Chapter 222
Mi Le gave Qiao Mai the XX supermarket shopping coupons that he had handled on weekends. There are 200, 500, and 1000 shopping coupons. Before using them, they need to stamp the company's seal and fill in the expiry date.

Shopping coupons are issued to employees for birthday celebrations, holiday allowances, etc.

200 for the celebration of Shengfa, 500 for the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival on May 1000 and National Day, and [-] for the Spring Festival.
Qiao Mai is in charge of manpower, and she is responsible for keeping and distributing them.

This is also to improve the company's welfare system.

"For holidays or recent birthdays, Miss Mai will ask me to stamp them in advance."

Miller said to Qiao Mai.

"Okay, Mr. Mi."

Qiao Mai received the coupons.

Mi Le thought for a while and had nothing else to do, so the meeting ended.

"Brother Jing, your birthday is the day after tomorrow, right?"

Qiao Mai checks the company personnel information and confirms with Guo Jing that other people's birthdays are set up as memos.

Guo Jing nodded, just in time to catch up, still a little surprise, the company's benefits are nothing to say, the previous company would not remember your birthday, at her age, no boyfriend, only parents remember, to be precise Just mom remembers.

Qiao Mai took a [-] shopping coupon and asked Mi Le to stamp it, and then gave it to Guo Jing after stamping.

"How about my clothes?"

After Qiao Mai went out, Mi Le stood in front of Tang Dou. Her hair was dyed and straightened, with a touch of burgundy in the sun. She wore a beige long sweater on her upper body, black thick silk on her lower body, white sneakers, and long striped letters. Socks are very individual.

"You don't fit in white."

Tang Dou sized up his eyes and said, "Will the athlete's foot come out if the socks are so high?"

In fact, Mi Le's clothing is very good. When it is low-key, it has connotation, and when it is fashionable, it is very individual. Although the clothing is expensive, it doesn't feel like money is piled up, and ordinary people can't see the clothing brand.

"I don't know how to appreciate it. Just smell it. My more than 3000 shoes and more than 100 socks will cause athlete's foot?"

Mi Le cut and raised his foot.

"show off."

Tang Dou dodged.

Mi Le's feet are also delicate, and he never buys shoes under [-] yuan.

There is a strange boy in Tangdou High School class. He wears more than 700 shoes and he doesn’t even wear socks. He says that no socks can match his shoes. Damn it, he squatted down to polish his shoes in distress. Han Wentao is not so handsome, and Tang Dou usually doesn't play with him.

"Physical education class in the afternoon, the class selection is late, only square dancing is left, and the college sports teaches square dancing, and I am also drunk."

Mi Le looked helpless, stood in the corner of the wall and walked three steps forward with his arms swaying, then raised his legs and clapped his hands. The aunt did this movement to the extreme, but it can be replaced by a young and beautiful girl, full of vitality, which is completely another kind of painting wind.

Should it be said that Da Ma promoted square dancing, or ruined square dancing.

"Isn't there tennis, volleyball, badminton, and waltz? Who told you not to choose early? Regardless of gender, I think square dancing is much better for young people than disco dancing."

Tang Dou watched Mi Le practice the square dance.

"Bong disco is a show, but don't you boys just like it?"


At noon, Tang Dou and Mi Le went back to school. In the three or four afternoon physical education classes, the students were required to wear sportswear. After eating, Mi Le sent the car to the community. She was going to change clothes at home and asked Tang Dou whether to go up together or wait down.

Tang Dou stopped doing the useless work and waited downstairs.

Mi Le originally wanted to rest at home, but Tang Dou couldn't go up, so she came down after changing clothes.

In dormitory 412, Li Hao smoked a cigarette and watched from the balcony with a binoculars, while Tang Dou went to pick up another one to watch.

Li Hao said: "This girl changes clothes on the ground in broad daylight."

An Qi came over to ask for binoculars when she heard the words, Li Hao gave it to him, An Qi just glanced at it and quickly avoided, "There are also people in the girls' dormitory next to them with binoculars."

"Just watch it, you're afraid, girls are not as nervous as you."

Li Hao despised it and took away the telescope from An Qi's hand.

"Whoever coaxes is embarrassed."

Li Xiongxiong said inside.

An Qi felt ashamed, he still thought it was too insignificant to use binoculars to look at the girls' dormitory, "If a boy used a binoculars to look at your girlfriend's dormitory, how would you feel?"

"Let's be careful, my partner has bed curtains."

Li Hao didn't want to answer An Qi, but couldn't help but say it.

"Anqi, your life is too tangled. There is no boys' dormitory around the girls' dormitory in our class."

Li Xiongxiong glanced at An Qi.

Tang Dou didn't answer, this question is a double standard, who wants his partner to be peeped.Mu Wanying's dormitory building is in the female dormitory area, and there are no male dorms around, so there is no need to worry about this problem. Moreover, Mu Wanying is very conservative in front of the girls in the same dormitory.

Tang Dou looked at the balcony of the dormitory that An Qi was talking about. The girl was facing this side with a telescope. Tang Dou was calm and unhurried. The girl waved her hand in, and three girls came out again. Meow, each with a telescope .

"Damn it, you've met your opponent! An Qi Xiongxiong went to the next door to borrow two binoculars."

Li Hao fainted.

The basketball that Tang Dou chose in physical education class, because there are few girls, to be precise, it is all boys, Tang Dou can stay away from temptation if he can't make waves.

Most boys prefer tennis and badminton, especially tennis, because every time they pass by the stadium, the girls on the tennis court are really eye-catching, especially in summer, wearing short-sleeved sports shorts, sneakers and stockings.

A few boys choose square dance, and girls are the most. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

The physical education teacher points out every lesson, and it's easy to fail if you don't pay attention.

Tang Dou, Li Xiongxiong, and An Qi in the 412 dormitory all chose basketball, while Li Hao chose football.

Before the teacher came, some boys played basketball, some watched others play basketball, some scanned the beautiful women with their eyes, or silently stared at the girl they had a crush on.

Some boys see the girl they like coming, grab a board in advance, dribble first, wait for the person they like to come over, make an elegant layup, or a picturesque long-range shot, they feel good about themselves, but the goddess is not at all. Note that the goddess may be looking at the male god in her mind. Some of them are very awkward, and the posture is very cool, and the result is three-way.

The girls are actually the same, in groups of three or four, some doing nothing, and some discussing which boy is the most handsome.

The physical education basketball class trained first, ran a few laps around half of the basketball court, practiced a few sets of moving passes and layups, and then moved freely. Some stayed to play basketball, and some went to the dance class to dance.

The counselor Sun Ying sent a message asking Tang Dou to go to the department office after class, and Tang Dou went directly after class.

The poetry competition started again, and Sun Ying approached Tang Dou for this matter. Tang Dou received the registration form, and sent a group message to the class, asking the applicants to reply.

This time Su Yuwei took the initiative to sign up. After a few times of on-stage training, she at least dared to bite the bullet and take the initiative to try. There was a force in her heart that she could not let down the monitor's care, and this force pushed her to work hard.

Tang Dou went to the company with Mi Le on Tuesday afternoon, and Mi Le had to have dinner with Tang Dou after get off work.Mu Wanying had no class for five or six periods and went back to prepare, so Tang Dou didn't go, Mi Le asked, "What do you guys have for dinner?"

Tang Dou said: "Hot pot."

"Then add me."

Mi Le took the initiative to go to Cengfan.

Tang Dou was fine, so he called Mu Wanying and asked what needs to be added.

"The three vegetables are about the same. I'll send you a message later." Mu Wanying hung up the phone, looked at the prepared dishes, and sent a message to Tang Dou, "Buy another box of meat, some mushrooms, and fish balls."

"Buy another bottle of drink. You can buy what you drink."

After sending the message, Mu Wanying added a pair of bowls and chopsticks to the dining table, looked around, cleaned up the room, changed the garbage bag in the bathroom, took off the apron to hang the wardrobe, went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and took a Band-Aid from the bedroom drawer. The erythema of the neck is covered.

"You really don't need it, it's so convenient to live with me."

Going to Tangdou to buy vegetables in the community, Mi Le muttered.

"It's very inconvenient."

Tang Dou may not care about the feeling of being dependent on others, but he cannot ignore Mu Wanying's feelings.

"Cut, I don't know how to be a light bulb. I go back to my parents' place on weekends where you live, and at most I get off work occasionally for a meal."

Miller's face was full of disdain.

"what do you drink?"

Went to Tang Dou in the beverage area.

"Anything is fine." Mi Le shook his head indifferently, "Get a few cans of beer, oh no, you have to drive."

Tang Dou knew that if he asked, he would ask in vain, and if he didn't ask, he would not be good at hospitality. Tang Dou took a bucket of oranges and put them in the basket, "If you don't say anything, it's just oranges."

Going back, Mu Wanying was already ready, and when the two girls met, there would be nothing wrong with Tang Dou. Mu Wanying took Mi Le to wash his hands, and Tang Dou took off his coat to wash himself.

"I don't want to eat alone, I will cause trouble for you two."

Mi Le finished washing his hands.

"No, just the two of us eating hot pot is quite monotonous, so it's just right for you to come."

Mu Wanying smiled.

Tang Dou opened the fruit orange and poured it out for the three of them, while Mu Wanying put the newly bought vegetables on the table.

"It feels very good. Just now I told Tang Doudou why you two are renting a house, and I can eat with confidence if I live with me." Mi Le couldn't wait to get to the table.

"It's okay now, and you can come later if you want."

Mu Wanying and Mi Le chatted and laughed, starting with hot pot, they said what kind of pot base they like, what kind of dishes they like, whether they like sesame sauce or mashed garlic
Tang Dou ate on his own, occasionally interjecting a sentence.

After dinner, Mi Le will go back after sitting down. There is no class in the evening, so Tang Dou and Mu Wanying will not go back to school.

(End of this chapter)

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