Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 231 Mu Wanying is also an acting school

Chapter 231 Mu Wanying is also an acting school

"Hiss, Wanying, don't make trouble."

Tang Dou murmured in a daze.

At this time, he was drinking heavily, his head was spinning, and he didn't have the strength or the desire to mess around with Mu Wanying.

But Mu Wanying was restless, Tang Xiaodou was amused, so Tang Dou simply pretended to be drunk and let Mu Wanying bully her.Mu Wanying yelled at Tang Dou and ignored her, thinking that Tang Dou was really drunk, so she boldly drove against the wind.

Pick the bird directly.

"Doudou, are you uncomfortable?"

Feeling Xiao Dou Dou's anger, and seeing Tang Dou frowning, Mu Wanying hesitated and asked softly.

"Wanying, idiot, I... I will always regard you as a treasure in my hand."

Tang Dou murmured vaguely, pretending to be drunk, maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. First, he used the "drinking mantra" to make Mu Wanying believe that he was true love for her, and second, he wanted Mu Wanying to coax the angry Tang Xiaodou it is good.

"Dou Dou, I really love you."

"I'll be your fool forever."

Mu Wanying thought Tang Dou was really talking drunk, she was so moved that her eyes were moist, she smiled and sucked her nose, letting a drop of clear tears flow from the corner of her eyes and scratched her ear, and she wiped it when her ear was itchy.

Hearing Mu Wanying cry, Tang Dou's conscience didn't hurt.

He pretended to be drunk and did not lie, and what he said was not false.

There is nothing to feel guilty about expressing your feelings to your girlfriend after drinking, and at the same time trying to please her and gain her trust.

If he really felt guilty, it was unforgivable.

Tang Dou thought to himself, if he had been so witty in his previous life, he might have regained Mu Wanying's trust.

After all, Mu Wanying is rational when she is rational, and emotional when she is emotional. She is also very kind and soft-hearted.

Now she couldn't bear Tang Xiaodou's anger, so she went to comfort him.

Tang Dou hummed a song in his heart, not in a hurry.

After an unknown amount of time, Mu Wanying coughed suddenly, she immediately covered her mouth tightly, her throat trembled, and when the cough stopped, she went to the desk and took a sip of water, spit it into the flowerpot by the window, took a Take a look in the small mirror.

He took out a piece of paper and wiped his bangs.

Tang Dou took a peek and saw that Mu Wanying's face was flushed. His conscience ached, but he could only continue to pretend.

Mu Wanying turned from the window to look at Tang Dou, Tang Dou immediately closed her eyes, her eyelids twitched, but Mu Wanying didn't notice, she covered her mouth and nose and breathed out, her throat was still itchy, she took another sip of water , swallowed slowly.

After her flushed face recovered, Mu Wanying went out.

"Wanying, how is Doudou? Make him a cup of tea."

Feng Qinglan looked at it.

"Just fell asleep, wait until you wake up."

Mu Wanying glanced at her mother and said

"Then Wanying came over to talk first."

Feng Qinglan said again.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom."

Mu Wanying replied, walking towards the bathroom with a guilty conscience, Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan didn't pay attention, they were too lazy to guess about their daughter and Tang Dou now, even if they found out, they couldn't get to the bottom of it.

In the bathroom, Mu Wanying closed the door, squeezed toothpaste and brushed her teeth.

It's hopeless, Mu Wanying was sobbing in her heart, Doudou, you led me astray, you will be responsible to the end.

Mu Wanying said with disgust in her heart.

After brushing her teeth, Mu Wanying sniffed, went out and poured a cup of warm water, took a couple of sips, and chewed a piece of gum. It wasn't disgusting, she was used to everything during this time, but she was afraid that her parents would notice come out.

Mu Wanying went to the living room, she would not dare to sit in front of her parents.

Sitting on the side sofa, chewing gum solemnly.

"Wanying, today is like getting engaged to you."

Feng Qinglan said.


Although engagement is just an informal chat now, the word is quite sudden to Mu Wanying now.

"If you two don't have major conflicts in the future, neither your dad nor I will interfere with you. , you should pay attention to your temper in the future, this is responsible for yourself, and of course it is not a bottomless tolerance to Tang Doudou."

Feng Qinglan was not afraid that Tang Dou would hear it, and said to Mu Wanying earnestly:

"It's related to this step, you have to love yourself more, this is not only responsible for yourself, but also responsible for Tang Doudou."

Mom and Dad really want to send her out!

So simple!

Anyway, call Doudou's parents to have a chat.

"Mom, I understand."

But Mu Wanying still nodded and agreed. Indeed, she would not turn back whatever her parents said. She had already drank the poison and cut off all escape routes.

In Mu Wanying's bedroom, Tang Dou heard the conversation outside, and this is a private life.

"I'll blame your father if I regret it later."

Feng Qinglan glanced at Mu Jinhua and said.

"Hey, I won't blame anyone."

Mu Wanying smirked, if this is not considered love, what is there to be sad about?

"Silly girl, you are only 19 years old, you are still young, no matter what happens in the future, you should be more open."

Feng Qinglan pulled Mu Wanying to her side, hugged her and sighed.

"It's not young, some of my elementary school classmates got married." Mu Wanying tilted her head, trying not to speak to her mother, "I felt quite hesitant when I formally considered accepting Dou Dou. It’s okay to be entangled in losing, to calm down and take it seriously, you always have to face it, it’s just a question of whether it’s sooner or later.”

"It's too unfair to keep procrastinating, and it may not be a good thing if you procrastinate for a long time."

"There is such a saying in the ordinary world. In our short but long life, we are struggling to find happiness in life, but happiness often misses us. When we exhaust our youth for this, wrinkles also quietly appear. When you climb up the corner of your eye, maybe you can understand what life actually means."

Mu Wanying smiled and said: "It means that when I was young, I didn't know the meaning of life anyway, so I was just doing nonsense. In order not to miss it, I should grasp it first and then talk about it."

Watching an episode of TV in the living room, Mu Wanying made a cup of tea and brought it to the bedroom, Tang Dou just woke up, he started acting again, rubbed his head and pretended to be confused, pushed away the quilt, looked down, and felt that something was wrong look.

Mu Wanying also glanced at it, and said ahh in her heart, and quietly looked away.

"Wanying, did I just go to the bathroom?"

Tang Dou pulled the straps of his trousers and asked.

"Oh, I helped you there. It's really troublesome to drink too much, and you almost fell down again. Drink less in the future."

Mu Wanying opened her mouth, nodded and said.

"Accompanying your dad to drink, I can't steal and play tricks? Don't you think so?"

Tang Dou glanced at Mu Wanying, her face was neither red nor out of breath, and she acted better than him.

It's also an acting school!

Originally wanted to tease Mu Wanying for taking advantage of her husband's danger to do indecent things, but Tang Dou dismissed it and treated it as a beautiful dream. Don't make Mu Wanying stop being naughty after she gets angry, Nizi is really hard to put it down.

"Drink some hot water, be careful."

Mu Wanying handed the water glass to Tang Dou and said:
"Are you still dizzy?"

"It's still a little bit painful, Wanying, come up and rub it for me."

Tang Dou took the water glass, blew on the floating jasmine, took a sip, put it on the bedside table, and moved it over.

Mu Wanying threw off her slippers and sat up, put the pillow in her arms for Tang Dou to rest on, and massaged Tang Dou's temples.

After three o'clock, Tang Dou went to the bathroom and prepared to go back. His wife asked him to stay for lunch and she drove him off. His wife had already prepared the ingredients for the afternoon and was going to make mushroom noodles. The mushrooms were soaked.

After drinking at noon, having a steaming bowl of mushroom noodles in the afternoon is really good. It seems that my wife has thought about it in advance, and Tang Dou didn't refuse. He sent a message to his family to stay at Mu Wanying's house for dinner.

It was inconvenient for the teacher to drive after drinking, so after dinner, Shi Niang drove Tang Dou home with Mu Wanying.

 Thanks to Lao Zhu for being a skinny guy for tipping 10000, the biggest tip so far, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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