Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 245 Going Farther and Farther on the Road of a Lady

Chapter 245 Going Farther and Farther on the Road of a Lady
Mu Wanying pouted, pretending to be displeased.

Just make people cry, but make people laugh before you have committed the crime, don't you want to lose face?

Tang Dou buried her head in the pomegranate skirt, and Mu Wanying's blooming beauty couldn't help but accept it. The water droplets in the secluded forest were glistening, and the pistils were so colorful that it made people quite appetizing. half a step.

Adjust the water temperature of the shower, wet Tang Dou's hair, squeeze the shampoo on and spread it out.

"My neck is sore, just laugh and I will continue."

Tang Dou rubbed his neck, raised his head and said.

Mu Wanying pursed her mouth and did not speak, then picked up the shower and rinsed Tang Dou's hair thoroughly.

Then he watched helplessly.

"To please you so hard, I won't make you laugh at all."

Tang Dou sighed, squatting was really uncomfortable, and he didn't care when Nizi smiled, she just refused to give face easily.

It looked like it just hurt.

After a while, Tang Dou's legs were sore and his feet were numb, Mu Wanying helped him up, Tang Dou washed his face, Mu Wanying opened the mouthwash for him, Tang Dou vomited in his mouth, and he was going to go shopping later, in the afternoon Come back early to make dumplings.

So stop there.

"What did your mother say about you?"

Satisfied, Mu Wanying wiped the shower gel on Tang Dou's back.


Tang Doulian said that he would tell Mu Wanying what his mother said.

Mu Wanying didn't expect her little joke last night to cause such a big chain reaction in Doudou's family, and she felt a little guilty.

"I'll explain to your mother later."

"Farewell, explain that my mother is going to ask me why I made things difficult for you." Seeing that Mu Wanying's mood improved and she fell into guilt, Tang Dou hugged her head, "I can bear any grievances for you. It hurts."

"I was not careful."

Mu Wanying said in a soft voice.


Tang Dou scratched her under the armpits.

"Ah, itchy, don't scratch people in the future, it's very uncomfortable, even worse than a beating."

Mu Wanying lowered her arms.

"Then let me beat you."

Tang Dou smiled and waved his stick.

"You hit it if you can."

Mu Wanying pouted, and when she realized it, she pinched Tang Dou, "I hate it."

"Hey. It's impossible to do it to you."

Tang Dou smiled and said:

"Who is farther between us?"

"Pfft! Doudou,"

Mu Wanying held back for a long time and burst out laughing, "How can this compare to you."

"You can squat higher, squat high and spread far."

"Dou Dou, you are too bad, I am a lady, don't ruin my image."

Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's arm, bent over and acted like a baby.

"The lady still hits her husband with her bare butt."

Finally made her laugh, Tang Dou's mission was completed.

"Who told you to bully me."

Mu Wanying realized that she was walking farther and farther on the path of a lady, "No, I will return to a lady in the future."

Tang Dou said indifferently: "Have you ever been a lady? Someone in high school went crazy and beat me in the classroom every three days, and someone suddenly threw away my books in Chinese class."

"Dou Dou, you have the nerve to say so."

Mu Wanying was speechless, well, since she met Doudou, she started to stay away from ladies, this is her destined enemy.

After washing the dates, Mu Wanying put on a bath towel and sat on the stool. Tang Dou went to the bedroom to get a hair dryer and came over to dry her hair.

"You sit and I'll blow to you."

Mu Wanying got up and said.

Tang Dou said: "I nodded and found that the current weather will dry up as soon as the wind blows."

"Easy to catch cold."

Mu Wanying pushed Tang Dou to sit on the stool, picked up the hair dryer, and turned on the hot air.

"Blow-drying my hair like this will tie it up. My hair is hard, and it goes down when I blow-dry."

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's hand, dipped in some water and pressed down the strand of hair next to the ear.

Going back to the bedroom to change clothes, Mu Wanying's phone rang, and it really belonged to Shen Yun.

Mu Wanying said, "Damn it, what should I say when she asked me?"

"Just said a few words."

Tang Dou said while getting dressed.

Mu Wanying answered the phone and said, "Hello, Auntie."

Shen Yun: "Wanying, are you ready to fight?"

Mu Wanying: "Okay, Auntie, I had nothing to do with Doudou, but now I'm fine."

Shen Yun: "Dou Dou sometimes."

Shen Yun scolded Tang Dou on the phone, and Mu Wanying couldn't stand it any longer. If someone said that to Dou Dou, she would be angry, but now it's hard to explain, so she can only take the blame, "Auntie, I'm actually being stingy , Doudou apologized to me from the very beginning."

"In the future, if Doudou bullies you, you can tell auntie."

"Well, goodbye, auntie."

After the call ended, Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou and smirked embarrassedly, it was so serious.

"Sometimes it's like this. When I was young, I saw my parents quarreling. As children, I felt very serious and worried. In fact, for them, it is a common occurrence and a part of their life."

Tang Dou continued:
"Even if we are really arguing now, we think it's nothing, it's a part of our life, but in the eyes of our parents, it's very serious, I'm afraid that we will have emotional problems and do some irrational behavior."

"Yeah." Mu Wanying nodded in agreement. When she was a child, she felt the same way when she saw her parents quarreling. She was afraid that they would fight, "We can't really quarrel in the future, it's not that we can't quarrel, we can't break up, we can't be angry, we can't fight I will definitely not break up with you, and neither will you."

Tang Dou tapped her forehead, "I might as well play the piano against a bull when I'm angry with you."

Mu Wanying snorted, drew the curtains, put on a mistress from the closet, took off the bath towel, put on the bra, and asked Tang Dou to fasten the back, "Is it hot outside today?"

Tang Dou said: "It's quite hot."

Mu Wanying looked in the closet and thought for a while, then took a white thin long-sleeved shirt and put it on, a pink baseball shirt for the coat, and a pair of sweatpants that her mother bought for the trousers, and looked in front of the mirror after putting them on.

"Is this suit okay?"


Tang Dou appraised and nodded.

Mu Wanying's outfit is refreshing and pleasant, she looks like a little sister next door, she looks very comfortable.

Before setting off, Mu Wanying put on her watch and her silver bag on her back. A happy weekend begins with shopping.

Go to the cosmetics store first when going out, and buy a mask and skin care water for Mu Wanying. According to the introduction of the shopping guide, she chooses a mask that suits her skin.

"Doudou, do you have anything you want to buy?"

When the cosmetics store came out, Mu Wanying put the things in her bag and asked.


Tang Dou has nothing short of lately.

"Then just turn around."

Mu Wanying looked at her watch, it was still early.

I went to a boutique again. Like other girls, Mu Wanying also likes to visit boutiques and department stores. She doesn’t want to buy anything, she just wants to wander around. When she sees something she likes, she buys it. If she doesn’t want to buy it, she just wanders around .

Tang Dou followed behind, looking left and right.

"Which one looks better?"

Mu Wanying pointed to a row of hooks in front of her and said, "Hang two on the wall of the bedroom, so that the clothes won't fall on the floor at night. The bathroom and kitchen also need it. You pick one and I'll pick the other."

It's really not good to wake up in the morning and drop your clothes all over the floor.

Tang Dou chose the Peppa Pig box, and Mu Wanying chose the green apple shape.

The two of them aimlessly turned to past three o'clock in the afternoon, and went back to buy vegetables and make dumplings.

 Thank you Xianyouqingsi for rewarding 1000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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