Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 191 Seeing You, I Feel Spring Has Really Arrived

Chapter 191 Seeing You, I Feel Spring Has Really Arrived

After three days of recruitment, the expansion of Le Dou Company's recruitment has ended.

Now the company has thirteen employees, including Tang Dou and Mi Le, a total of 15 people.

After discussing with Mi Le, Tang Dou re-arranged the duties of everyone.

Head Tang Dou.

Miller's deputy head and director of the office.

Zhang Yadong, director of investment business, leads three trading teams.Wang Zhennan, Zhang Qiang, and Liu Yuan are the leaders of the three teams respectively, leading a newcomer, Cui Hairong, Bai Bin, and Wu Zhouwei.

Financial supervisor Guo Jing, financial assistant Hu Yanhong, financial staff Zhao Lulu and Hui Qiong.

Human resources supervisor and planner Qiao Mai.

Chen Wenwen, front desk and office assistant.

"Let's be like this for the time being! Finally, it looks a little bit better."

After deciding on the positions for everyone, Mi Le let Tang Dou have a look, and then sent it to Qiao Mai for announcement and arrangement.

Qiao Mai sent a message in the Le Dou life group: "When the newcomers come tomorrow, each of them will bring a five-inch life photo."

Hu Yanhong: "Got it."

Wu Zhouwei: "Got it, do you have any other requests?"

Qiao Mai: "Men should be handsome, women should be beautiful (cute)"


The company has a life group and an office group. The life group can chat freely, and the office group is limited to work communication.

With the addition of newcomers, the life group became much more lively.

"Student Mai, don't you know whether the rookie is handsome or not?"

"That's right, can't you recruit two vases for the office?"

There are no newcomers in the office today, Wang Zhennan and Zhang Qiang couldn't help complaining.

"I'm worried that your eyes can't keep up with the screen."

Jimmy laughed.

Liu Yuan retorted: "It's easy to look at the flowers after staring at the screen for a long time. If you are tired of staring at the screen, you can raise your eyes and relieve visual fatigue."

"Brother Jing is very beautiful! Isn't it good enough for your eyes?" Mi Le said: "The new Hui Qiong is not bad, fair and beautiful."

Zhang Qiang said: "Hui Qiong is fair and beautiful, but 155 is a bit short. Hu Yanhong should be 160, but her skin is dark, so she doesn't look good. Zhao Lulu has a cute face, but she is 120 tall and weighs [-]. It's Chen Wenwen's reluctance, student Mai, I have nothing to say to you."

"You are too demanding, there are so many beauties with long legs."


Wang Zhennan and the others were joking, but Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing didn't interrupt.Zhang Yadong has children, is very calm, and only wants to make money.

Guo Jing didn't say anything, but felt a little anxious. She is 29 years old this year, and her personal problems have not yet been solved. The whole family is attacking her. She plans to fight for a year this year. Standing firm is the best time to solve personal problems. No matter what, it must be solved next year.

It would be great if we can find a suitable colleague in Le Dou.

Looking at Tang Dou and Mi Le, Guo Jing felt so good to be young, she was ten years older than them.

"Qiao Mai's recruiter does have some ideas. Girls are beautiful and short, while tall girls are not beautiful. They are beautiful but tall and fat."

Hearing the argument outside, Mi Le said in the private office.

"Aren't you the one who made the decision?"

Tang Dou glanced at Mi Le and said.

On the morning of the [-]th, a full-staff meeting is held after work.

The company is more formal now, and the seating order is classified by position and arranged by position.

Tang Dou is the first chair in the center, Mi Le is the first on the right, followed by Guo Jing, Hu Yanhong, Qiao Mai, Hui Qiong, Zhao Lulu, and Chen Wenwen.On the left are Zhang Yadong, Wang Zhennan, Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan and others.

After everyone was seated, Tang Dou looked at the left and right rows, feeling a little like going to court early.

"First of all, welcome the arrival of a few newcomers, and congratulate the Le Dou team for growing stronger"

Miller first spoke on behalf of the company.

".Our company is booming now, and at the same time, all aspects are in the stage of establishment and improvement. This is a big challenge for us. According to the plan, the company will complete the first small goal before June."

Tang Dou said and glanced at the slogan above the projection screen on the wall, "Set a small goal, earn [-] million first", and then continued:
"At that time, the company will reach a new level, and more positions will be expanded, and people with the ability and responsibility are needed to fill them. This is an opportunity for everyone. Whether you can follow the company's footsteps and make progress together depends on your own grasp. , if you want to seize the opportunity, you must not only do your own job well within three months, but also quickly improve your own capabilities."

"Finally, I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival in advance."

Tang Dou's words are very attractive, especially Zhang Yadong, Guo Jing and other first batch of people who came to Le Dou. They are glad that they chose here and survived the busy and hard work of the company's initial stage.

After Tang Dou finished speaking, there was crackling applause in the office.

In order to let the newcomers work in Le Dou calmly, Mi Le asked Guo Jing to make a financial report PPT in advance, and took this opportunity to report the company's achievements in the past three months from December last year to the end of February.

As March enters, the weather has turned warmer, and people start to dress more lightly.

Knowing that she was going to report today, in order to appear serious, Guo Jing dressed more formally, with a ponytail and slanted bangs, a thick white shirt on her upper body, and black skinny jeans underneath.

The PPT was uploaded to the computer in advance, and after opening it, Guo Jing stood aside, holding a remote control pen to switch between explanations.

Sister Yu is very fanciful, she deserves to have been honed in the workplace for several years, and Guo Jing is impeccable in all aspects.

".According to the current benefits, our first small goal can be completed in mid-May."

After the report was over, Guo Jing added something.

After the meeting, each perform their duties.Tang Dou and Mi Le returned to the private office, and Mi Le sent seven red envelopes to the Le Dou life group, each 200 yuan, and noted the exclusive red envelopes for newcomers.

"Red envelopes have been given out in Mr. Mi's group."

Wang Zhennan was cheap, so he clicked the red envelope when he saw it, and he clicked twice in a row. When he found something wrong, he quickly returned it.

"Brother Wang, you are too fast."


After taking Chen Wenwen to clean up the rest area of ​​the office, Qiao Mai said to Guo Jing enviously: "Brother Jing, you look so stylish. I also wear professional clothes when the weather is warm."

"It's inconvenient to wear professional attire. It's not a job requirement, but I like to dress casually."

Guo Jing smiled and said, she didn't say that a girl needs to have a good figure and a steady temperament to control her professional attire. Mai Mai's figure is not bad, but her temperament is still very immature, and she needs to be nurtured in the workplace.

After the recruiting, the old people lead the newcomers, and the atmosphere in the office is much more lively.

The work pressure is still relatively high in the financial area. Although Guo Jing has been assigned three soldiers, they are not familiar with the work now. Guo Jing has to deal with finances while training soldiers. For Guo Jing, who is the first leader, it is still quite challenging. of.

Tang Dou bought a plane ticket back to Tangdu at [-] noon, Mi Le drove him to the airport at [-] o'clock, had a light meal, Mi Le returned, and Tang Dou entered the station.

After returning to Tangdu, Tang Dou went to Mu Wanying's house first.

It's past five o'clock in the afternoon, so as not to be told by the old girl that "Old Tang's pig has lost its way again", Tang Dou hasn't reported to his family that he's coming back today, let's see the situation, if Wanying wants to keep him for one night, she won't come back today home.

The teacher, mistress, and Mu Wanying are all at home.

Mu Wanying opened the door and immediately smiled when she saw Doudou, as if she hadn't seen her for a long time.

Tang Dou wanted to have a meeting ceremony with Mu Wanying at the door, but his mistress also came over, so he could only hold back his temper and give up.

"Wanying, seeing you makes me feel that spring has really arrived."

Tang Dou smiled.

"It's better if it's not winter."

Mu Wanying pinched Doudou, Doudou was really glib, but it was quite touching to hear her boyfriend say such a sentence when the spring of March came, and I will record Doudou's words in my diary later.

It's called a diary, and Mu Wanying doesn't write it every day, nor does she know how to write it specially.

Whenever you want to pick up a pen, you can just write casually, very freely, it may be a passage in a book, or a feeling, it may be a sentence, a sentence of mood, a word, a certain word, the name of Lian Doudou, etc. Wait.

Mu Wanying wrote a lot in high school, and seven or eight of the ten articles were scolding.

In order to improve Mu Wanying's Chinese level, Mu Jinhua asked her to take notes since she was in junior high school.

It turned out to be useless. Mu Wanying's Chinese performance in the college entrance examination made Mu Jinhua very puzzled. If Mu Jinhua read what kind of ghosts he wrote in his precious girl's diary, he would understand.

"Winter is also very good. When winter comes, spring is not far away."

Tang Dou was still smiling, like the sunshine in spring.

The brat's mouth is so invincible, no wonder it made her miss him day and night, but he just said good things slowly, and how can he please Wanying when he is short of words.Feng Qinglan thought to herself that Tang Doudou was worthy of her Chinese teacher.

"It's only when I see you that I feel that spring has really arrived." Mu Jinhua, who stood up in front of the sofa, shook his head with a smile, and said wonderfully.

"If you hadn't told me earlier that you were on the plane, and your house was idle, you would have told me that my father and I were going to pick you up."

Mu Wanying bent down and put the slippers on the shoe rack in front of Doudou's feet.

"There is an airport bus, which is very convenient. It's too troublesome for you to travel so far."

Tang Dou smiled and changed his slippers.

"What's the trouble? I'm bored to death with a false expectation. I just want to go out for a walk."

Knowing that Tang Dou was coming, Feng Qinglan, the teacher's wife, made glutinous rice balls in advance.

"Dou Dou will go back after eating, and I will make it for you. After eating, I will make glutinous rice balls. How about you try it?"

Feng Qinglan did not regard Tang Dou as an outsider at all.

(End of this chapter)

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