Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 168 The Unsurpassable Brother

Chapter 168 The Unsurpassable Brother
On the first day of the new year, Shen Yun made five lucky dumplings.

Tang Dou's family, plus Mu Wanying, who has never been married, theoretically have one for each of them.

It stands to reason that Tang Dou had to eat all the lucky dumplings that belonged to himself and Mu Wanying to be considered qualified. As a result, Tang Tang ate two, one each for Old Tang and Shen Yun, and only Tang Dou hadn't eaten yet. Now the last one is left. a dumpling.

Normally, it is the last lucky dumpling.

This dumpling's desire to survive is also strong enough to hide until the end.

Looking at the last lone dumpling on the plate, Tang Tang couldn't argue.

Carry forward the style to let my brother, let my brother also feel a little European in the new year.

Under the eyes of his father, mother, and old sister, Tang Dou reluctantly picked up the last dumpling, stuffed it in his mouth and chewed, his expression sank a little, and he looked at his old sister faintly, playing with it. What about my son?

"No coins?"

Seeing my brother swallow it in one gulp, Tang Tang said.

Tang Dou didn't want to talk anymore, no wonder he didn't fight with his brother.

"Did you pack five?"

Old Tang looked at Shen Yun.

"That may be in the rotten pot."

Shen Yun, who was silent for a long time, said calmly.

"It must be in the bad pot. It's possible. Mom, you already knew."

Tang Dou had a resentful expression on his face, his mother was too bad, she didn't say it earlier, which made him insist on eating.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Shen Yun comforted his son solemnly.

"I won't be disappointed now."

Tang Dou was speechless. In his previous life, he didn't know that his mother had such a dark side.

"Goose ho ho ho ho, mom, you are so cute."

After reacting, Tang Tang let out a goose laugh.

"It seems that your extraordinary performance in the college entrance examination last year and the pursuit of Mu Wanying exhausted all your luck."

Old Tang smiled.

"Brother performed superbly in the college entrance examination, and the university has caught up with the school belle to make it even better. Let's be content!"

Tang Tang agrees with what her father said, as long as my brother has a good grasp of his love with Mu Wanying, he will be a winner in life.

Mu Wanying's family was also eating dumplings, but Mu Wanying ate all the lucky dumplings she was fighting with. She put the coins on the table, took out a piece of paper and wiped her mouth, "I won't eat any more, just in case mom's Luck ate."

While chatting, Mu Jinhua unkindly put the last coin in the plate.

"I've been serving my family all my life."

Feng Qinglan glanced at it, put down her chopsticks and stopped eating.

Mu Wanying helped Feng Qinglan clean up the dishes, then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, then looked in the mirror, picked up a comb to comb her bangs, pursed her lips habitually, and two dimples emerged from the corners of her mouth.

Go out and put on a red down jacket, white sneakers, dressed up and stand in front of Feng Qinglan and ask how he is doing.

"Girls are different from boys. Be prudent. When you come to Doujia, don't be like Doudou coming to our house. It's not like the impulsive love of college students who don't know much. You have known Doudou for several years. Knowing the bottom line, it is impossible for two people to be patient all the time when they are together, and it takes a long time to learn to accommodate and self-restraint."

Feng Qinglan arranged her collar and instructed:
"Some words can't be hidden, just say what you think in your heart; some words can't be vomited quickly for venting, calm down and think about it before deciding whether to say it, how to put it, words hurt people more deeply than a slap in the face."

"Then I'll talk less and do more. If Doudou makes me unhappy, just slap me."

Mu Wanying laughed and said, gesturing positively and negatively with her slender onion hands.

"Do it when it's time to do it."

Mu Jinhua jokingly said.

"After a quarrel, don't get angry again and again in order to gain a sense of presence or discouragement. Wait until the other party apologizes or can't get in touch. Even if you are wronged a little, girls should take the initiative and take the initiative. Cold violence and cold treatment are the most taboo in relationships. Good people have a limit to their patience.

If you always wait for the other party to take the initiative to reconcile, this time he may not be able to resist coming to you after an hour of cold war with you, next time it may be half a day, next time it may be a day, three to five days a week, there will be a day when you don’t come He won't look for you anymore, and you may not know how the two of you ended up in the end. "

"Of course, this requires a tacit understanding between the two parties. If one party takes the initiative of the other party as a bargaining chip that cannot be separated from itself, it will be unreasonable. Whoever leaves will still live, so it is very important for the two to cultivate a tacit understanding."

In terms of feelings, Feng Qinglan taught her daughter by precept and example.

While listening to her mother, Mu Wanying looked back on the past six months.

Although it is sweet and sweet, there are also some stumbling words, sometimes it is unreasonable to get angry, and there are inexplicable conflicts. After the conflicts, after going back to each school, Doudou should greet her, care about her, and ask her to have dinner in advance when there is no class. , as if there had never been any conflicts.

In her own words, she didn't take the initiative, but she didn't know how to put on airs, and she borrowed the slope to get off the donkey every time.

It's not like some girls who have to hang out for as long as they want to reconcile after a quarrel.

This is the tacit understanding that my mother said!
In the future, she will change her bad habit of being irrational and angry, Mu Wanying reminds herself in her heart that she will be a tolerant, cute, strong, and kind girl in the future, just like the heroine in "The Colonel's Daughter".

The streets and alleys are booming, and people who go out to pay New Year's greetings are beaming.

Mu Wanying put on her bag, sent a message to Doudou, and went out. It was 11:30 in Doudou's house. After Doudou opened the door, she went in and smiled, "Uncle and aunt, happy new year, sugar happy new year. "

"Sister Wanying, Happy New Year."

Tang Tang held Mu Wanying's arm and said with a bright smile:

"Miss Wanying is getting more and more beautiful. I just said that my brother was able to catch up with you because he exhausted his life's luck."

Mu Wanying's hair is combed into a high single ponytail. She wears a red down jacket, black pants, and a pair of white sneakers.

The younger sister can't finish ivory.

I don't know who she learned such flattering skills from.

"Wanying, walking white rose, a happy New Year is not enough to express my heart. Even if you are unhappy for a moment in 360 days, I deserve to be alone forever. For my own happiness, I will make you happy all the time in the future, just Starting today, Wanying has a happy New Year."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and smiled.

"Brother, why is it a white rose?"

Tang Tang admires the old brother's ability to spit out ivory. I don't want to say a lot. I will say a lot in a new year, and I won't be short of words. The old brother even cursed himself when he flattered her. She has been learning, But can not go beyond.

Lao Tang and Shen Yun also convinced their son's mouth, and it's nothing more than opening their eyes!

"White roses symbolize beauty and purity."

Tang Dou said to his old sister.

"That really fits Miss Wanying's temperament."

Tang Tang said with a grin.

The two siblings sang together, which made Mu Wanying smile and said to Doudou, "For your happiness, I want to be happy forever."

"Doudou, the insoles I wove for Wanying, let Wanying try the size."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Shen Yun said to Tang Dou.

"I've already tried it on for her." Tang Dou found the insole and handed it to Mu Wanying, who said in surprise, "Thank you, auntie, it's so beautiful, and auntie's hands are so skillful, I can't bear to insole the shoe."

"It's okay. Auntie is usually not busy. I will knit for you when I have time."

Shen Yun said while sitting on the sofa to help Mu Wanying untie her shoelaces.

(End of this chapter)

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