Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 213 Boys Will Never Grow Up in Front of Girlfriends

Chapter 213 Boys Will Never Grow Up in Front of Girlfriends

It was the first time that Mu Wanying stayed up so late last night and fell asleep leaning on Tang Dou in the taxi. On Friday night, she had a lot of fun with Tang Dou and she didn't have a good rest. She was busy all day yesterday and made things difficult for her .

Outside the community, Tang Dou woke her up.

"Dou Dou, my head hurts, and I'm tired."

After getting off the car, Mu Wanying's head hung on Tang Dou's shoulder.

"I'll carry you back."

Tang Dou rubbed the back of her head and said softly.

"I'll go by myself."

Mu Wanying shook her head and tugged at Tang Dou's arm.

"Fight against me."

In the elevator, there was no one else, so Mu Wanying climbed up Tang Dou's back by herself.

"Come on, Pikachu."

Tang Dou supported Mu Wanying's leg and pulled it up.

Back in the love nest, Mu Wanying fell asleep without moving, "I don't want to stay up late any more."

"Wanying took off her clothes and went to bed."

Tang Dou untied her hair tie, let her hair spread out, took off her coat, tight jeans, and socks, then took half a basin of hot water to soak her feet, then straightened her body, covered her with the quilt, and finally washed herself sleep.

It's really comfortable to wash your feet in hot water.

After Tang Dou came up, Mu Wanying turned over and hugged him like a cat, with the corners of her mouth curled up softly.

After twelve o'clock, Tang Dou woke up. No matter how hard he stayed up at night, he slept very short during the day.

Mu Wanying was still sleeping soundly, with a trace of crystal clear from the corner of her mouth.Tang Dou kissed lightly, got up gently, went to the bathroom, put on his coat in the hall, took the key, and locked it lightly after going out.

Tang Dou first went to the supermarket to buy a rice cooker.

When I came back, I bought two catties of rice, ten eggs, two tomatoes, a bag of fungus, etc. in the neighborhood supermarket.

After paying the bill, I went to get two pairs of slippers.

After returning home at one o'clock, Tang Dou took a look at Mu Wanying in the bedroom, put the cute cartoon slippers under the bed, and went to cook.

Steam the rice first; boil a pot of hot water; then soak some black fungus in a bowl; peel and shred the potatoes, soak in water; wash and shred the green peppers; soak the tomatoes in boiling water, peel and cut into pieces; beat three Mix the eggs.

At this time Mu Wanying woke up, she stretched out her arms to hug a big guy in a daze.

Opening her eyes, it wasn't Doudou, it was a big teddy bear. Mu Wanying woke up a little bit. Hearing the movement in the kitchen, she turned on her phone and looked at it. She got up and went to the bathroom and went to the kitchen like sleepwalking, scratching her messy hair ask:
"What time did you get up, Doudou?"

"After twelve o'clock, I can't sleep during the day, so I go to wash and prepare to eat."

Tang Dou fed her a tomato.

"Okay, my husband has worked hard!"

Mu Wanying said sweetly, and went to take a bath of hot water. She was refreshed. She had washed it, but she had no pajamas, and she was wearing Tang Dou's basketball jersey. It's so convenient.

"How is Doudou?"

Mu Wanying came out and raised one leg to pose for a pose and asked.

"It's pretty nice. I'll buy you a small jersey when it's over. It's very convenient when the weather is warm. Isn't it cold to wear it now?"

Tang Dou's eyes brightened. Girls wearing oversized jerseys also have a unique personality, and those long legs are very eye-catching.

"It's not cold, and it's not cold outside today. The heater in the room is still hot."

Mu Wanying shook her head, "What do you want me to do?"

"The vegetables are fried, but the porridge is not cooked, so please boil a pot of water for us."

Tang Dou made a fungus egg, a hot and sour potato shreds, two dishes for two, no more, no less.

Put the rice in a small bowl and it's done.

Mu Wanying took the electric kettle from the dining table, went to the kitchen to get water, and came out to plug in the electricity.

"Is your head still hurting?"

Tang Dou rubbed her head and said.


Mu Wanying shook her head and asked, "Is Doudou shredded potatoes hand-cut?"

"Yeah, the knife skill is okay!"

"It's amazing. I cut potato chips with my hands, and they will rot as soon as they are fried. They can't be fried well at all."

Mu Wanying ate a mouthful of hot and sour potato shreds first. It was sour, crunchy, and very refreshing. "It's much more delicious than the ones in our school restaurant, and the fungus eggs are also delicious."

"It would be good to fry shredded potatoes with some red peppers."

It was only when Tang Dou came back that he remembered that he didn't buy red peppers.

"Doudou, how much vinegar did you pour? Every time I fry potato shreds, I pour a lot of vinegar and it still tastes like nothing."

"It's probably too early for you. I add vinegar when the shredded potatoes are out of the pan."

"Okay, the potato shreds can be fried so crispy, you are amazing."

"It will soak in the water a lot, and then just rinse it again."

"I'll try it next time, but I can't cut it so thin, I'll buy a scraper another day."

Mu Wanying took an egg and fed it, Tang Dou let him use his mouth, Mu Wanying shook her head and ate it by herself.

Tang Dou took it back.

"It hurts me to bite."

Mu Wanying stuck out her tongue.

"Rub it for you."

Of course Tang Dou doesn't need to knead with his hands.

The two ate a meal for more than half an hour, and they were still sleepy after staying up all night. After eating, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying continued to rest. They lay down in the bedroom during the day and couldn't sleep. There was no game that Tang wanted to play. Fighting is boring.


Tang Dou whispered in Mu Wanying's ear.

"Dou Dou you big baby."

Mu Wanying pinched Tang Dou's cheek, leaned sideways on the teddy bear, covered her with a quilt, and rolled up her jersey.

Tang Dou remembered a song "Like a Child" by Master Wang, and searched and played it on his mobile phone.

"When I stand on the bridge and stare at the highway quietly, no one can know how much I want to cry. Those criss-crossing roads are like this life going without direction. Hold me tight, hold me tight until I have a feeling Warm feeling, I really need you to love me like a child."

"Wanying, haven't you heard that boys will never grow up in front of their girlfriends?"

Tang Dou squeezed his face in the middle, eating the left side bun for a while, and eating the right side bun for a while.

"I've read a saying that it takes a moment for a girl to mature, but it takes a lifetime for a boy. It's true." Mu Wanying hugged Tang Dou's head, and said in a tone like training a child, "From now on, don't fight with the little baby."

"If you have a small baby, you won't love the big baby."

Tang Dou pursed his lips and pulled his idol.

"You will only get what's left, so you have to serve me well and give me good food and drink."

Mu Wanying snorted softly, patted Tang Dou on the head and said.

"At that time, I will definitely raise you up for nothing."

Tang Dou smiled.

What does mr taste like Tang Dou is actually very curious. According to my aunt's black information, Tang Dou had Hao Yuan when she was in the second grade of primary school. Every time my aunt fed Hao Yuan, Tang Dou would have the cheek to grab it, and so did the younger Tang Tang.

Tang Dou had forgotten all about this black history, and he must never let his uncle know.

"Dou Dou help me draw a piece of paper."

Mu Wanying said in a soft voice.

Tang Dou took out two pieces of paper, lined up Mu Wanying's spicy underwear, then got up and leaned against the pillow, watching TV with Mu Wanying.

"Dou Dou, I have three or four periods tomorrow morning, and I have no class on Tuesday, seven or eight periods. I come back after class to cook. What do you want to eat?"

Mu Wanying turned around and said.

"What are you good at?"

Tang Dou thought it was good, because he didn't even have a fan friend at school.

"Then stir-fry shredded cabbage and a ham and egg for lunch tomorrow."

Mu Wanying thought about it.

"I ate eggs with fungus today, and eggs tomorrow."

Tang Dou touched Mu Wanying's forehead.

"Uh, how about frying shredded pork with green peppers, one meat and one vegetable, and making millet porridge?"


"Would you like rice or steamed buns?"

"If you cook porridge, eat steamed buns"

"You will teach me how to make braised pork next weekend, and I will take you as my teacher in the future."


After seven o'clock in the evening, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went out to eat something, and then accompanied Mu Wanying to school for a run.

Back to my school after nine o'clock in the evening.

In dormitory 412, Li Xiongxiong just came back, and he took the blame for Zhao Rui again. Give it an arch.

Zhao Rui acted very similar, walking as if she had her tail between her legs. After all, she had experienced it before, so she knew what it felt like.

"Ruirui, why are you so careless?"

Zhang Yao felt very sympathetic to Zhao Rui after hearing this, how dare she go drinking with boys alone, it's so stupid.

Up to now, Zhang Yao didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yao blamed herself a little, if she hadn't advised Zhao Rui, Zhao Rui might not have come to this point.

Zhang Yao thought in her heart that Zhao Rui was pulled from the bottom by Li Xiongxiong, and she lost her biggest hole card. Moreover, Li Xiongxiong was not sincere to Zhao Rui.

Li Xiongxiong is simply a scumbag for playing this trick on his classmates.

Zhao Rui will either maintain the relationship with grievances, and look for opportunities to ask for some compensation.

Or break up early.

"He took advantage of me, and I will take it back."

Zhao Rui said resentfully.

"But you have to be careful."

Zhang Yao doesn't want to meddle in Zhao Rui's and Li Xiongxiong's affairs in the future, and will continue to contribute to the flames. If something happens, the relationship between her and Zhao Rui's girlfriends will also be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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