Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 227 Mistress is very angry, Mu Wanying is smiling

Chapter 227 Mistress is very angry, Mu Wanying is smiling
Shen Yun prepared meals for Tang Dou and Mu Wanying.

Knowing that Mu Wanying was coming, Shen Yun made two special dishes after eating at home.

"How does it feel to come to my house now?"

When he arrived at the neighborhood, Tang Dou asked Mu Wanying. He still remembered the first time he invited Mu Wanying to visit her home in the second semester of high school. He really tried his best to invite Mu Wanying. Mu Wanying was invited back in front of the teacher and his wife, the teacher agreed, and the teacher did not object, Mu Wanying still refused to go, and Tang Dou almost kidnapped her.

"Still a little nervous, worried about leaving a bad impression."

"Don't worry, no one has any shortcomings."

Going downstairs, Tang Dou put away his umbrella.

"Wanying is hungry."

As soon as the door was opened, Shen Yun took the bag from Mu Wanying's back and gave it to Tang Tang, and he exchanged it for Mu Wanying's slippers.

"Auntie, I will come by myself."

Mu Wanying helped Fu Chenyun's shoulder, bent down and untied her shoelaces, and put on slippers.

Tang Dou never untied the shoelaces when changing shoes, he just took them off and stepped on them.Mu Wanying changed her slippers and stood up. The clothes behind her were wrinkled. Tang Dou straightened her up, then took off her coat and threw it on the sofa, leaving only a long-sleeved T-shirt inside.

"It's cold today, wear a coat."

Mu Wanying pinched Tang Dou's shirt and said.

"After dinner."

Tang Dou is not cold at all.

Seeing it, Shen Yun felt that his son and Mu Wanying were getting closer, like a young couple, Shen Yun took a gray casual jacket to Tang Dou and said: "Listen to Wanying, the flu is very serious these days, be careful. "

"Go, go, go."

Tang Dou took the jacket and smelled it habitually.

"I just washed and dried it the day before yesterday." Shen Yun rolled his eyes at Tang Dou, then looked at what Mu Wanying was wearing, "Wanying wear long johns, it's been cold and hot these days, and it was snowing in Shangjun just now .”

"Wear it, put it on when it's cold in the morning."

In the morning Mu Wanying wore it and asked Tang Dou to wear it too.

I just read a post from relatives in Shangjun on Tang Dou’s circle of friends that it snows in the morning and melts at noon.

"Where's my dad?"

Tang Dou looked around, but there was no sign of Old Tang.


Tang Tang packed the sofa for Mu Wanying, went to serve the food kept warm in the pot to the table, exchanged a few words, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went to eat, Tang Tang sat by Mu Wanying's side, "Brother is coming back this time Are you not coming back on Friday?"

The old girl is now preoccupied with going to the capital on May Day.

"I want to come back."

Tang Dou glanced at the anxious look of the old sister Hou'er, and poured cold water on her:

"Look at your monthly exam this month. If you don't do well in the exam, come back and tutor you for a few days."

Tang Dou thought to himself, he could blackmail his sister well these two days, at least he didn't have to wash the socks by himself.

"I passed the grade in the thirties in the March exam. Unless there is something abnormal, there is no problem in the top [-] of the grade."

Tang Tang became more patient when she heard it, and hugged Mu Wanying's waist to flatter her, "Sister Wanying has a thin waist and skin is so good, isn't sister Wanying's skin dry in spring and autumn? Mine is very uncomfortable, when the wind is strong Neither go out."

"Mine is fine."

Mu Wanying said as she touched her face.

Recently, the skin has been rounded a lot. I don’t know if drinking honey is effective or the forehead is dirty. Doudou said that it can nourish the skin and activate blood, delay aging, prevent diseases, and improve physical and mental health. I don’t know if she is fooling her.

"Miss Wanying, do you wear a mask?"

Tang Tang took a close look at Mu Wanying's skin, feeling very envious.

"It's not enough for my mother when I'm at home during the holidays, but it's not enough when I'm at school."

Mu Wanying shook her head and said:
"Just drink plenty of water!"

"It's okay at home, but it's troublesome to drink too much water at school."

Tang Tang sighed in distress.

"You can soak some water-locking things in the water, such as lemons."

Mu Wanying thought about it.

"Yes, I will go to school next week to buy two lemons and bring a fruit knife."

Tang Tang nodded.

Mu Wanying chatted with Tang Tang while eating, and Tang Dou had nothing to do, so Tang Dou ate in silence.

"Brother washes the dishes."

After eating, Tang Tang said.

"You two wash."

Tang Dou said without raising his head.

"Sister Wanying, how could she fall in love with someone like you?"

Tang Tang looked contemptuous.


Tang Dou smiled, looked at Mu Wanying and said, "Aren't you right, Wanying, are you a fool?"

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and smiled and said nothing. Doudou's words are so interesting. If she admits that she is blind, it will hurt Doudou and herself. If she says that she has good eyesight, then she will praise Doudou at the same time. fight.

Doudou's bundled self-mutilation is really invincible.

Tang Dou looked at the old girl proudly, and instilled some real and thick-skinned experience into the old girl:

"As long as you don't take yourself seriously, others will have nothing to do with you."

"It's shameless that the world is invincible, and you say it so righteously, I'm ashamed for you, don't say it's my brother when you go out."

Tang Tang was even more contemptuous, and turned to Mu Wanying who was cleaning up the dishes:
"Sister Wanying, don't worry about it. I'll do it alone. You need to train my brother more in the future. A good man is made by training."

The old girl has learned the tricks from my aunt with great proficiency.

Mu Wanying smiled without saying a word, the fighting hands are skillful and diligent, so she doesn't need to practice.

"Don't worry about it, go out and have a rest."

Mu Wanying wanted to help, so Tang Dou dragged her to the living room.

Shen Yun asked: "Is Wanying full?"

"I'm full." Mu Wanying smiled brightly, "Auntie's cooking is so delicious, Doudou can't say it well."

While flattering her future mother-in-law, she did not forget to impeach Tang Dou.

"Usually it's really not delicious, but you can cook it today."

Tang Dou cooperated.

"The stinky boy asks what to eat and says it's casual. People are picky and picky when they are good. Wanying must not spoil him."

Shen Yun glanced at the bastard, pulled Mu Wanying to sit on the sofa and asked this and that.

Mu Wanying picked up Shen Yunzhi's insoles on the table and was full of praise, "Auntie is so skillful, are these for Uncle Tang or Dou Douzhi?"

Shen Yun said: "Hey Doudou, I originally knit a pair for you two some time ago, but Doudou's was snatched away by his aunt."

"Is it Auntie Xiaolong who held a class meeting for Doudou in the first year of high school?"

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Doudao.

Shen Yun said: "Just her. Her family will move to Tangdu in the second half of the year."

"It will be more convenient after that." Mu Wanying nodded, and picked up the insole again, "This insole is very comfortable, and my aunt taught me how to weave it."

"Actually, it's not difficult. I bought the basics, so I just knit according to the pattern. My aunt will teach you when you come back from summer vacation."


Seeing Mu Wanying's full of interest, Tang Dou smiled inwardly. Mu Wanying is extremely clumsy, and she can knit insoles and scarves in front of him.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan came back and passed by the community to pick up Mu Wanying.

"Mom, I miss you so much."

After getting in the car, Mu Wanying acted like a baby in Feng Qinglan's arms.

"I think you don't call often. Doudou calls me to say hello on weekends. You send messages at most. If you want to hear your voice, I can only call you." Feng Qinglan patted her daughter on the head, "Doudoujia will give you a call." what did you eat?"

"Gong Bao Ding Chicken, Yuxiang Pork Shredded, Doudou come to our house tomorrow."

Mu Wanying coquettishly said again, "Mom, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs."

Feng Qinglan hugged her daughter dotingly and said: "I will make it at night, and I will go to the supermarket with my mother to buy ribs later."

Mu Wanying said stupidly: "Eat tomorrow."

Feng Qinglan immediately understood that this brat Tang Doudou didn't regard himself as an outsider more and more. He used to eat whatever he wanted, but now he ordered food in advance.

Feng Qinglan said angrily: "Let Tang Doudou come after dinner, our house is not a restaurant."

The teacher was very angry, and Mu Wanying smiled: "Then I won't give it to him."

Mu Jinhua, who was driving, glanced in the rearview mirror, "Are you going to the supermarket?"

"Well, by the way, let's buy tomorrow's vegetables, Jinhua, you go back to the neighborhood supermarket to buy a bag of rice, just the northeast rice we bought last time."


(End of this chapter)

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