Chapter 194 Enjoying the Two-person Space
Mu Wanying looked at the photo sent by Doudou, and replied that she picked it up on the ground for changing boards in the first year of high school.

Actually she was lying.

Mu Wanying High School was the English class representative of the class. Once, she helped the English teacher check the student's workbook. She found a photo of Doudou in Liu Yuexia's classmate's book, and it was confiscated and hidden in her notebook.

There are so many girls who like fighting in high school.

Mu Wanying now thinks back and feels very lucky.Once girls take the initiative, they are much braver than boys, and they do a lot of tricks, writing notes, giving snacks, changing seats in self-study classes to sit together, following up and confessing.

In order to destroy Doudou's luck, she also took great pains at the beginning.

Stalking and secretly observing; checking Doudou's books, tearing up the note when seeing it; asking Dad to prohibit private seat adjustments in the class.

"I'm going to wash up first! We'll talk later."

The corners of Mu Wanying's mouth curled up as she replied to Doudou's message.

Tang Dou: "Go."

Shen Yun was about to check on Tang Tang's study. He heard Tang Dou in the room giving Tang Tang ideological education at the door, so he didn't bother her. Her daughter could still listen to her brother's words. After nine o'clock, she boiled two cups of milk and sent them in.

Mom came in, Tang Tang quickly put his feet down from the chair, picked up a pen and pretended to think.

Seeing this, Shen Yun glanced at his daughter and said:
"Don't study hard during the day, but study scriptures at night."

"Study hard during the day! I made three papers, and I wrote down more than ten pages of notes." Tang Tang said with a smile: "Mom, then I won't study the scriptures, so give me the phone."

Shen Yun didn't even look at it, put down the milk, turned around and went out.

After her mother went out, Tang Tang dug out the "Chicken Soup Book" and wrote down what her brother said just now, "High emotional intelligence is not easy to talk to, you have to learn to say no, give face to anyone, it's restraining yourself, even betraying yourself" on the title page.

Mu Wanying has a chicken soup wall.

Tang Tang's is the chicken soup book.

Both of them were very disgusted that Tang Dou called it chicken soup, Mu Wanying called it the inspirational wall, and Tang Tang called it the inspirational book.

After observing Mu Wanying's inspirational wall, Tang Tang also followed suit in the room, but was destroyed by Tang Dou, so he changed the version.

"Brother, sign it for me, and write the date, don't write your name, just write my brother."

Tang Tang moved Ben to his elder brother and pointed to the lower right corner of the chicken soup.

"Brother · 2014.3.1"

Tang Dou swiped his pen.

Tang Tang was satisfied, looked at it, and put the book in his schoolbag.

The next day is the Lantern Festival.

School will start soon, and Tang Tang will give himself a day off.

After lunch, Tang Dou took Tang Tang with him and asked Mu Wanying to go out and watch a movie.After sending Mu Wanying home at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dou and Tang Tang also went home. Shen Yun had already cooked the meal and was just in time to eat it when he came back.

After dinner, Tang Tang helped my mother wash the dishes.

It wasn't very cold, Tang Dou and Lao Tang went to the square of the community to throw a basketball for a while to digest.

"After a year, my father gained a lot of weight. It is the age when it is easy to gain weight. I can exercise more when I have nothing to do after get off work."

Seeing the obvious fat on Old Tang's face, Tang Dou said.

"I also noticed that I have controlled my diet for the past two days."

Old Tang said, while shooting from the free throw line, he scored one, and Tang Dou gave him the ball to continue.

It was almost seven o'clock, and Old Tang was going home to watch the news broadcast, and Tang Dou also collected the ball and went back.

After eight o'clock, Shen Yun cooked glutinous rice balls and brought them to the coffee table. The family enjoyed the reunion while watching the Lantern Festival Gala while eating glutinous rice balls.

"Will Doudou come back on May Day?"

Shen Yun asked.

Tang Dou said: "There are still two months left, let's see when the time comes. Xin Liao and Li Fan are planning to go to the capital on May [-]st. If they go, I will definitely not be able to come back."

"Just your F4 member?"

Shen Yun asked.

Tang Dou said: "The only ones who have a good relationship in high school are those few."

"If my brother doesn't come back, I'll go to Kyoto to hang out."

Tang Tang looked at his mother and said, seeing that his mother ignored him, Tang Tang asked his father and brother for help.

"While the first year of high school is not too busy, go out for a walk and broaden your eyes, and it will also be good for choosing a major in the future."

Old Tang nodded his head in solidarity with his daughter.

"Dad said that's true. Many students are so absorbed in studying hard that they hardly hear anything out of the window for a few years. After the college entrance examination, they have no direction and no opinion at all. They choose wrong steps. Hard work in high school is important, but choice is equally important."

Tang Dou also helped his sister talk, and then added:
"The world is so big, mom and dad should go out and see more, it's too old to be crazy, and it's too late to turn around."

"It's a pity that I have more than enough heart but not enough strength."

Tang Dou ate a glutinous rice ball to emphasize.

Get old if you're not crazy.

Tang Tang gave my brother a thumbs up in his heart. My brother's words definitely hit my mother's heart. My mother is very sensitive to the word "old" now. She didn't apply a mask when she was young. Apply at night.

After Tang Dou and Mu Wanying got on good terms, my mother and teacher's wife often went shopping together or chatted on the mobile phone.

The mask that my mother put on was pushed by my wife.

Shen Yun thought it made sense.

Especially her son said "The world is so big, go out and see more" and "If you don't go crazy, you will be old, and it will be too late if you want to turn around." The comparison of the two sentences made her middle-aged crisis unadapted, and the old-age crisis spontaneously emerged. .

"Mom is still young, she looks younger since the second half of last year."

Tang Tang took the opportunity to flatter her.

"It depends on your monthly test scores in March and April. If you can't stabilize in the top [-] of your grade, don't even think about it."

Shen Yun pretended to be serious and said to his daughter.

"It's a word."

Tang Tang thinks the problem is not big, the top [-] in the grade, so easy. Now she just hopes that her brother will not go home on May [-]st, so that she will have the opportunity to travel.

At noon on the sixteenth, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went to school.

There was something to do at Mu Jinhua's school, so Feng Qinglan drove the two of them to the station.Tang Dou was waiting outside his home compound. After a while, Feng Qinglan pulled over and stopped.Mu Wanying was in the back seat, she opened the door and moved to the inside.

Tang Dou said hello to his wife and went up.

"Doudou, I won't treat you as an outsider in the future. Take good care of Wanying outside. You two are still too early to graduate, so you must be careful."

Looking in the rearview mirror at her daughter and Tang Dou who were flirting, Feng Qinglan made it clear.

"Master, don't worry, I will love Wanying as much as I love myself."

Tang Dou said very sincerely that he understood the signal sent by his wife and completely accepted him.

Mu Wanying naturally heard her mother's implication, and everything she did with Doudou would be justified in the future.

"Love me more than you love yourself. People sometimes give up on themselves, break pots and hurt themselves, but you can't hurt me."

Mu Wanying looked at Doudou with a smile.

"With you around, how could I give up on myself."

Tang Dou held Mu Wanying's little hand on the seat, it was soft and warm, and it was really comfortable to hold.

The rearview mirror saw the young couple interacting intimately, but Feng Qinglan pretended not to see it.

At the North Railway Station, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying got off the bus, but Feng Qinglan didn't get off, and went back directly. A farewell is a sad thing, out of sight and out of mind.

"I stayed at home for a full 45 days during this holiday, and I stayed there in a daze. The university holiday is too long, and I will also work part-time during the holidays."

Finally about to leave, Mu Wanying felt that she was alive.

"Are you still looking for a part-time job? When our company wants to do what you want to do, it's an internship."

Tang Dou put his right arm on Mu Wanying's shoulder, "I'm still worried about going to other places."

"Well, then listen to you."

Mu Wanying nodded.

After arriving in Kyoto at around [-]:[-] pm, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went back to the hotel after dinner.

After going home for three days, I can finally enjoy the space for two in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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