Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 220 The Girl Who Feeds the Cat

Chapter 220 The Girl Who Feeds the Cat

After ten o'clock in the morning.

Tang Dou went to cook, and Mu Wanying came to learn how to cook braised pork.

"It's also very simple to do, just watch it, and I'll talk about it as I do it."

Tang Dou took out the pork belly from the refrigerator and washed it first.

Mu Wanying peeled the garlic and green onions, took the apron after peeling it, and tied it on Tang Dou, "This is the demeanor of a chef."

"If you don't think I'm worthless, I'll be a full-time husband at home after graduation."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Why do you think so? I'm looking for a nine-to-five job in front of my house. You cook, take me to and from get off work, and when you have a child, you take care of the baby. If you have a child, it seems that you work harder. My mother will definitely take care of the baby. .”

Mu Wanying took an apple and said while chewing.

"It's very troublesome to bring a baby."

Tang Dou is able to play with children because of his patience. If he brings a baby, even his own will be annoying!
I don't know if I have never been a parent.

"I checked the Internet to cook braised pork. It is very troublesome. I need salad oil. The word 'into' comes down with 'water', so what kind of rapeseed is boiled and chopped, and then stir-fried with salad oil. I have never used red yeast rice and some seasonings. "

Mu Wanying watched Tang Dou do it while checking on her mobile phone.

"Family cooking doesn't have to be so troublesome. There are onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, salt, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, dark soy sauce instead of salad oil, cooking wine, chicken powder, star anise, cumin, and rock sugar. These seasonings are enough for almost any meal."

Tang Dou is very familiar with the method on the recipe, but it is too trivial.

"I really admire you." Mu Wanying said, "Although I know how to cook home-cooked dishes, I only remember pepper powder, ginger powder, thirteen spices, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, chicken powder, and these are the only ingredients I usually use for stir-frying. .”

It takes a while to simmer the braised pork on low heat, and soak the other vegetables and mushrooms in water, and go out for a rest.

After simmering for more than half an hour, the fire drained the juice, Tang Dou put a piece into the bowl, and asked Mu Wanying to taste it first.

Mu Wanying blew and took a small bite, it was delicious and not greasy.

The braised pork is finished, Tang Dou stir-fries mushrooms and vegetables, and the lunch is complete.

Put some in the braised pork bowl to eat, and put the rest in the refrigerator when it is cold, and it can be used as a dish tomorrow.

After dinner, Mu Wanying went to wash the dishes. Tang Dou washed the sheets and the clothes he and Mu Wanying had changed to dry on the balcony. It is very troublesome to do laundry without a washing machine, so it is necessary to buy a washing machine.

It was sunny outside and the room was warm.

Such an environment made people lazy and cancer cells spread wildly. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying rolled on the bed, laughing and making noise.

"It's about to wither, so fake flowers are better, and they can be placed in the living room to decorate the room."

Mu Wanying picked up the rose, the flower was already wilting, what a pity.

"I'll buy you one that won't wither in the future."

Tang Dou took out a flower and held it in his mouth.

"Growing up very fast, can I still wear my previous bra?"

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's hand.

"It's a bit tense, and I usually wear vests recently."

Mu Wanying looked down, and held Tang Dou's octopus-like hand.

"Go out and buy two in the afternoon." Tang Dou gently broke away from Mu Wanying's hand, continued to rub the balls, and said with a smile, "Massage can promote blood circulation, help health, and promote growth."

"Nonsense, I'm at this age, otherwise we can't promote growth by massaging ourselves."

"You can only promote blood circulation, but not stimulate rf growth hormone. You don't understand such a simple truth, and you have learned nothing about biology."

Tang Dou said and switched to the other side.

"It won't be so obvious." Mu Wanying was also speechless, "Eating in the morning and at noon is so good, I won't eat hot pot today. I'm worried that my weight will lose control. I don't have class on Tuesday night and come back to eat hot pot."


Tang Dou can eat anything, he is not picky about food.

A little sleepy, Tang Dou lay down on Mu Wanying's lap to rest for a while, and he didn't want to move as soon as he closed his eyes.

Mu Wanying reached for the rubber band at the head of the bed, tied up her long hair at will, pulled the quilt over to cover Tang Dou, then turned the phone to silent to play the game, first finished the happy beans that Doudizhu gave every day, Play matchmaker again.

Tang Dou fell asleep for over an hour.

I slept very soundly, I felt like I slept for a long time, and I had long dreams, messy dreams.

Tang Dou dreamed that he came home and was fighting with his old sister. The old girl complained first, and his mother scolded Tang Dou. Tang Dou went to Mu Wanying's house angrily, and Mu Wanying and his wife made him a good meal After eating, he suddenly caught a cold for no reason. Mu Wanying gave him a three-nine cold medicine and shouted, "Dou Dou, I've taken the medicine."

Then Tang Dou was startled awake.

Tang Dou woke up a little confused.

Opening his eyes, he saw Mu Wanying looking at the phone and frowning, thinking about something seriously, she looked very serious, Tang Dou thought it was Tang Tang who was asking her a question again, and it was rare for this true student to be stumped .

Tang Dou didn't bother Mu Wanying either, and turned over, facing inward.

"Wake up."

Mu Wanying rubbed Tang Dou's face, "Dou Dou, help me pass this level, it's so difficult, I've been stuck for a while."

Xiaoxiaole, Xueba playing games is the same as studying.Tang Dou laughed dumbly in his heart, took Mu Wanying's mobile phone, turned on the sound, playing the game still requires BGM, mute is boring, Tang Dou failed for the first time, and could be eliminated in two steps, Mu Wanying didn't add a step prop, It can only be reopened, and it will pass the second time.


Tang Dou returned the phone to Mu Wanying.

"Your sister asked if she would buy a train ticket in advance when she comes to Beijing on May Day?"

Mu Wanying brought Tang Dou's cell phone.

"Why are we not sure about May Day? Xin Liao and Li Fan originally planned to come to the capital on May Day, but they didn't come anymore. They can avoid the peak period by coming together after Yanlong's college entrance examination." Tang Dou turned on the phone and told Tang Sugar reply:
"I might go home on May [-]st, and you go on a trip with your parents."

Tang Tang: "Brother, it's so boring to be with them. Besides, it's rare for parents to go out for a walk, so don't bother them."

"There is still one month left, you can study at ease, I will buy the tickets for you after the pre-sale."

Tang Dou thought about what the old girl said.

"If you don't come back, I won't go back. My roommate plans to go to Tangdu or Yangzhou on May [-]st. If you go to Tangdu, let me make a travel itinerary. I plan to go to the Terracotta Army on the first day, climb Huashan on the second and fourth, and go to Huashan on the fifth. My family has a day off. On the [-]th, I will go to the Tang Paradise in the daytime and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the evening to see the musical fountain. I also want you to accompany me as a tour guide."

Mu Wanying thought about it.

It's Huashan again.

Not going back, Tang Dou confirmed and affirmed, set an event on the phone, and bought a ticket for Tang Tang.

"I promise my sister will come to Kyoto on May [-]st when she enters grade [-] in the new year's exam. A brother must keep his word."

Tang Dou stretched out his waist.

Mu Wanying stretched her numb legs, went to the bathroom, and when she came back, Tang Dou asked:
"Is my sister still bleeding?"


Mu Wanying shook her head, "Will it still hurt next time?"

Tang Dou said: "It should take a few times to get used to it."

"Well, being a girl is too difficult. If there is a next life, I will be a boy and you will be a girl."

Mu Wanying pouted.

"Okay, if there is, I will give you a chance for revenge."

Tang Dou smiled and went to take a shower, feeling refreshed.

I went out with Mu Wanying in the afternoon, bought two pieces of underwear for Mu Wanying, and ate something outside. Today, Mu Wanying couldn't run or do sit-ups, so I went for a walk in her school playground, back after eight o'clock rent a house.

The two cats on the electric car downstairs were meowing.

There are a few stray cats downstairs in this building, and you can often meet them when you go downstairs. They live here and don't leave. Learn to meow"

"so cute."

Mu Wanying reached out to touch the cat on the electric car.

"Be careful, I was caught by it yesterday."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's arm.

"Oh oh. I like cats and dogs very much. When I was a child, a cat got sick and died. I was sad for a long time, and I never had a pet again."

Mu Wanying took a bun from her handbag for tomorrow morning and put it on the table below, squatting down to watch the cat eat.

(End of this chapter)

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