Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 269 Can You Live Better Without Me?

Chapter 269 Can You Live Better Without Me?

Mu Wanying pulled back the curtains in the bedroom, opened the window to let in the air, turned the quilt over and looked, it was also a little stained, the quilt cover was peeled off, the quilt cover on the bed was taken off and put on, and spread out on the sofa in the living room to dry. The bed sheets just made have to be washed again, throw them into the washing machine together with the bed sheets changed last night and the quilt cover just changed, and turn it on for washing.

Mu Wanying is particularly good at doing housework.

It takes minutes for one person to cover the quilt.

Install the two corners first, then stuff the quilt in, lift the two corners and throw it on the bed.

Then put the other two corners in place and shake it twice.

The bedroom was tidied up, the porridge in the kitchen was almost done, she went to the refrigerator to get a steamed bun to warm up, and brought the unfinished cold dishes on the table on Sunday, after the porridge was finished, she put a small bowl for herself, and put the steamed stuffed bun on the plate to the dining table .

One also has to eat breakfast on time.

This is consistent with Tang Dou's attitude towards life, and he never settles down alone.

In Tang Dou's previous life, after working, Mu Wanying was worried that she would not be able to eat and drink alone at home when she was at work, but she found out that Tang Dou ate and drank better alone when she was not at home. Mu Wanying didn't know whether to be happy or angry .

I feel that Tang Dou can live a clean life without a wife, which is very interesting.

Having such a husband, Mu Wanying, is very worry-free. Usually she is very happy, but there are times when she is not happy. After a quarrel, Mu Wanying lived in the school dormitory for three days. When she came home on the weekend, Mu Ran found that she was no longer at home. Clean and tidy, Mu Wanying felt that her wife was so redundant.

In fact, Tang Dou cleaned because he was worried that Mu Wanying would be unhappy when she came back to see the mess at home.

At night, after she settled her suspicions with Tang Dou, she complained, saying, "Can you live better without me?"

No, it's so deserted to be alone.Tang Dou said.

Mu Wanying said, then if I don't come back for a few days, you won't pick me up, and you won't go to school to see me. If I never go home, will you never pick me up?

Tang Dou was speechless at the time. I didn't pick it up this afternoon. You obviously said that it's raining these days and you don't want to run away.

Mu Wanying: Then you can't visit me at school?

It’s rare for my wife not to go home. Tang Dou visited the codewords in those few days. If he didn’t look at the calendar, he wouldn’t know that the weekend was over.

Breakfast was ready, Mu Wanying held the soup spoon in her left hand and pouted cutely, she turned on her phone with her right hand and took a beautiful selfie and sent it to Doudou.

"There is porridge, do you want to drink?"

"I want you to feed me."

Tang Dou had just finished training, gnawed on the unpalatable bread, looked at Nizi's cute selfie, and felt less tired. He still wanted to eat the breakfast made by Nizi himself. The breakfast provided by the student union really made him vomit.

Mu Wanying: "You have classes. If you don't have classes, I'll feed you when you come back. If you have classes, go to class honestly. Are you at school in the afternoon?"

Tang Dou: "Yes, the class is full this afternoon."

Mu Wanying: "Me too, I'll come to you after school, oh, you also have class tonight, Doudou, do you have a public class or a professional class tonight?"

Tang Dou: "Mao Gu."

Mu Wanying: "Then I will teach you."

Tang Dou was still planning to skip class at night, but it would be fine if Mu Wanying came, and he had to sit in the classroom if he was idle.

There were no classes in the third and fourth quarters in the morning, and after class in the first and second quarters, Tang Dou took a taxi to the company first.

Miller went home first, and then drove to the company.

The company is orderly after work.

The new lady at the front desk is doing the task assigned by Qiao Mai, and the computer is entering the information of the newcomer.

Investment director Zhang Yadong studies today's investment curve at his private desk.

Wang Zhennan and Zhang Tao respectively calculated the risk control data of their respective investment groups. The two had just served as investment directors, and Mi Le did not put too much pressure on them. Each of them could decide the investment amount of 500 million by themselves.

More than 500 million investment let Zhang Yadong consult.

Zhang Yadong chooses which one to invest in according to the module analysis pointed out by Tang Dou, and decides how much to buy after analyzing the risk control.

Tang Dou has a good grasp of the general direction. They are responsible for trading and choosing the right timing for buying and selling. Tang Dou has been lazy recently, trying to save trouble, and the investment directions he chooses are all stable growth, not going up sharply, and not diving .

Le Dou Company currently does not have its own physical property, no holding company, just cutting leeks.

For the Prophet, there is nothing easier than cutting leeks to make money.

Guo Jing controls the company's finances. In order to ensure the safety of the company's capital chain, she checks the company's account liquidity every day.

"Mr. Tang."

When Tang Dou arrived at the company, the secretary Wang Xue greeted him immediately.

Xiao Mi didn't wear sexy business attire today.

Wearing a slightly wider white shirt on the upper body, dark blue skinny cropped jeans underneath, and a pair of white canvas shoes, the front of the shirt is pinned to the waistband. It is simple yet stylish and energetic.

Although this can better highlight her tall figure and soft curves, as long as she doesn't wear black silk, her male colleagues won't just stare at her legs instead of looking at the computer screen.

Tang Dou didn't have to go to work to accumulate so many hormones, and he went back to hug Mu Wanying's thigh at night.

After greeting them, Tang Dou went to the private office.

"President Tang, drink water."

Wang Xue first poured a glass of water and sent it in, then went to get the materials that needed to be reviewed.

Tang Dou looked at it.

There is yesterday's investment summary, financial report, etc., this morning's investment report and afternoon investment plan, various materials for car allocation, new office acceptance audit form, procurement report for decorating the new office prepared by Qiao Mai, and May Day Shopping vouchers ready to be issued.

Qiao Mai has already supplemented the information on the shopping coupon, including its use, expiration date, etc.

There are many things.

"Sister Xue stamped the shopping coupon and gave it to Qiao Mai."

Tang Dou opened Mi Le's desk drawer, took out the company badge, and gave the secretary together without confirming the number of shopping coupons.

"Alright Mr. Tang."

Wang Xue took Zhang Zi, counted the shopping coupons, and confirmed it again:

"The shopping vouchers are all five hundred, twenty in total, Mr. Tang, right?"


Tang Dou didn't know if it was right, there seemed to be twenty people in the company besides him and Mi Le.

"Then I'll give it directly to Wheat."

Wang Xue returned Zhang Zi to Tang Doudao.

"Don't worry about this, let's put it away for now, and deal with these materials after the review." Tang Dou's cell phone rang, he opened it, looked at Wang Xue and said, "There is a courier from Mr. Mi downstairs, senior sister, pick it up, you Add me as a friend, and I'll send you the verification code."

"Well, Mr. Tang."

After Wang Xue left the office, she added Tang Dou as a friend in the office group, and the news was at the top.

Tang Dou forwarded the screenshot sent by Mi Le to Wang Xue.

It is really convenient to have a little secret who can be dispatched at will. Tang Dou has only really experienced the feeling of being a big boss in the past two days.

Looking through the materials that will need to be reviewed, Tang Dou felt that it was too troublesome, so he threw Mi Le's desk.

"It's positive that you come to the company with Miss Secretary." As soon as Mi Le entered the office door, he said, "You told Wang Xue not to wear professional attire?"

"I didn't say it clearly, so I told her that she can not wear high heels if it is inconvenient."

Tang Dou laughed.

"I mean, she's pretty smart, too."

Mi Le hung his bag and coat on the hanger, and looked at the thick documents on the table, speechless.

"Tang Doudou, you rely on me for everything, how about I give birth to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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