Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 343 Strawberry Kiss and Blue Hawaii

Chapter 343 Strawberry Kiss and Blue Hawaii
High-end hotel rooms are well-equipped and stylish.

Tang Dou booked the best room in this hotel, and if he wants to live with his daughter, he can stay in the best room. When he said that he would like to have the best room here, the front desk immediately gave him a warm welcome, and after registering, he gave it to him with both hands. On room card.

That's the beauty of money.

Rich customers are gods.

The room is particularly spacious, with a bright bedroom, a bathroom with an oversized bathtub, and panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows.

The floor-to-ceiling windows face the golf course, and the room is on the 25th floor with a particularly good view.

"It's so beautiful, and there's a bathtub, so big."

When she got to the room, Mu Wanying put down her bag, and couldn't wait to see what the room with thousands of dollars a day looked like.

"I just said that a high-end hotel is very romantic."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi who was looking around curiously and smiled.

"Hmm, that's right," Mu Wanying suddenly turned her head, stared at Badou and said, "How do you understand this, Doudou?"

"I've never eaten pork, never seen a pig walk."

Tang Dou is calm and unhurried. I have never seen the honeymoon homestays, high-altitude rooms, and sea-view rooms with you in my previous life. The sea-view rooms facing the sea are the most powerful.

"I've never seen a pig walk."

Mu Wanying smiled foolishly. After reading it, she took off her sunscreen and threw it on the bed. She also jumped onto the bed, feeling the luxury of the big bed. It was so comfortable, "Doudou, do you have any bad intentions today?"

"What bad thoughts can your husband have?"

The room was okay, Tang Dou also walked around and looked around, thinking carefully about something in his mind, after being together for so long, it seems that he still owes Nizi something.

"Little Douzi, come here and take off my sister's shoes."

Mu Wanying was so comfortable lying on the luxurious big bed, she shook her feet and shouted confidently.

"Come on, the little one is here," Tang Dou swung his arms and knelt down on one knee to untie Nizi's shoelaces, "I will never regret it as the laces get wider, I will be a little eunuch for Yi, Wanying , my husband lives for you."

"My sister lives for you."

Mu Wanying shook her foot with her shoe off.

Tang Dou took off Nizi's other shoe, and grabbed Nizi's foot wearing cute bear socks. Nizi's jio smelled delicious. Tang Dou rubbed his nose, threw off his shoe, and went up to hug Nizi. shoulder, smiled and said:

"Do you want to get out now?"

"Go away, go away."

Mu Wanying made a gesture with her small hand, "Go and don't look back."

Tang Douzhen rolled away, rolled to the side of the bed, rolled back, and was about to roll away again, but Mu Wanying hugged her.

It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together.

The two turned into rolling rolls, and rolled a few times on the white and soft bed.

Accidentally exerted too much force and fell off the bed. Tang Dou fell on his back to the ground, and the front girl was pressed hard. Tang Dou almost vomited out. Fortunately, there was a fluffy blanket on the floor, so there was no internal injury.

"Doudou is okay."

Mu Wanying hurried down to help Doudou.

Tang Dou stood up and went back to bed and lay still, Nizi figured it out.

"Get up and cover yourself with the quilt, it doesn't feel safe outside."

Mu Wanying pushed him away and pulled up the quilt.

"This kind of hotel is very safe. Some small hotels may make videos and sell them for money, but big hotels do more harm than good."

Tang Dou stretched his waist to match Nizi's undress.

After resting quietly, Mu Wanying leaned on Tang Dou's arm and breathed weakly. Tang Dou retracted the arm pressed by Nizi and put it around her shoulder, and picked up the other hand to look through the phone.

"Dou Dou, bring me a piece of paper."

Feeling that my sister's saliva was about to flow out, Mu Wanying said in a soft voice.

Tang Dou put down the phone, took out two pieces of paper, wiped Ni Zimei's mouth and then put another one on top, pretending to wipe Mu Wanying's mouth with the used one, Mu Wanying snatched it cleverly, and did not turn back with a backhand Be careful to stuff it on the bad bicker.

"I'm satisfied now."

Mu Wanying smiled, and let you play tricks again.

Tang Dou licked the toilet paper on purpose, and then said to Nizi, "kiss me."

"I do not."

Mu Wanying shook her head like a rattle, and buried her face in the pillow.

After resting until after seven o'clock in the evening, the waiter delivered the dinner Tang Dou ordered to the room on time.

Tang Dou put on her pajamas and went to pick it up at the door. There was a table in front of the French window in the bedroom. Tang Dou brought the dinner there, and he could enjoy the night view of the manor while eating.

The hotel's meals are so exquisite that I drool when I look at them.

The twilight outside is charming, and the room is only dimly lit with small lights, which feels a bit like a candlelight dinner.

how romantic.

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly.

Tang Dou picked up the wine opener and opened the red wine. He poured two glasses into the goblet and closed the bottle. This was specially ordered by Tang Dou. This bottle of wine was not cheaper than the room rate.

"Have a drink first."

Mu Wanying smiled and picked up the goblet, clattered, and then took a sip.

Tang Dou also took a sip and tasted it, but nothing came out of it, because he doesn't have great taste in wine.

"How do you use a knife and fork?"

Having never eaten a formal western food, Mu Wanying looked at the knives and forks on the plate and was at a loss as to what to do.

"How to use it as you like, according to the standard method, it seems to hold a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right hand, but I think the fork in the right hand is easy to use." Tang Dou waved the fork in his right hand, "Western forks are equivalent to our chopsticks. I think it should be right-handed, unless he is left-handed. But the West seems to be the opposite of everything."

"I think so too. I feel that chopsticks are the most convenient."

Mu Wanying also held a fork in her right hand as she spoke.

"In the future, we will bring our own chopsticks to eat western food."

Tang Dou couldn't help but laugh.

"If you bring your own chopsticks to eat Western food, then we will definitely be a clean stream."

Mu Wanying raised her fork and smiled.

Tang Dou thinks that ordinary people are free and at ease. Mi Le said that the red tape in the expensive circle is too troublesome. When she was a child, her mother would beat her if she had the wrong eating posture at home. To knock, she can eat half of a meal, so that she is malnourished and stunted.

Tang Dou felt that if he lived in that environment, he would probably run away from home.

After dinner, Tang Dou was going to take Mu Wanying to the bar of the manor for a meeting. Go to the lobby on the first floor. Mu Wanying had a phone call with her old girl before going. This call was arranged by Tang Dou. Mu Wanying went ahead. Doo goes to the front desk.

"Hi Mr. Tang, what do you need?"

The front desk recognized Tang Dou, and greeted him with a smile from a distance. This is probably VIP treatment, and the service for a few thousand dollars is so good. If you live in a room that costs tens of thousands of dollars a day, you might be able to be a gentleman.

"Can the room be rearranged, please?"

Tang Dou asked directly.

"Okay, what subject do you want?"

The young lady's voice was very sweet, and she confirmed the room number all over.

"Couple theme," Tang Dou thought about it, "It's more pure, don't sprinkle flowers on the bedroom floor, just put a bunch on the bed, and then sprinkle some in the bathtub, the flowers should be the freshest, and the expenses incurred will be paid together with the deposit."

"Okay, no problem. There is no extra charge for this. It is a service we should provide you. Can you tell me what time you will come back in the evening? So that we can prepare hot water in the bathroom for you in advance."

Miss Sister adapts accordingly, if it exceeds the specification, there will be a charge, since it is not exceeded, let's put it nicely.

Tang Dou looked at his phone, it was 08:30 now, "Come back around 10:30."

"Okay, I wish you a pleasant trip."

"Thank you."


Mu Wanying was at the entrance of the hotel, and Tang Dou went over and she finished calling, "Where are you talking, Doudou?"

"Booked for supper."

Tang Dou took Nizi's hand and went to the bar.

The bar here is a clear bar, and the manor is specially provided for guests who come here for vacation, of course it is not free.There are no flashing lights, no dance floor, no loud music inside the bar.

Instead, classical music is played low, the lighting is dim and the atmosphere is quiet, with an artificial lake in front.

The resident singers on the stage play and sing with their guitars in their arms. There is a playlist, and guests can order songs from the playlist.

If you like a disco, there is one outside.

The main purpose of coming to this kind of holiday manor is to enjoy the tranquility. If you want to be happy, you can go directly to Sanlitun or other places.

"I really like this kind of cleanliness. The last time we went there was too noisy, and it was so chaotic. The demons danced wildly. I went there once and never wanted to go again. I feel so insecure. I dare not go alone. Doudou, you like it." Is that kind?"

Mu Wanying grabbed Badou's hand and looked around to see if there were any vacant seats.

"I, it's okay to go once in a while."

Tang Dou told the truth.

"Don't go in the future," Mu Wanying pinched Badou's palm, thinking about it, it's understandable that Badou might want to relax sometimes when he's under a lot of work pressure, "You can't go alone, take me with you when you go."

The good seats by the lake outside were all occupied, so Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went inside and found a table for two by the window.

The stool is a wooden high stool, which is very comfortable to sit on.

"What to drink?"

Mu Wanying picked up the menu and looked at it.

In this kind of clean bar, Tang Dou still likes to drink some cocktails.

Mu Wanying didn't understand, looking at the strange names on the menu, she didn't know what to choose.

"Each cocktail has a different story, or represents a different meaning."

Tang Dou looked at it, and ordered a glass of 'Strawberry's Mouth Hasty' for Nizi, while he ordered a blue Hawaiian.

"What's the story with my cup?"

Mu Wanying said curiously.

"I don't know, I just know it represents love."

Tang Dou shook his head.

"sounds good."

Mu Wanying was a little looking forward to it.

After a while, two glasses of wine were mixed and served by the waiter.Mu Wanying's strawberry mouth was blood-red, and there was a piece of ice floating in the glass, with half a slice of lemon on top, what's a cherry.

Tang Dou's blue Hawaii is the main tone of blue, illuminated by the light, the water droplets attached to the ice inside are very gorgeous, like blue stars.

"so beautiful."

Mu Wanying smiled and said:

"Doudou, you don't know the story of these two glasses of wine. How do you order them? Do you order them casually?"

Tang Dou glanced at the sky outside the window, looking at the night sky, inspiration came to his mind, then he looked at Nizi and said: "Blue represents dreams, red represents love, together it is our dreamlike love."

"I like that explanation."

Mu Wanying smiled brightly and sweetly, raised the wine glass to touch Badou, and then brought it to her lips for a small sip.

This wine tastes slowly.

After drinking their own, the two exchanged to taste each other's.

"If you drink it faster, it tastes the same, but if you taste it carefully, it's still a bit different."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips.

"Cocktails should be mixed wines. Some messy wines and beverages or fruit juices are mixed in different proportions, such as whiskey, brandy, rum, vodka, etc., if you have the conditions, you can do it yourself."

Tang Dou also makes several simple cocktails.

The ingredients bought at her previous life's family had been blended, but Mu Wanying was very worried, fearing that the blend would turn into poison.

"The first time I drank a cocktail was when we went to Shudu last year, my rainbow cocktail, your whispering among the flowers, the rainbow represents romance, the whispering among the flowers, the couple gently expressing their love for each other in the garden, romantic love. "

Mu Wanying put down the wine glass, put her elbows on the table, and supported her chin with both hands, thinking back:
"Dou Dou, you didn't want to express that at the time, did you?"

Tang Dou said: "Romantic ass, then you won't let me touch it, I'll just look at the name."

"If I don't let you touch you, I will touch you less."

Mu Wanying pouted her lips and said:

"I often think about what will happen when we fall in love in high school. If we can't do it in high school, my mother will definitely stop it. However, although we are not in a relationship in high school, I feel very beautiful, flirting."

Tang Dou heard these words very familiar.

Tang Dou had heard Mu Wanying say something similar in his previous life.

That was after the two got married, they read her diary together one night.

Seeing that one day in 2012, Mu Wanying was awkward because Tang Dou borrowed her money to treat her younger sisters to dinner, and insisted that Tang Dou pay back the money immediately, but Tang Dou had no money, so she said she could repay the debt with her own body, but Mu Wanying couldn't do it, she was furious He said he would never lend him money again.

Tang Dou said: You are also domineering, you have to control how the money is lent out and how people manage it.

Mu Wanying said: I don't care how you spend it, I just collect the debt now, and it's only natural to pay back the debt.

Tang Dou said: If you want money, you need your life.

Mu Wanying repeated: It is impossible to lend you money anymore, so give me my dad's meal card.

Tang Dou just returned it. He had used the teacher's meal card for a long time, so he was embarrassed even if he had a thick skin.

Mu Wanying took back her father's employee meal card.

At noon that day, Tang Dou felt that the food was not delicious, and the student cafeteria was crowded and the food was not tasty. Fortunately, the teacher's meal card appeared in his schoolbag the next day, and there was a note saying, "Bring me breakfast. '

Mu Wanying wrote in her diary: "."

After reading that diary entry, Mu Wanying said, "Her best time was the three years in high school, almost every day because of his emotions, but they were all pure."

Tang Dou was very sad after hearing this. I gave you three years of the most beautiful time, but you paid back with four years of misery in a different place.

Tang Dou weakly retorted, "I also want to give you a perfect love. I blame me for not being good enough to follow you and let you wander outside for four years."

"Tick Da Da Da Da Da, the hour hand is constantly turning, ticking ticking, Xiaoyu she patted the water flower, ticking ticking ticking, wouldn't he still care about him"

The handsome guy who sang in the bar was playing and singing with his guitar in his arms.

Mu Wanying also hummed softly.

Tang Dou took a sip of his wine and listened to the song quietly.

Under the light, Mu Wanying's white skin was particularly round, her eyes were bright, and after drinking some wine, her cheeks were slightly flushed, there was a hint of haze in her eyes, and the smile on her face was particularly bright.

On this midsummer night, it looks so sweet and spicy.

"What is Doudou thinking about?"

After singing, Mu Wanying smiled.

"I miss you! What else can I think about?"

Tang Dou stretched, put his hands on the back of his head, and looked at Nizi.

Mu Wanying wanted to sit in Badou's arms, but when she saw that there were still a lot of people around, she felt a little embarrassed.

After drinking a glass of cocktail leisurely, Tang Dou looked at the time, it was 25:[-], the hotel room should be furnished.

(End of this chapter)

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