Chapter 211 Tears of Love Are Sweet

"Dou Dou, I've made up my mind."

Just as Tang Dou was about to eat fish, Mu Wanying looked at him and said seriously, her eyes were very firm.

"I want to give you everything."

After a pause, Mu Wanying added.

"But I'm not ready!"

Tang Dou understood Mu Wanying's meaning in seconds, but he was not excited. After all, he was not only greedy for Wanying's body. Mu Wanying's steadfastness in love has been proved in her previous life. Tang Dou now only wants to give her a simple first love.

Sometimes, the more you want to get it, the less you can get it. If you feel at ease, it is easier to get it.

"Are you afraid of taking responsibility?"

After hearing this, Mu Wanying's expression sank, she turned her back to Tang Dou, her tears couldn't stop pouring out, she was extremely disappointed, as a girl, she finally made up her mind to give everything for you, but you ran away.

Mu Wanying can quickly make up her mind.

No wonder Doudou treats her meticulously, but keeps a clear distance from her. It must be because of her heart swaying. If it was another girl, Doudou might not have so many worries, but she is the daughter of Doudou's most respected teacher, and both sides Parents know the bottom line, once Doudou and her are cooked and then break up, it will undoubtedly be very embarrassing.

And Tang Tang is now in Dad's class.

Doudou wants to possess her first, and the relationship should not go so far. If one day he doesn't love her, he won't be too passive.

I gave wholeheartedly, but Doudou is like this.

"It's so nice to say, it's all a lie."

"You've changed after the college entrance examination, either you don't care or you pretend to be confused."

The more Mu Wanying thought about it, the more wronged she became. She felt that she had been singing a one-man show for half a year, and she burst into tears in the blink of an eye.

"Wanying, I mean I didn't prepare a helmet."

Tang Dou twisted Mu Wanying's shoulder, but Mu Wanying stubbornly shook her arm.

"Wanying, I admit that I am mentally unprepared, but I am not afraid of being responsible. I love you, but I will not force you. You said that love is only when you get married. I am willing to wait for that day. I really did not expect happiness to come so suddenly today. .”

"You can doubt my character, but you can't doubt my intentions for you, Wanying."

Tang Dou continued to explain.

Mu Wanying wiped her tears, sniffed and sobbed.

I thought in my heart that I was really too sudden today, and I didn't even think about any rituals or precautions, so I threw myself to Doudou like a ball, and let Doudou figure it out, and Doudou would definitely be at a loss.

"Wanying, this is a major event in our lives, turn around and let's plan it out."

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's shoulder lightly.

Mu Wanying turned around shyly, her aggrieved face made people feel distressed, it was the first time I saw her cry so seriously, Tang Dou kissed her teary face and said, "Tears of love are sweet .”


Mu Wanying turned her head away, made people cry and joked.

"Wanying, you go first."

Tang Dou wiped her tears and said.

"I don't want to."

Mu Wanying wiped her anger from the corner of her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Give someone hope and say no, it hurts more than not giving hope. I want to give you the perfect first love, but I don't mean to make you angry. Wanying, you are always double-standard. When I want it, you say I'm greedy." Your appearance, now you say that I am afraid of the person in charge."

Tang Dou said with an aggrieved face.

"I don't blame you, I wanted to surprise you."

Mu Wanying's big eyes were full of tears, knowing that she had misunderstood Tang Dou, she still looked aggrieved.

"Fool, do you know what I'm thinking right now?"

Tang Dou pinched the tip of Mu Wanying's nose and asked.


Mu Wanying opened her eyes wide.

Tang Dou smiled, took this opportunity to talk about the idea of ​​renting a house, and then went on to plan: ". Then choose a weekend, in the little nest we made up by ourselves, and let you rest for two days afterwards, and I will make breakfast for you by myself , Thinking about it, I can't wait, I will look for a house tomorrow, Wanying, don't regret it if you give me hope, okay?"

Tang Dou would not take the initiative to ask Mu Wanying what to do, and of course he would not refuse Mu Wanying's proposal.

Mu Wanying nodded obediently.

After listening to Doudou's plan, she was looking forward to it, but Doudou was thoughtful and thoughtful of her all the time. She was not thinking about anything, even if she surprised the other party, she should wait for a "good day and auspicious day" "of.

If it is a boy who only thinks about himself, if he has a chance, he may satisfy himself first, and then he will not care whether it will hurt the other party. After that, he will let the girl take medicine, and even start not to care, and there will be a fight.

"It's your fault, I shouldn't have said that."

Mu Wanying apologized eagerly.

"As long as you love me, being wronged is nothing."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's head and said, "Slug, you know how to cry at this age."

"No way, I thought you didn't love me." Mu Wanying waved her small fist and slammed Tang Dou down, "I didn't cry much when I was a child, every time I cried since high school was related to you, don't make me cry again. "

"You're just thinking about it yourself. Hey, the snot is coming out."

Tang Dou pinched Mu Wanying's nose, and then.

"Doudou, you are good or bad."

Mu Wanying wiped her mouth on Tang Dou's clothes, then punched and kicked her.

"Laugh at a husband who will treat you like a cow or a horse."

After Mu Wanying had vented her anger enough, Tang Dou smiled.

"You are so kind."

Mu Wanying twisted her neck and giggled in embarrassment.

"Just now you said I was bad, and you beat and kicked me, it's really quick to turn your face."

Tang Dou turned off the overhead light, dimmed the adjustable bedside lamp, and put the big teddy bear on his pillow.

Mu Wanying tiptoedly turned her head.

After the quilt was covered, Tang Dou took the phone in, opened the playlist and played it randomly.

The melody of "good time" sounded.

“.it’s alaways a good time”

"Wanying, don't keep sinking back, it hurts my nose."

Tang Dou pushed Mu Wanying.

"Oh. Doudou, I didn't do it on purpose."

The next morning he woke up naturally, before eight o'clock, Tang Dou's arm was sore, and he moved Mu Wanying's head away to move around. There was no friction between the two of their clothes, and they were very comfortable together.At this time Mu Wanying also woke up, her big eyes opened and twinkled, Tang Dou pulled up the quilt to cover her white shoulders and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat the steamed dumplings and lotus seed porridge from last time."

Mu Wanying stroked her hair and said in a daze.

Tang Dou called to order breakfast, turned on the TV and switched to the sports channel to watch the game.

It's almost April, and the NBA regular season is also very exciting.

Tang Dou watched the game, holding the ball in his hand, such a wonderful morning.

"It's not a foul if you knock everyone down?"

Mu Wanying pointed to the TV and said.

"No. 6 has already held the ball with both hands and charged him before coming to defend. It is a blocking foul. If the opponent stands up first and then No. 6 takes the ball with both hands, it is a dribble charge."

Tang Dou explained.

"Like This."

Mu Wanying nodded, went to the bathroom after watching it, and shouted after a few minutes, "Dou Dou, you wet the paper again last night, bring me the paper."

"Wait." Tang Dou went down and took the wrapping paper and sent it, "Can I help?"

"No, you go out first."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

After eating at noon, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went to buy bicycles first, Tang Dou chose a variable speed bike, Mu Wanying got an ordinary small yellow bike, and they rode their bikes to the neighborhood near the school to read the rental advertisements on the advertising board.

I visited several houses and rented a small nest with two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

The furniture in the room is basically complete, and you can check in with your bags. After booking, you simply pack it up, and then take advantage of the weekend to go to the supermarket with Tang Dou to buy daily necessities and daily necessities. The quilt is only a big one.

If you need to use it separately, you need couple models.

Toothbrushes for couples, toothbrushes for couples.

Towels, shower gel, and water heaters can be bought by Tang Dou from the hotel. Mu Wanying brought all the dolls caught yesterday and put them on the bed.

The nest is almost there.

(End of this chapter)

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