Chapter 243 Wanying, You Are So Bad
After washing her feet, Mu Wanying fell back and rolled onto the bed like a roll.

"Dou Dou is so kind of you."

"Are you still up?"

"No, Doudou, pour me a glass of water for my thermos."

Tang Dou went to pour water, washed the socks of the two of them by the way, dragged the bathroom floor, went out and turned off the lights outside, and went back to the bedroom. Mu Wanying rolled on the bed boredly, lying on her legs with her legs raised high, grabbing My feet.

Tang Dou hung his socks on the balcony, came in and closed the door, drew the curtains, opened the closet, took a boxer of his own and threw it on the bed, saying, "Wanying, do you want to change it?"

"No, I washed the jujube tomorrow and changed it."

Mu Wanying put down her legs and rolled on her stomach, "Your sister's game is still online after twelve o'clock."

Tang Dou said: "You remind her."

"Say it yourself, I'm not a bad guy."

Mu Wanying shook her head and ignored it.

"Tch, I never wanted to be a good person when I made a small report."

Tang Dou gave Ji Wuyu a blank stare, how many times did he cause him to go home and suffer, he was about to become a public nuisance in the family, Mu Wanying rolled over in embarrassment, she didn't know why she was so energetic tonight, she ran 2000 meters at night , and rode for another [-] minutes, and it was like a chicken blood in the middle of the night. Tang Dou looked a little weak and didn't dare to go to the kang.

"I'm also doing it for your own good. If I hadn't been strict with you, would you have done so well in the exam?"

Mu Wanying attributed all the credit for Tang Dou's college entrance examination to herself.

Tang Dou went up and pushed Mu Wanying away, "Remind my sister to go to bed early, you are not an outsider now, you are the sister-in-law like you."

"Then I'll use your mobile phone to tell. Your sister even asked you to give me happy beans. Oh, it's after eleven o'clock."

Mu Wanying turned on Tang Dou's phone and sent a message to Tang Tang, "If you play again, I'll ask mom to take your phone."

Tang Tang at home panicked when she saw the news. It’s not that my brother has never done this. There was a weekend when she was having fun, and her mother suddenly came in and took her mobile phone away. She didn’t return it for two days. Brother It's so bad, I really want to block it.

"Go to sleep, good night brother, I wish you a dream about your sister-in-law."

Tang Tang quit the game and returned a message to his brother.

"Your sister thought it was you."

Mu Wanying grinned from ear to ear, and sent another message: "Your sister-in-law has been angry for the past two days and ignored me."

Tang Tang gloated in his heart, but still asked with concern: "Brother, why did you mess with her?"

Tang Dou snatched the phone from Mu Wanying, and replied to his sister: "Don't ask, go to rest."

Tang Tang suddenly felt bad. My brother seemed to be in a bad mood, and he didn't rest in the middle of the night. It seemed that he had a lot of problems with Mu Wanying.

"Don't worry, brother, leave it to my sister."

Tang Tang was very worried about her brother, so she replied to her brother and then sent a message to Mu Wanying: "Is sister-in-law asleep?"

"Your sister sent me a message."

Mu Wanying picked up the phone and replied: "No, why didn't you sleep so late?"

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Mu Wanying replied that her relationship with her brother was not that bad, she should make a small noise, "My brother just called me and said that he had an argument with you, and he was not in a good mood , I feel like he has never been so lost before, his voice sounded like he had drunk a lot, and he cried while talking, let me tell you something nice."

"Just have a little conflict with him, is he at school or outside?"

Tang Tang actually took it seriously, Mu Wanying could only continue acting.

Tang Tang: "I don't know, I didn't ask."

Mu Wanying: "It's okay, I'll call him and ask."

"Yeah, sister-in-law." Tang Tang immediately sent a message to his brother after replying: "Just say you've been drinking, and I'll see you next."

"Wanying, you are so bad."

"Ah, Doudou, I was wrong, eh! Goose, ho ho ho."

The next day, Saturday.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying woke up naturally after sleeping, and Tang Dou wrapped up the quilt as he was used to and rolled over.

"Ah, my hair."

Mu Wanying yelled and put her hair back.

"How long has Auntie been here?"

Tang Dou brushed away the hair from Mu Wanying's face, pulled her flushed face and asked.

"Tuesday, three, four, five, six, today is the fifth day, and the evening is almost ready."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and grabbed Tang Dou's ear, "I don't know if these two days will be safe or not."

"It's safe in theory. If you win the lottery, it can only be said that you should have it."

Tang Dou's hands were still placed on Mu Wanying's face.

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and did not speak, her big eyes sparkled, and she was a little entangled in her heart. If she was about to graduate from college, she would not worry about it at all. Now that she is only a freshman, she is really afraid that something unexpected will happen, "Doudou, are you worried?"

"I'm not worried, I'll take you back when I have it."

Tang Dou shook his head, what did he have to worry about, it might be difficult for a 19-year-old boy to adopt Zaixi as a father, but Tang Dou is not an ordinary person, his 19-year-old body is filled with a 25-year-old soul.

"You should be worried."

Mu Wanying pouted, you can't be cautious even if you don't worry about others.

"Let it be your fate."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's hair, pretending to be disgusted, "Hair smells so bad, I haven't washed it for a few days."

"It won't stink after five days. Wash it at noon today."

Mu Wanying put her messy head on Tang Dou's face.

"It's really smelly, and the scalp is oily."

Tang Dou smelled it, but didn't push it away.

"Mine is okay. It won't be oily if I don't wash it for five or six days. Zhao Na in our dormitory can tell it if I don't wash it for three days. It's the same as Hao Lulu's hair in our high school class. It's very oily."

Mu Wanying scratched her head and said:

"It's a little itchy, Doudou, see if I have dandruff."


Tang Dou flipped through Mu Wanying's hair and looked carefully.

Mu Wanying stretched her waist, putting one leg on Tang Dou's waist, she was lazy and didn't want to move.

"Are you hungry?"

Tang Dou rubbed her stomach.

"I'm not hungry. I'm used to eating in the morning and I feel sick to my stomach."

Mu Wanying shook her head, sat up and said:

"What do you want to drink? Millet porridge, eight-treasure porridge, glutinous rice porridge, black rice porridge, order one."

"Glutinous rice porridge, don't add sugar, cook some raisins."

Just when she was about to make breakfast, Mu Wanying went to Tang Dou and got bored, so he patted Mu Wanying's butt from behind.

Mu Wanying went to the bathroom, went out to the kitchen to cook the porridge, warmed up the buns, then went to the bathroom to wash her face, put on lotion, patted her face, and went back to the bedroom to comb her hair.

"I'll comb it for you."

Tang Dou sat behind Mu Wanying and took the comb from Mu Wanying.

Tang Dou is not good at combing boys' hair, but he is good at combing girls' hair. Comb the top of the head slowly, after the top is smooth, grab the hair, and then comb the ends of the hair, so that the hair will not be pulled.

"It's almost enough. I'll wash it at noon."

Mu Wanying gave Tang Dou the rubber band on her wrist, and Tang Dou tied it up for her skillfully.

"not bad."

Mu Wanying looked in the mirror.

After the porridge was cooked and the steamed stuffed buns were hot, Mu Wanying shouted, "Dou Dou, you should eat inside or eat inside."

"stand up."

Tang Dou put down his phone, found a boxer and trousers under the blanket, put it on, and went to wash his hands.

"Glutinous rice porridge with some raisins is not bad."

Mu Wanying filled the porridge and tasted it.

"It's better to boil red dates. After eating, I will ask my cousin to send some dates from my hometown by the Yellow River."

Tang Dou took a sip, the raisins were not easy to taste.

After breakfast, Mu Wanying concentrated on reading in the bedroom, while Tang Dou didn't bother her, and played games on the bed with headphones on.

I don’t want to go out to buy vegetables in the morning. I still have a few scallions in the kitchen, as well as dried noodles and eggs. Tang Dou made two bowls of green onion egg noodles. I learned from my mother. The taste is similar to that of my mother, but it doesn’t taste like my mother. .

(End of this chapter)

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