Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 179 Brother, You Are So Tall

Chapter 179 Brother, You Are So Tall

Tang Dou and Tang Tang prepared dinner, while Old Tang and Shen Yun turned off the TV to eat.

After her son came back, she often cooked. Shen Yun ate a few ready-made meals and felt that someone could cook very well. Looking at the table of meals, Shen Yun was satisfied. In this society, who said that a son is not as good as a daughter, she looked at her son and said:

"Dou Dou, teach your dad how to cook."

Seeing what kind of moths come out of his age, Old Tang's expression became awkward as soon as he heard it.

"No matter what you do, including cooking, you can only do it well if you are interested in it. If you are not interested in teaching, it is useless."

When it comes to cooking at home, Tang Dou is definitely leaning towards Old Tang. Old Tang has no real power at home, and if he cooks and does laundry and serves his mother, then what is fairness and justice, and what is the dignity of a man.

Mom really thinks of herself as an old Buddha.

"In addition to being interested in cooking, you also need to be careful. My dad is too honest. He cooks all kinds of meals with a lot of oil, and cooks thick porridge. Life is hopeless."

Tang Dou glanced at Old Tang, and said to Shen Yun sympathetically:

"Girls are afraid of marrying the wrong man. With my mother's family conditions and personal conditions when she was young, what kind of person can't be found, but she just married her father who is not in the right family? Mom, you just accept your fate, it is you who insisted on choosing." .”

Tang Douming belittled Old Tang, but in fact he was helping Old Tang off his burden, while praising his mother.

Old Tang silently gave his son a thumbs up.

Shen Yun felt that what his son said was right. For some people, if you ask him to do rough and heavy work, he may not be able to do the housework well. "Mom has never regretted her choice. The right family does not necessarily mean happiness."

"My mother is virtuous and gentle, and my father is really blessed."

Tang Dou said to pick up a piece of vegetables for his mother.

Xianhui has nothing to say, gentle words are forced.Old Tang said in his heart, he picked up a piece of garlic moss and ate it: "This garlic moss is fried well, neither soft nor hard, and the taste is just right. I fried it once and it was still hard and dry."

Old Tang didn't say that the garlic moss fried by Shen Yun was soft and tasteless, he said again:

"How did you do it?"

Tang Dou: "Before frying, boil the water until it's half-to-medium cooked."

Old Tang nodded humbly.

Shen Yun thought that Old Tang was studying, but in fact, Old Tang was asking questions for her.

Tang Tang will keep silent because his mother made a holiday study plan just now.

My mother asked Tang Tang to do two sets of questions every morning, two sets in the afternoon, and two sets in the evening from the seventh day of junior high school.Doing six papers a day made Tang Tang feel that the winter vacation was over in an instant, and the food would not be delicious, and he was depressed.

It was obvious that his daughter was in a mood, but Shen Yun turned a blind eye to it. He should pamper and be strict with the child.

Tang Tang was going to do a good job of washing dishes at night, but now he is not in a hot mood, so he went back to the bedroom without saying a word after eating.Shen Yun cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, winked at Tang Dou, and asked Tang Dou to enlighten him in a low voice.

Tang Dou was also preparing to go.

Tang Tang was leaning on the bedside to look at her phone, Tang Dou slapped her slippers on the floor, squeezed her up and put her arms around her neck and said, "Study hard, make progress every day, it's right that mom told you to study, after playing for so many days, it's time to take back your mind .”

"Although I don't like studying and I hate talking about grades, I have to admit that grades are the most important thing in high school. It can determine the direction of your life, your current status in school and family, and even your future social status. "

"Brother, I know, I will study hard."

In fact, Tang Tang is not all because of the heavy learning tasks assigned by his mother, but mainly because his brother is leaving soon.

Families with brothers and sisters are used to the excitement, and suddenly they will not adapt when they are left alone. Tang Tang will be like this. This is the unique relationship between brothers and sisters, very close, but very pure.

"Brother, can't you leave after I start school? Give me tutoring at home."

Tang Tang pressed his head on his brother's chest and said centrally.

"Everyone has agreed that tutoring will start on the ninth day at the latest." Tang Dou rubbed his sister's face, "Do you like the way your mother taught you?"

"I don't like it, I don't like endless brushing questions, and I don't like being oppressed to learn."

Tang Tang shook his head.

Tang Dou said: "Then you have to be active yourself, use your achievements to speak, and do well enough in your own way, so that others can recognize you, and you have nothing to say."

"But Mom won't let me use my own way."

Tang Tang said a little aggrieved.

"Leave it to brother, and you have to take care of it yourself."

Tang Dou patted the old girl's shoulder.

Tang Dou originally planned to see Mu Wanying tomorrow, but the teacher and mistress were not at home the day after tomorrow, so Tang Dou changed to go the day after tomorrow.

At noon on the seventh day.

As soon as the teacher and mistress left, Tang Dou also packed his things and went to accompany Mu Wanying.

Seeing that his son had even packed away his pajamas and toothbrush, he was obviously planning to spend the night at Mu Wanying's house. As long as his heart is upright, it's okay to be alone. The problem is that his son didn't show any eagerness, as if he was used to it.

This made Shen Yun doubtful: The two of them really didn't cook well?
"Does your teacher and wife know?"

"It's not something I should consider. Mu Wanying knows it when she says it, and she doesn't know it if she doesn't say it."

Tang Dou smiled.

Old Tang: "I'm not small in lust."

"How can you embrace a beautiful woman if you don't have the guts."

Tang Dou smiled lightly.

"Which step have you and Wanying reached?"

Shen Yun continued to ask.

"Not yet cooked."

Tang Dou smiled, it doesn't matter what step he and Mu Wanying are at now, the important thing is that Mistress thinks the two of them have reached that step, which makes Tang Dou feel safe, he can take advantage of the situation without any scruples, and go straight to Huanglong .

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. You can prevent this kind of thing yourself. Whether you take medicine or take a shot, it will hurt girls."

Seeing his son's confident appearance, Shen Yun felt that it was most likely cooked, so he could only let him pay attention to safety.

Tang Dou nodded ambiguously, and it really didn't convince his mother, but it didn't matter, sooner or later, Mu Wanying and Mu Wanying would develop to that point, and the misunderstanding would become real.

"I want to go too."

Tang Tang is bored at home.

"After relaxing for so long, it's time to return to your mind." Tang Dou knocked on the old girl's forehead, and asked solemnly and from the bottom of his soul: "Have you finished writing today's paper? Have you made any notes for the wrong questions? You understand Yet?"

"Mom, Tang's physical foundation is a bit vague. My set of XX papers is moderately difficult. Let her practice more."

Tang Dou looked at his mother and added.

Tang Tang is a little confused!

Brother, didn't you say that you want to help me fight for the opportunity to learn independently?
Just help?

"It's time to put it away. I don't want to say harsh words in the first month. If you say good things, you can't listen to them. If you let you read a book, you won't be able to sit still for 5 minutes. Otherwise, you can hide in the room and play with your mobile phone. Give me your mobile phone when you start reading today."

Shen Yun also wanted to talk about his daughter in the past two days.

Brother, can't you be a good person?It was so good last night, but today it adds fuel to the fire.

Tang Tang felt bad after hearing this, and really wanted to feed his brother to the dog.

"Learning has to get to the bottom of it, you have to know what it is and why it is so."

Noticing the old girl's eyes full of resentment, Tang Dou touched her head and taught:

"Don't do simple questions, don't just write the answers. You have to learn to expand and associate yourself. What knowledge points are involved in this question. After this test, which one may be tested next time, and how to test it."

"For example, a multiple-choice question allows you to rank the liveliness of "potassium calcium sodium magnesium aluminum", so easy!"

"Don't even think about it, I'll give you a sub-question!"

"The person who wrote the question was a primary school student, right? The worst student also thinks this is a sub-question."

"Is there any difference between drawing "ABCD" directly and not doing this question? No difference, and a few seconds of time were wasted, wasting pen refills.

But through this question, you have to systematically sort out the physical and chemical properties, uses, storage methods, and related common equations of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum. Don’t read the book at the beginning, just write and sort it out. If you don’t know or can’t think of it, you can check the book and supplement , Finally, how can these things be tested after brainstorming, isn't this just drawing inferences from one instance?

Over time, the accumulation will add up, and sometimes you will feel that you have missed a lot of questions in the exam. "

"It's a shame you're not a teacher."

What my brother said is a set, Tang Tang wants to say lightly, I love learning, and learning makes me happy.

Old Tang Yu said earnestly: "Study should be like this. You can't be superficial. If you simply look at it and don't do it, the result will be blurred. You feel like you have seen some questions in the exam, but you just can't write them."

"It makes sense for your brother to do well in the college entrance examination. He can do one question better than others can do ten, or even more."

Shen Yun also said to his daughter.

Brother, dad, and brother took turns to fight, Tang Tang was dizzy, at this time Tang Dou said: "Mom usually don't give Tang a whole lot of questions. The effect of brushing the questions day and night may not be good. Learning should focus on methods and conclusions."

"Wanying is like this. She does a set of questions in an hour, and it may take two to three hours to summarize."

"Before the start of school, do a set of questions in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and make a serious summary after finishing, but I want to see the effect, how to let you learn in the future, the first monthly test after the start of school has the final say."

Shen Yun nodded, deeply convinced, she continued.

It turns out that my brother has worked hard!

Tang Tang suddenly realized, and his negative emotions towards his brother plummeted.

My brother has a really deep routine. First, teach her how to study, and criticize her way to get her mother to agree, then take Mu Wanying as an example, and finally ask her mother to cancel the problem-sea tactics that she made the day before yesterday.

Brother, you are so tall.

(End of this chapter)

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