Chapter 255

Tang Dou looked at the applicant's profile and went to meet her in the reception room.

Qiao Mai went out after the introduction.

Wang Xue stood up and nodded with a smile. She was about [-] tall, wearing a white chiffon shirt on her upper body, black stockings on her lower body, a gray tight skirt, a pair of high heels, and her long, smooth hair tied up.

A perfect Royal Sister Fan.

Tang Dou felt a little regretful, he should have asked Mi Le for an interview.

Faced with a boss who is several years younger than herself, and a sunny and handsome boy, who started a business in college and is so successful, he is obviously a rich second generation. Wang Xue was a little cautious at first, and the self-confidence brought by her beauty collapsed instantly. She quickly adjusted. Mentality, when applying for an assistant, you must first leave a cheerful and generous image to the boss.

After Qiao Mai went out, Wang Xue smiled and said:
"Mr. Tang is so successful at such a young age, it's really enviable."

"Standing on the shoulders of others."

Tang Dou was modest without losing his bearing, motioned to sit down and said.

Wang Xue leaned on her skirt and sat down. After sitting down, she pulled the long bangs on her cheeks behind her ears. She didn't smile, but there was always a smile on her face, very calm.

Tang Dou found that he had a natural feeling of "younger brother" when facing Sister Yu. This feeling was particularly obvious in the previous interview with Guo Jing, and the counselor Sun Ying.

She also felt this way when facing Mu Wanying.

Although Mu Wanying is only three or four months older than him, Mu Wanying is four or five years older than the average girl of the same age. In addition to Mu Wanying's rational and gentle personality, Tang Dou sometimes feels like a sibling when she is with her. love feeling.

Not knowing where to start talking to Wang Xue for a while, Tang Dou pushed his nose and said:

"Five or six years older than me, let me call you Senior Sister. Senior Sister introduces herself first."

"My name is Wang Xue."

Wang Xue introduced herself in detail, especially her school experience and professional experience, "Hobbies, um... I like swimming."

Seeing the NBA leather ring on Tang Dou's right wrist, with 6 printed on it, Wang Xue made an embarrassed look and added:
"I still like to play basketball, and I often watch NBA. My favorite basketball stars are Yao Ming, KB, and Arab League. I became a fan of James in 12. Now I usually only watch Heat games. When I was in college, I liked to watch Mosaic games. After Yao Ming retired I don’t think much about it, isn’t it inelegant for a girl to have such a hobby for a boy?”

"No, I think girls playing basketball are very attractive, especially a long-legged beauty like Senior Sister."

After hearing Wang Xue's words, Tang Dou's affection for her suddenly rose, which is the resonance of common interests.

It has to be said that Wang Xue's details are wonderful. Tang Dou didn't realize that Wang Xue saw the apron on his wrist being used temporarily. Anyway, she can talk about this, which shows that she really pays attention to basketball.

Or maybe having a boyfriend who likes basketball.

In short, it feels very personal.

And since he likes basketball, his personality should be more refreshing.

If Wang Xue didn't show serious shortcomings, then her interview would have been 90.00% successful.

Tang Dou looked at her information sheet while listening, and when she finished speaking, Tang Dou glanced from her neck and said:

"What about the emotional state, can you tell me?"

"Well, I don't have a boyfriend yet."

Wang Xue hesitated for a while, and continued with a little low self-esteem:
"College only focused on studying, and after graduation, I was busy with work and didn't have time to fall in love. It was quite a failure."

When she spoke, Tang Dou glanced at it from the corner of his eye.

"It's also pretty good. There are nine out of ten times when you fall in love in college. It's a waste of time and feelings. How can you say you failed by learning more about professional knowledge? Universities should still focus on learning."

Tang Dou's heart sank, he nodded his head, and continued:
"I often need to go on business trips, or negotiate with some investors, and attending receptions is messy. Sometimes your commute time may need to be adjusted at any time. I don't know if your time can be adjusted."

"Since it is a job requirement, of course there is no problem. The assistant should adapt to the rhythm of the boss."

Wang Xue replied sincerely.

Tang Dou didn't know what to say, and pretended to read Wang Xue's information sheet seriously, thinking while watching.

Wang Xue felt that she had attracted the attention of this handsome guy, and her inner self-confidence gradually recovered. How could such a little boy not be moved by her? Although the question seemed a bit deep, but since she applied for the job as a secretary, she has the right to be a secretary. If you can be a personal secretary to such a rich second generation, it is much better than living in the basement with your boyfriend.

My best friend is right, after three years of drifting in the north, there should be some changes, otherwise there will be no improvement after another three years of drifting.

She is still young, and her appearance is an important advantage. She has changed four or five jobs before, and there are basically no problems in the interview. My best friend said that youth is fleeting, and people are old. Girls have some conditions that will decline after the golden age , the most obvious thing is appearance, it is better to be young when you are young, and it will be more difficult to mix when these conditions decline.

It's really a waste of youth to continue spending time with my boyfriend. I can't see any hope from him. I feel that the biggest help he can do to me is to watch him watch basketball games and get to know a few stars, which actually came in handy today.

Wang Xue recently thought about it seriously and decided to make a change, starting from a new job.

Tang Dou was young and capable, which made Wang Xue full of expectations for this job. The latter two questions made Wang Xue daydream.

Tang Dou was a little disappointed. Wang Xue behaved so well at the beginning, why did she lie? With Tang Dou's eyesight, how could she be deceived?

It's not that he dislikes her for being in a relationship, Tang Dou just doesn't want to have such a wicked beauty by his side.

Smart is mistaken by smart.

Next, Tang Dou obviously didn't need to talk to her anymore, he chatted casually and left first, seeing him coming out, Qiao Mai came to ask how it was, let's see after Tang Dou finished speaking.

Qiao Mai probably knew that Mr. Tang meant 'next'.

Qiao Mai went in and chatted with Wang Xue for a few more words, and asked her to go back and wait for the news. No matter what the result was, she would send an email reply within three days, just as she said, if she was hired or continued to the next round of interviews, she would contact her.

If you pass, there will be no reply.

"I said you interviewed in person because I was afraid that I would recruit a lady for you."

When Tang Dou returned to the office, Mi Le poured a glass of water and said.

Just as Mi Le passed by the reception room and listened, she understood Tang Dou's thoughts. She didn't know Wang Xue's specific performance, and the conversation between the two was not bad.

Seeing Tang Dou's appearance of 'returning with feathers', Mi Le said: "It's okay to listen to Wang Xue's answer. Participating in some entertainment with the boss is also the job of an assistant. It looks like you are not satisfied."

"She's in a relationship, or a part-time princess."

Tang Dou sighed. Although the erythema on Wang Xue's neck had faded, he could still see it. If it was because of bad or sensitive skin, why would there be one on the left and one on the left.

In fact, Wang Xue also knew it before the interview, but there was no way to cover it up. If I used a Band-Aid to stick it, it would be the same as telling someone 'there are no strawberries here'.

"Well, that's true, I might be willing to be your full-time secretary, your eyes are really poisonous."

Mi Le shook his head, "I've seen the resumes submitted by the applicants. Wang Xue is the most beautiful, tall, and has a good temperament, so Qiao Mai will give priority to it. Since you are not satisfied, you can choose one and let Qiao Mai arrange it." Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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