanying, wish Doudou's parents a New Year's greetings, remember to send a message every New Year and holiday."

Feng Qinglan was very relieved to receive Tang Dou's news, and gave Mu Wanying instructions.

"No need for Ching Ming Festival."

Mu Wanying said playfully.

"Stupid girl." Feng Qinglan said to Mu Wanying, "Don't tell anyone this kind of thing, even as a joke."

"I know, let's talk about it at home."

Mu Wanying also realized that the joke was really not funny, so she corrected it immediately.

"Dou Dou seems careless and straightforward with his acquaintances, but he is very measured when talking to his classmates and elders."

Mu Jinhua said.

"He doesn't have any sense of proportion with me. Sometimes he's really irritating." Mu Wanying snorted and said, "I haven't gone to Doujia since I came back from the winter vacation. I'll go after lunch tomorrow."

"Do you need a gift?"

"You are still students. If you just came back from vacation, just like Doudou the day before yesterday, it would be very appropriate to bring some specialties from Kyoto as a gift. You don't need to be too deliberate when you visit the house. Just bring some fruit or something empty-handed."

Feng Qinglan taught Mu Wanying.

"Well, I should have thought about it before I got back."

The Spring Festival Gala is about to start, Shen Yun brought the dumpling stuffing and dumpling wrappers to make dumplings for tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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