Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 177 Behind Every Prodigal Son Has a Deep Story

Chapter 177 Behind Every Prodigal Son Has a Deep Story
Tang Dou and Tang Tang had dinner at their aunt's house at noon.

After dinner, my aunt and uncle are going to go to my husband's house for a walk. It's not far away, just in Hongshan, and it takes about ten minutes to drive.

Tang Dou and Tang Tang took their cousin Hao Yuan to find their cousins ​​Shen Feifei and cousin Shen Jie.My cousin opened the A4L at home, and took a few people to Century Square on Second Street, Dynasty KTV in the alley to the north, and five people ordered a small package.

With the three sisters Shen Feifei, Tang Tang, and Hao Yuan together, Tang Dou and Shen Jie would have nothing to do, and they would become spectators.

Singing until after five o'clock in the afternoon, my cousin took Tang Tang and Hao Yuan to the main street pedestrian street and ate hot pot by the way.

My cousin took Tang Dou to the nearest Little Ant Internet Cafe to play games after dinner, and after finishing the card, my cousin rubbed his chest, and said to Tang Dou with a smile: "This Internet cafe used to have a really good woman at the front desk, so I got mad at you." Like."

"And it's so pretty."

Cousin added.

Tang Dou smiled without saying a word.

In his previous junior high school and high school, he also felt that the front desks of entertainment places such as Internet cafes were particularly beautiful, and he had a good figure. When he went online, he could choose an Internet cafe based on the beauty of the front desk.

After falling in love with Mu Wanying, I felt that I used to be very delicate.

The two drove black lol, cousin AD, Tang Dou assisted, played until after [-] o'clock in the evening, came out to the car, cousin lit a cigarette, and asked Tang Dou with a smile: "Do you want to go to a party? My cousin treats you." .”

Tang Dou Miao understood what his cousin meant. Cousin was just a hobby, and he went to brothels if he had nothing to do.

"Are there any these days?"

"When there is a need, there is a service."

Cousin took a puff from the flue.

Tang Dou: "Okay, I want to go and I will accompany you."

"That's right, when the university is not messing around."

Cousin may have misinterpreted Tang Dou's meaning, threw the cigarette butt out the window, started the car and drove to the County College on Chongwen Road.

Cousin parked the car at the south gate of Shangjun College, got out of the car and took Tang Dou to the guest house in the alley, the cousin was very skilled at first glance, obviously an old driver, he knocked on the door of the guest house, "Boss, is there a girl? "


The boss came out and brought Tang Dou and Shen Jie into the yard, and called out the two girls, auntie to be precise!
Heavy makeup, rich body.

The powder on the face is estimated to be two layers thick.

The two of them looked at Tang Dou and Shen Jie with bright eyes and friendly glances.

"How about it."

The boss looked at the two masters and asked.

Tang Dou looked away and turned his head away, not wanting to take a second look.The cousin seemed to be used to it, looked at them, looked at the boss and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Not in these few days."

The boss shook his head, young people won't enjoy it, and it's a good month to find two old green onions.

Shen Jie glanced at Tang Dou, turned his head and walked out.

This alley is similar to Jixiang Village, an urban village in Tangdu.

My cousin has been a prostitute since he was a child, and he is even more promiscuous than his uncle Shen Lang.When Tang Dou came to Shangjun in the summer vacation that year, his cousin took him for a stroll. He remembered that there was a "mass grave" somewhere in the south gate. The first time he went to Tang Dou was a good experience.

Of course, my cousin didn't go wandering, but just took Tang Dou around.

I went to another alley. After going through three alleys, I finally found two young people who said they were college students. I don’t know if they were, but many people who did this lied about being college students to give themselves extra points.

Boss asks, "Quick meal or overnight?"

"fast food."

The cousin said lightly, who is keeping the night these few days.

The fast food is [-], the cousin promotes his style, and let Tang Dou choose first for the treat, which is really interesting.

Tang Dou said that he just waited outside.

Tang Dou would rather let Mu Wanying have his hands than with these princesses who had passed through countless people. Even if he was looking for a princess, he would not be with his acquaintances, let alone relatives, it was not a glorious thing, it would be better to be quiet by himself.

Cousin persuaded Tang Dou to try it, it was really good, Tang Dou patted his cousin on the shoulder and whispered:
"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret for you, please pay attention to safety."

Seeing that Tang Dou really didn't intend to, the cousin gave Tang Dou the car keys and said, "Then go and wait in the car."

The cousin and the boss went to find a room.

Tang Dou took the car keys and went out, got in the car, and turned on the phone to reply to the message.

Tang Tang sent a message: "Brother, why did you go, my aunt made a midnight snack, when will you come back?"

Tang Dou: "Hurry up, I'll be back after playing two more games."

Tang Tang: "Stop playing, come back soon."

Tang Dou: "I know."

An hour later, my cousin came back with a tired body and leaned on the seat, but he was refreshed.

"It's much safer to find a girlfriend."

Tang Dou looked at the satisfied cousin and said.

"Girlfriends are too troublesome. In all likelihood, you will be divided when you fall in love in college. It's a waste of love and money."

Cousin laughed and said, "Isn't it good to find a girlfriend after having enough sex? Men can concentrate on sex first, and then fall in love. This is like a delicacy. No matter how delicious it is, there will be times when you get tired of it. When you get tired, you won't be distracted." gone."

Tang Dou: "If you want Lang to have a girlfriend, you can also have a girlfriend, and you can fly like a wave after marriage."

"If you don't have a girlfriend, you can flirt as much as you want. If you have a girlfriend, you are scumbags. If you have a wife, you are disgusting."

The cousin said solemnly: "Are you right?"

Tang Dou was speechless, and his cousin still cared about his reputation.

"You're just making excuses. According to your analogy, different beauties have different charms, how can you get tired of it?"

Tang Dou thought about it.

"It's okay to try all kinds of things."

Cousin said calmly.

"It makes sense. I regret falling in love so early."

The realm is different, and Tang Dou didn’t say much. In his previous life, his cousin was like this. He spent enough time in college, and spent two years after graduation. Keep your eyes closed, as long as your cousin doesn't go too far, what kind of messes with lovers, mistresses, illegitimate children, etc., she will at most scold when she finds out.

Cousin also has a bottom line, he just plays around outside, and occasionally drives to the college after get off work to have an overtime class.

I had a very comfortable life.

Tang Dou, who just came back from rebirth, also wanted to have a good time, otherwise he would be sorry for the rare rebirth quota. For this reason, on his birthday, he also made a heroic wish of "Treading the waves to the nine clouds and being unruly for ten years".

But things backfired, Tang Dou underestimated Mu Wanying's possessiveness and Mu Wanying's position in his heart.

"Men, let go. You say that you are loyal and loyal. No one will believe it, and your wife may not believe it. Why hold yourself back, while you are young, you should eat and have fun." Cousin Shan With his hands on the steering wheel, he smiled at Tang Dou pointingly and said, "It's more cost-effective for two people to go together."

Is it worth it for the two of you to go together?

Exchange or share?

This is quite cost-effective, my cousin really knows how to settle accounts.

Cousin is more prodigal than expected, Tang Dou pretends not to understand.

"It's better to be single. There are two people in our dormitory who are in a relationship. It's hard to compare."

Cousin sighed.

"It's good to be single, but you don't say that when you meet someone who makes you willing to leave single."

Tang Dou smiled.

Cousin was silent for a few seconds, and hummed "Will you remember tomorrow, the diary you wrote yesterday, will you still remember tomorrow, you who cried the most, who married you who is sentimental, and who read your diary."

Behind every loafer there is a deep story.Tang Dou said in his heart.

"Do I smell like perfume?"

Outside the neighborhood where my aunt's house is located, Tang Dou was about to get off the car when his cousin asked.

"I can't smell it. I don't have a girlfriend. What are you afraid of?"

Tang Dou couldn't help laughing.

"I'm worried because I don't have a girlfriend!"

Cousin got out of the car and went to the trunk to get a can of beer, opened it and sprinkled some on his body, and let Tang Dou drink the rest.

"Aren't you afraid that your aunt will say you were driving drunk? Don't you have any drinks?"

Tang Dou admired his cousin's operation. If he didn't drive, this wave of operation would be perfect.

"No, just tell me you want to drink if you find it."

The cousin smiled unkindly, got in the car and left.

After the car was far away, Tang Dou poured the wine into the green belt, and when he went back, he would tell his aunt if she smelled the wine.

 Thanks to Ah Ye for the rain, 6743, the reward of the water of ice and fire.

(End of this chapter)

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