Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 224 Do you want a bowl of dog food?keep sweet

Chapter 224 Do you want a bowl of dog food?keep sweet
Mu Wanying doesn't want to move now.

Tang Dou took out paper to clean up her sister, got up and poured a cup of warm water, went to the bathroom to get mouthwash and a basin, after Mu Wanying finished rinsing her mouth, Tang Dou poured out the water, washed up, and replaced it for Mu Wanying The inner/inner scrub is done.

"Wash it for me, I'm going to wash it later."

Tang Dou was hanging clothes on the small balcony of the bedroom, Mu Wanying said.

"How is your husband?"

Tang Dou turned around with a flash of a smile.

"Well, you are the best man in the world, keep working hard."

Mu Wanying didn't hesitate to praise her. She hasn't washed her underwear since she rented the house.

"It's the truth. I'm a good man, and I'm your husband." Tang Dou came over with a smile and opened the closet, took out Mu Wanying's pajamas and pang ci and threw them on the bed, "Get up and put on your clothes, because it's easy to catch cold while sleeping."


Mu Wanying didn't want to get up, she lay down and put on her top and bottom, which was still Tang Dou's jersey, so she didn't change it.

"Are you still up?"

Tang Dou finished his work on the ground and asked her.

"No, turn off the lights."

Mu Wanying turned on the small bedside lamp.

Tang Dou turned off the light, went up and hugged Mu Wanying in the dark, and arched her neck unsatisfactorily.

"Go to bed early, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Mu Wanying patted the back of Tang Dou's head.

"Can't sleep."

Tang Dou pressed the phone, and it was only 10:30, and he put down the phone and arched left and right.

"Sleep well."

Mu Wanying reached out to turn off the lamp, and hugged Tang Dou's neck.

"Dou Dou."

Mu Wanying was very sleepy just now, but she couldn't sleep now, she suddenly called out.


Tang Dou raised his head.

Mu Wanying asked: "What if I have a child?"

"If this kind of accident happens, it's also our masterpiece. I hope you will be wronged and wronged. You will let us give birth to your child and beat your own child. I think it's too cruel. I'm afraid it will leave a shadow."

Tang Dou said seriously.

He couldn't even bear to step on an ant, and even if he was caught by a cat, he would feed it instead, let alone his own child.

Tang Dou also knew what Mu Wanying wanted to hear.

"I'll listen to you."

Hearing her satisfactory answer, Mu Wanying said foolishly, but she thought in her heart, if you really have one, I won't listen to you, I will raise me alone, if we abandon our mother, my mother will let the child grow up and be with you Settle accounts.

It could be seen that Mu Wanying had forgotten her teacher's advice again.

Tang Dou sighed inwardly, Nizi still wanted him to worry about everything.

"Fool, thanks to you making a good boyfriend."

"I have discerning eyes." Mu Wanying thought for a while, "Think about what to name the child in the future. If the girl is called Tang Shi or Tang Shirou, the son's name is,"

"There are too many poems now. What kind of poems, poems, poems, and poems are soft, but there is no poetic and novelty."

Tang Dou interrupted Mu Wanying. Since then, Shi Ahrou's name has appeared on social software one after another, and "little brother, are you alone? QQ is not commonly used, add V" and messy messages continue.

Mu Wanying said: "Then think about it."

"The son's name is Tang Zijun, and the daughter's name is Tang Jingshu. The son of Confucius, the gentleman of a gentleman, is quiet and quiet. Shu is the next word for female. Jingshu comes from "Jing Nu" in the Book of Songs. A quiet girl is like a Shu, which means demure and lovely.

Regarding the question of what the child's name is, Tang Dou had discussed it with Mu Wanying in his previous life.

"Zijun Jingshu, gentleman and beauty, nickname Xiaojun Xiaoshu, sounds nice, we want two in the future, I really hope to have a boy and a girl." Mu Wanying nodded in admiration, Doudou thinks these two are great , nice, connotative, and not popular, just hearing the name gives the impression of a talented person and a beautiful woman, "Didou, have you thought about it a long time ago?"

"That's right, in high school I thought about the name of the child I will have with you in the future, and asked you if it sounds good to you, so you just tore it up without even reading it."

Tang Dou really thought about it. In order to think of a good name, he specially borrowed "Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" to read.

When Mu Wanying thought about it, she couldn't laugh or cry. How could she have the heart to think about it then? She saved the names of Tang Zijun and Tang Jingshu in her mobile phone, and her father should like it very much. It fits the scholarly temperament of the old Mu family. Go back and let him serve as a staff officer.

"If you have two children, you need one at the age of 25, one at the age of 28, and the family is ready before the age of 30."

Mu Wanying plans for the future.

It is basically the same as in the previous life. In the previous life, she also planned to have a child at the age of 25, and discussed it with Tang Dou. Tang Dou respected her choice and felt that Mu Wanying's plan was very reasonable. Well, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying had already proceeded as planned before being reborn, researching how to make twins.

I spent a lot of time thinking about it and didn't know if it caused it.

Tang Dou couldn't help thinking, it would be a pity if he was beaten back and rebuilt.

"The person who used to be in the little mezzanine of my backpack, accompanied me across the ocean and through every journey, the invisible scarecrow, guarding my innocence, once thought that love could make the future for only one person"

In the dead of night, the two of them contemplated the future in bed, but still couldn't fall asleep, Mu Wanying hummed softly.

The next day is Wednesday.

Mu Wanying had no class in the first and second periods in the morning, so she got up before 06:30 and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

First cook the porridge, black rice porridge.

Another pot boiled water to heat the steamed buns.

Then peel a potato, cut into shreds and soak; wash two thin green peppers, cut into small fingertip-wide knots for later use.After the water in the pot boils, put the shredded potatoes in and cook for 1 minute, remove the shredded potatoes and soak them in cold water, drain the shredded potatoes and put them in a plate, put appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, white sugar, white vinegar, sesame oil, white sesame seeds, and crushed green peppers, stir up.

Cold potato shreds, Mu Wanying's best cold dish, is also because of its simplicity.

Breakfast is complete, black rice porridge, cold potato shreds, steamed buns.

After making a hearty breakfast for her boyfriend, Mu Wanying felt a sense of accomplishment.

At seven o'clock, Mu Wanying finished drying the porridge, went to the bedroom, squatted beside the bed, and looked at Tang Dou with a smile.

Tang Dou is dreaming, dreaming, cough, can't say.

Smelling the breath of mint in the coolness, and the warmth and softness of his lips, Tang Dou opened his eyes, and what he saw was Mu Wanying's charming smiling face. Mu Wanying's face was rosy, and her skin was even more radiant.

"Get up."

"what time is it?"

Tang Dou gently pinched Mu Wanying's cheeky cheeks.

"At [-]:[-], get up, have breakfast, wash up, and go to class."

Mu Wanying lifted the quilt.

"I don't want to go to school."

Tang Dou stretched, and pulled Mu Wanying up.Mu Wanying opened the curtains and windows, the sun was rising in the east, and the breeze was blowing, Tang Dou remembered a sentence, you are warmth, love, and April in this world.

Tang Dou went to the bathroom, washed his hands and had breakfast first.

"It has the taste of our hometown, and reminds me of the Caijiamo in our high school restaurant."

Tang Dou pinched a piece of green pepper and ate it, it was spicy enough.

"That's right, I also like the Caijiamo, and the egg custard. Next time, I will steam the egg custard for you."

Being praised by Tang Dou, Mu Wanying felt even more accomplished.

Mi Le sent a message and asked Tang Dou if he would go to the company. Tang Dou had something to do with a counselor after class on the first or second day, so he didn’t go. Guessing that Mi Le might not have had breakfast, Tang Dou sent a photo of the dining table, " Didn't you have breakfast, do you want a bowl of dog food? Keep it sweet."

"Is it difficult to be a human being? Dog belt." Miller.

After breakfast, Tang Dou went to school first.

"Be careful on the road."

Mu Wanying sent Tang Dou out.

"Be careful when you ride, I'll run with you at night."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's head.

"Got it, I ride very steadily now."

Mu Wanying cleaned up the room after washing the dishes, folded the quilt in the bedroom, picked the "tear marks" on the bed sheet, but couldn't get it off, picked it up and put the balcony back cleanly and replaced it. Be careful in the future, washing the sheets every now and then is too troublesome up.

After tidying up the room, Mu Wanying closed the windows and drew the curtains, changed her clothes, and carried her schoolbag to school.

Go downstairs and ride her little bicycle.

(End of this chapter)

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