Chapter 267 Conquest
"I can't lose the time of a piece of candy?"

Mu Wanying was suddenly happy, a little impatient, Doudou knew how to whet her appetite, good or bad.

"Then I admit defeat, I want to rest early."

Tang Dou said indifferently.

"No, no rest if you can't finish it, I never gave up halfway."

She thought that Doudou would say to eat two pieces of candy, but Mu Wanying found that since she let Xiao Douzi taste the sweetness, Doudou's mouth has become lazy.

"There's no comparison between us, okay?" Tang Dou was also speechless, with sugar in his mouth, he grabbed Mu Wanying's feet and said in a leisurely manner; "Singing Conquest when it's over?"


Mu Wanying nodded and agreed first.

"Okay, Teacher Mu, elementary school student Doudou is here to hand in his homework."

Tang Dou sighed and pulled the big teddy bear doll over.

It’s been a long time since Tang Dou called Teacher Mu Wanying. When Tang Dou was angry with Mu Wanying in his previous life, he would call her Teacher Mu. Back, the school dormitory is still with my parents", when there is a courier, "Is Mr. Mu free to help me pick up the courier".
Sometimes when I am in a good mood, I call Teacher Mu.

"Doudou, you are good or bad."

She is clearly a college student and still calls herself a primary school student, so why not say she is a friend from the kindergarten? Mu Wanying couldn't laugh or cry, she moved her body and bent her legs to sit on the teddy bear.

"If I'm not bad, you might like me too, but our life is definitely not so interesting."

"That's not necessarily true. You taught me to be bad."

"It's human genetic behavior."

Tang Dou turned on the music on his mobile phone, and opened a light music playlist to play randomly.

The melody of "My Heart Will Go On" sounded.

The pure music is melodious and touching.

"I learned to sing this song in English in high school." Mu Wanying sang a few lines, "every night in my dream i see you i feel you. that is how i know go on. How do you fight?"

"Very well, I have heard you sing."

Mu Wanying's English pronunciation is nice to hear, but she still has a feeling of singing English songs.

"Dou Dou, you also learned an English song in high school, what kind of song is it, just this tune." Mu Wanying snorted, "Dum thump thump thump thump hum goose goose."

"Wanying, you are so cute." Tang Dou couldn't help biting Mu Wanying, "take me to you heart."

"Oh yes, just this one, can you still sing?"

"Just remember the first two sentences, hiding from the rain and snow, trying to forget but i wont go"

"You sing this song very well. If you learn more, you will be able to know an English song very well."

Tang Dou lowered the phone's volume to a very low level, as long as the two people in the room can hear it.

Tang Dou likes to eat candy with Mu Wanying, it's sweet, and last week, he accidentally discovered that it is also very interesting to eat a piece of candy when arguing with Mu Wanying's sister.

The last time Tang Dou ate peach-flavored candy, that was how he felt after reading "A Certain God Uncut Edition" in high school.

Tang Dou said that it took a piece of candy to solve the homework, it was just talking, he was patient with Mu Wanying, and he would never let her lose easily, let her beg for immortals or ghosts, and she was willing to lose, and the loss was unforgettable.

If you lose, you want to lose next time.

"Doudou, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning? I don't have class in the first and second periods. I'll get up early and make breakfast for you."

Mu Wanying scratched Tang Dou's ears.

"Wanying, don't scratch my ears. I broke them last time." Tang Dou patted away, "Our training school provides breakfast."

"Oh, I still want to make breakfast for you myself. The ones provided by your school are definitely not delicious."

"Eat as much as you can, there will be plenty of time later if you want to do it."


Mu Wanying nodded and hummed softly.

I really want to have a companion when I'm lonely
No matter how busy the day is, someone can have breakfast together
Although this idea is obviously too simple

just want someone to be with

no matter where tomorrow

love never allows people half-hearted
What a pity to miss out on such a natural communication
Mu Wanying sang and couldn't go on, she couldn't control her vocal cords, her mouth was no longer out of tune, it was out of tune, she bit her lip, scratched here and there with her claws on Doudou's face, and gently opened the mouth After being looked at by the corner, the face illuminated by the desk lamp was full of smiles, his fingers poked at the corners of Tang Dou's mouth, and he carefully pinched his tongue.

"Ah, Doudou, I was wrong."

Her finger was bitten, and Mu Wanying immediately opened her mouth to beg for mercy.

"Wanying, you said that you are not bad."

Tang Dou looked up at Mu Wanying and said.

Mu Wanying looked at the tooth marks on her fingers, and Yazi, who looked aggrieved, tugged her ears and said, "Don't be lazy."

"Really treat yourself as a teacher." Tang Dou pretended to drop out of school, "The sugar is over, it's time."

Mu Wanying muttered something, took a candy from the drawer, tore it open and fed it to Tang Dou.

"Silly daughter-in-law, I can't find another boyfriend as good as me in the world."

Tang Dou stopped teasing her, and continued after eating candy.

"It means that we are a match made in heaven." Mu Wanying smiled, suddenly a little unhappy, "Dou Dou is not good, you can't have breakfast with me tomorrow morning, after your sports meeting is over, can we eat together every day?"

"Just do it."

Tang Dou told the truth that he couldn't fully satisfy Mu Wanying's ideals. It was okay to get up early every other day to make breakfast, but not every day.

"One, three, five, seven, I'll do it, two, four, six, you." Mu Wanying thought about it and said, "I'll make a schedule for the two of us tomorrow, including who will cook breakfast, lunch, dinner, love, and wash on the day of the week." Bowls, laundry."

Tang Dou thought to himself, it all depends on his mood, he only spoils you for one week every month.

You don't have to do anything that week.

After finishing, Tang Dou went down and turned on the light, moved Mu Wanying inside, covered her with a quilt, then went to the bathroom to wash her face, rinsed her mouth with mouthwash, and came back to sit on the chair and watch her phone.

"Dou Dou, I love you so much."

After a few minutes, Mu Wanying said in a soft voice.

"I just returned my husband, now I'm calling my name again."

"Honey, I love you love you love you."

Mu Wanying said sweetly.

"It's almost there."

Tang Dou took a look, got up and opened the cabinet to get a change of bed sheets, and asked Mu Wanying to get up and change. When she found a big map, Mu Wanying couldn't bear to look directly at it, so she took off the bed sheet and threw it on the chair.

"Your masterpiece."

Tang Dou glanced at Mu Wanying who was crying and laughing with her mouth pursed, then took out the change of quilt cover and threw it on.

"It's obviously your fault."

Mu Wanying looked disgusted with herself.

After the bed sheet was covered, Tang Dou took the changed bed sheet into the washbasin, turned off the light when he came back, went up to look at the shameless Mu Wanying and said, "Do you still suspect that I am impatient with you?"

"The words I said were angry, and I never doubted your intentions for me." Mu Wanying put her arms around Tang Dou's neck and kissed, with a satisfied auntie smile on her face, "Well, husband, I love you."

Tang Dou said: "I haven't sung Conquest yet."

"Ah, it's really singing!"

Mu Wanying was reluctant.

"You do this every time, don't blame me for ignoring you next time if you don't sing."

"Okay I'll sing."

Mu Wanying turned on her mobile phone to search for this song, looked at the lyrics and began to sing softly.

"... Cough, I was conquered by you like this, and all retreats were cut off. My love is strong, but my feelings are confused. I was conquered by you like this. I drank the poison you hid. My plot is over, my love Hate is buried."

"All right."

After singing a section, Mu Wanying stopped.


Tang Dou nodded in satisfaction.

"Go to bed early, I will call you tomorrow morning."

Mu Wanying said with satisfaction.

Tang Dou trained at 06:30, Mu Wanying woke him up at [-] o'clock, Tang Dou changed his clothes, went to the bathroom to wash his face casually, didn't want to brush his teeth, so he rinsed his mouthwash, went back to the bedroom and squatted beside the bed and kissed the sleepy Mu Wan Ying said:
"I'll keep the key for you, get up and close the door."

Mu Wanying hummed, stretched out her arms, asked Tang Dou to pull her up, and sent Tang Dou to the elevator.

"Dou Dou, be careful on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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