Chapter 186 Corporate Planning
"If you think I'm annoying, go to bed early, good night."

After she vomited quickly, Mu Wanying said good night.

Mu Wanying is like this, she doesn't hold back if she feels unhappy, but spits it out first.

Then wait online for comfort.

As long as she doesn't make an unforgivable mistake, Mu Wanying is actually easy to coax, as long as the other party admits her mistake and says a few nice words, she will be fine.

I accidentally made Mu Wanying angry, what should I do?
Tang Dou dropped the phone, whistling and thinking about how to comfort him.

Then make Mu Wanying even more angry.

Some people are sometimes the more angry they are, the easier they are to coax, and the smoldering fire that is a little angry but not sad is the hardest to coax.An urgent fire burns fiercely but goes out quickly; a slow fire is warm and sullen, but goes out slowly.Mu Wanying is this kind of person, very typical.

On the opposite side, Mu Wanying also dropped her phone angrily.

Mu Wanying reminded herself not to argue, but her eyes were uncontrollably aimed at the phone screen.

"Wanying, I'm very happy to make you angry."

Tang Dou thought for a while before replying.

The phone screen flickered, Mu Wanying sniffed, and couldn't help picking up the phone to look at it.

Doudou, are you serious?

Mu Wanying slapped down the phone.

Tang Dou: "If you make you angry, I can coax you."


The phone rang, this time Mu Wanying didn't look at it, she pressed it under the pillow.

"I'm mad at you, let you beat me and scold you."

"Teasing you, making you cry, making you laugh."

Tang Dou continued to send messages.

Mu Wanying still didn't look at it.

"Are you still angry?"

Tang Dou felt that the explanation was very good, but Mu Wanying didn't reply. She seemed really angry, and it shouldn't be, and there was no big conflict. With Mu Wanying's temper, she wouldn't be greedy, so why would she not eat it? What about this set?

I forgot that she has been emotionally sensitive for the past two days, and she just separated today, so she must be in a low mood.

But Tang Dou is not in a hurry, see you later.

After being quiet for more than ten seconds, Mu Wanying still couldn't help taking out her mobile phone from under the pillow, and at this time, another message came from the mobile phone: "Okay, my wife, I was wrong, you can't call me if you forget, so please give me a good scolding." .”

Mu Wanying suddenly felt that she was so angry for no reason.

She flipped through the chat records, and it was obvious that she was yin and yang and couldn't speak well, but in the end she scolded Doudou, thinking that her temper had changed since she fell in love, and she was still so impatient when she was impulsive.

Besides, isn't this just Doudou's character?Make her cry and make her laugh, it's been like this since high school.

Mu Wanying was typing, and Tang Dou called. She didn't want her mother to hear, so Mu Wanying hung up and sent a message.

"It's so nasty. You know it's mad at me."

Tang Dou: "I won't be angry in the future. I will change the bad habits I developed in high school (poor)."

Mu Wanying suddenly felt that it didn't matter to her to be vindictive, as long as she made her cry if she found a way to make her laugh.

"It's not that serious, I'm being stingy."

"Doudou, is your room cold?"

Tang Dou: "It's a bit deserted."

"Turn on the air conditioner, don't be too stuffy, drink plenty of water."

Once her anger subsided, Mu Wanying was considerate and caring, making up for her impulsiveness just now with concern.

It's better to speak in a simpler way, Mu Wanying doesn't like sweet talk.Tang Dou smiled and replied: "I know, Wanying, my skin is still itchy."

"Since you're so in need of a beating, save it, I'll beat you with Tang when I get back."


At eight o'clock the next morning, Mi Le drove past the hotel and stopped. After Tang Dou came to get in the car, he went to have breakfast first, and then went to the company.

"Mr. Tang, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

Zhang Yadong and others came to pay Tang Dou a happy old age, and Tang Dou responded with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, happy new year. These are walnuts grown in my family. Mr. Tang, try them."

Guo Jing, who was wearing a light blue woolen coat, a narrow black silk skirt, and short boots, gave Tang Dou a bag of walnuts.

Guo Jing was very thoughtful, and the walnut clips were also in the bag.She gave Mi Le's share the day before yesterday, and brought a copy to the office, and several people shared it the day before yesterday.

"Thank you, Brother Jing."

Tang Dou took Walnut and said politely.

After everyone arrives, hold a meeting first, and Mi Le will talk about the company's expansion plan, personnel expansion and arrangements.

First of all, it is officially announced that the current owners will be converted from internships to full-time employees. Zhang Yadong will be the business director, Guo Jing will be the financial director, Wang Zhennan, Zhang Qiang, and Liu Yuan will be the managers of the first, second, and third teams respectively, and Qiao Mai will be the personnel director.

Zhang Yadong is the director of this business in the company, and he is competent.

Guo Jing is the first employee of Le Dou Company. When she first joined the company, the company lacks manpower. She does everything without complaint, and handles the company's finances very well. Regardless of her work attitude, experience, or qualifications, she is impeccable.

Qiao Mai is also very self-motivated, the company's current personnel relationship is simple, let her practice.

"In terms of finances, don't worry about your information, brother Jing. After recruiting new employees, it will be perfected. Brother Jing can keep up with the finance of the company's main business now."

".Miss Mai is in charge of personnel, complete your personnel files and labor contracts as soon as possible. It's already the end of February. Complete the information of everyone's regularization before March. This is related to your salary next month, and as soon as possible according to the job requirements. Responsible for recruiting new staff”

Mi Le posted the company's expansion plan in the group and asked Qiao Mai to print it.

Guo Jing was very calm, and she was expected to be promoted to financial supervisor.

Qiao Mai was flattered. Although the human resources supervisor was her goal since she joined the company, the happiness came too suddenly to achieve it in such a short period of time. At the same time, she felt a lot of pressure. She had no experience at all!

But the opportunity is in front of her, she will naturally not give up.

I don’t know if the salary will increase after the position is promoted. According to the company’s salary and welfare system, the basic monthly salary of the personnel director is more than 8000.

Qiao Mai had a small calculation in his heart, so excited.

The welfare salary system is set according to the company's efficiency and current scale. As Ledou grows, the welfare salary will also be adjusted in the future.

The current six people have all become leaders after they became full-time employees. Their enthusiasm for work is self-evident, and they are busy with their work right after the meeting.

Work was overwhelming like a mountain, but Qiao Mai was at a loss. After Tang Dou and Mi Le entered the private office, Qiao Mai asked Guo Jing:

"Brother Jing, do you have any special requirements for recruiting newcomers?"

"Women can't be prettier than Mr. Mi. If you are prettier than Mr. Mi, you can pass it directly after the first test."

Guo Jing whispered.

Qiao Mai nodded suddenly, and with this rule, some women dress up carefully before the interview, isn't this counterproductive?Fortunately, she was too busy to dress up in the early morning of the interview, otherwise she might have been passed directly.

The water in the workplace is too deep.

"Mr. Mi is very beautiful."

Qiao Mai understands, but thinking about it, if she is Mr. Mi, she doesn't like the office, especially Mr. Tang has someone who is more handsome than her.

"And girls, don't be too active. Our company is not technically skilled, and we don't need to have strong public relations skills. For example, the front desk doesn't need much experience. When you select candidates, you must consider your own living space. Of course, You should use your current priority to improve your business capabilities and competitiveness as soon as possible.”

"Recruiting people is not about all positions. The richer the work experience, the better. The company's configuration must be considered. Personal conditions must also be considered. For example, some positions require high ability but low appearance, and some positions require high appearance but low ability. Through these, the competition is balanced. force."

Guo Jing continued to guide Qiao Mai, which was also a hint.

Qiao Mai understood it in seconds, but he couldn't just know the silly merit-based, the rules of the workplace are too complicated.

After editing and posting the recruitment information, Qiao Mai printed out some company contracts and distributed them to several people.

In the private office, Mi Le Ka Ka's stuffed walnuts are eaten by himself while being stuffed for Tang Dou.

"According to the current income, the first small goal can be completed in more than four months."

Mi Le looked at Tang Doudao.

"Don't be too optimistic. The bigger the network you lay out, the greater the risk. If you invest 2000 million yuan, it's normal for it to shrink by hundreds of thousands or millions. It's just a blink of an eye. I'm a little scared."

Tang Dou pretended not to be confident.

Mi Le: "If you earn, you earn and if you lose, don't think too much about it. Even if my family is ruined, I will never jump off the building."

Qiao Mai released the recruitment information in the morning, and someone came for an interview in the afternoon. A fashionable and gorgeously dressed beauty applied for a financial position. Qiao Mai talked to her first, left a resume, and asked people to go back and wait for news.

Qiao Mai had already passed her in his heart, and the feeling of "abuse of power" was really good.

(End of this chapter)

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