Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 345 Do you want me to wash the dishes or wear stockings!

Chapter 345 Do you want me to wash the dishes or wear stockings!

As the end of the period approaches, there are many things to do in school.

Tang Dou adjusted his recent investment plan, focusing on medium and long-term bank products, with relatively low but stable returns.

When he arrived at the company, Tang Dou selected several wealth management products and asked Zhang Yadong to operate them.

"Mr. Mi, if you have nothing to do at noon, I'll make an appointment with the bank to handle business upgrades."

Guo Jing got up from her desk and said.

"Okay, call if you need something."

There was nothing else to do. Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the office. Wang Xue just finished cleaning up and went to pour two glasses of water and bring them in.

Wang Xue is wearing a white shirt today and a denim skirt underneath, which reminds Tang Dou of a time when his English teacher wore a denim skirt in his sophomore year of high school. Someone on Tang Dou’s left poured water on the ground, and Tang Dou was also full eyesight.

In the end, I looked lonely, and there was another mystery in this denim skirt.

I didn't see anything, and I was covered by the teacher twice, which left a very bad image on the teacher. Although both of them argued that the water was not poured by themselves, the teacher still had nothing to do in those few days and called Tang Dou and the classmate who poured the water Answer the question, if you can’t answer it, OK, just stand there, one stop is one class.

Tang Dou is fine, his deskmate is Mu Wanying, who is the representative of the English department, she is fluent in English and can speak fluently.

But after Mu Wanying told Tang Dou once, the teacher changed the way. The words for the test were written on the blackboard, and the words were recited on the podium.

Rao Tang Dou has a thick skin, this kind of thing is really embarrassing.

The main reason is that the influence in Mu Wanying's father's ears was too bad.

Mu Wanying's father is the head teacher, and Tang Dou can't be unhappy with the English teacher.

The strange thing is that after a few times, the teacher stopped calling the guy who poured water, and only called Tang Dou.Tang Dou didn't know, that guy sent a private message to the English teacher, saying that Tang Dou poured the water, and he just glanced at the ground inadvertently.

On the same day, Tang Dou was fined to stand for five out of ten wrong words. Next to the water dispenser in the corner, his classmates made fun of him looking at the water dispenser.

'Respect Mis Li, nin hen piao liang, jia ru wo zai da ji sui, yi ding hui zhui ni.'

The English teacher was 26 and [-] years old, not particularly beautiful, but in high school, as long as the female teacher was young, she had a unique charm for boys, but this English teacher was a bit stingy and held grudges.

After Mu Wanying handed in her homework that day, Tang Dou regretted it a bit, so don't be self-defeating.

As a result, the English teacher took Tang Doudou's statement as a confession. After reading it, the teacher felt that Tang Doudou was a little skinny, but he dared to act bravely. It's no big deal as a brat.

Also on this day, Mu Wanying privately told the English teacher that Tang Dou did not pour the water.

The English teacher believed Mu Wanying's words.

Such a small matter hides so much black material.

Afterwards, the English teacher took extra care of Tang Dou, looking at Tang Dou's eyes full of 'love', Tang Dou was worried at first, after all, he was handsome and young, so the teacher should not take it seriously, he didn't feel at ease until his English teacher got married in the third year of high school, Tang Dou Dou English score was around [-] at the beginning of the second year of high school, and [-] points in the college entrance examination in the previous life.

"Like this denim skirt?"

Noticing Tang Dou's eyes watching Wang Xue go out, Mi Le waved his hands in front of Tang Dou's eyes.

"I like it."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, and looked at the investment plan compiled by Zhang Yadong.

Mi Le searched directly on the computer.

Tang Dou looked at him and said, "You have short legs," before finishing speaking, Mi Le looked at it with a murderous look.

Tang Dou shut his mouth wisely.

Mi Le became even more depressed, always talking about her short legs. Although the lethality was mediocre, it really made people angry.

The company's work to form an audit team has already started. Qiao Mai released the recruitment information two days ago, and someone interviewed in the morning. The company's interviews are now more formal. After Qiao Mai confirms the basic conditions, make an appointment and continue.

When a job seeker comes, first register at the front desk, and then Chen Wenwen takes her to Qiao Mai to learn more about the situation.

Because he was recruiting a financial assistant, he had to be able to work independently in the future, and had high requirements for work experience and professional standards, so Qiao Mai asked Guo Jing to talk to the other party after understanding the basic situation.

Tang Dou and Mi Le do not intervene in the general recruitment work of the company now, they only look at the results, and they are stuck in the hurdle of becoming a full-time employee.

If people are recruited for investment business, Zhang Yadong, the investment director, will check it out.

Guo Jing for finance, Qiao Mai for human resources.

As the direct persons in charge, Zhang Yadong, Guo Jing, and Qiao Mai didn't dare to be perfunctory. If the recruited people were finally stuck by Tang Zong and Mi Zong because of their ability, it would also be a failure of their work.

Guo Jing prepared a written test question and computer simulation about financial accounting in advance.

After Qiao Mai finished understanding the situation, Guo Jing asked the interviewer to the study room and turned on a computer for inspection.

The company does not require you to wear formal attire. Guo Jing usually wears light clothes, but she wears more formal clothes when there are presentations. Today, she may have to meet someone from the bank. She is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, black tight skirt, and high-heeled shoes.

Job seekers feel serious at first glance, and their attitude becomes serious.

In late June, some public classes at the school have already begun to end. In the afternoon, XX may focus on the last session. Tang Dou and Mi Le go back at noon.

The two girls greeted Tang Dou from a distance and stopped.

Under Zhang Yao's guidance, Zhao Rui has undergone a big transformation. Compared with her surroundings, she dresses well. Today she is wearing khaki short sleeves and shorts, white sneakers, black straight long braids, and light makeup. She looks very handsome.

Zhang Yao's hair is draped, she wears a white short sleeve, a yellow plaid skirt, and white canvas shoes, looking a little coquettish.

The two walked together, each carrying a bag of snacks, looking really like sisters.

The four girls in this girls' dormitory have their own characteristics. Tao Minmin is a top student who concentrates on her studies. Sometimes she is a peacemaker, and sometimes she has a big mouth, complaining about this and that;

Both Zhang Yao and Zhao Rui don't like to study, and they often go out together. They are the only two of the four in the dormitory who can be regarded as best friends.

At least Zhang Yao didn't know that she was confiding in Zhao Rui before being tricked.

It's really good for a girlfriend to have a girlfriend like Zhang Yao. Accompany her, teach her how to fall in love, how to protect herself, how to tie her boyfriend's heart, and how to make her boyfriend give willingly.

A man can play both love games.

Li Xiongxiong is now, he doesn't like to go shopping, Zhao Rui has Zhang Yao to accompany him, he can do his own things with peace of mind, as long as he cooperates with Zhao Rui to act occasionally, he likes his girlfriend to dress himself up, and Zhang Yao is also there.

The girl Zhang Yao likes to tease boys a little bit, but her heart is not bad, unlike some girlfriends who are particularly vicious.

Moreover, Zhao Rui seems to be foolish and confused, but in fact she has a very strong mind in her heart.

So Li Xiongxiong's love relationship is very easy.

"Has the monitor eaten?"

After approaching, Zhang Yao opened the plastic bag and handed it to Tang Dou.

"Eat, you don't even open an umbrella, you're all tanned."

Tang Dou took the bag of Doudou and smiled.

"The black spot is healthy." Zhang Yao looked at her arm and smiled, "Is the monitor free on weekends?"

"Weekend, it should be fine."

Tang Dou said slowly.

"Would you like to have a meal with your girlfriend as a favor?"

The freshman year is coming to an end, and the student union will be re-elected at the beginning of the sophomore year. Zhang Yao wants to be the deputy director of the sports department. She thinks that instead of pleasing those seniors who are full of love, it is better to find the monitor. The chairman of the student union also has to give some face. As long as the monitor is willing to show up, her deputy head will be stable.

"Let's talk to whoever we are in the same class, if you have anything to say."

Tang Dou didn't agree to Zhang Yao immediately, he tried his best to help when something happened, and he didn't have to eat.

"Um, I want to go further in the student union, can you help me?"

Zhang Yao didn't hold back, and spoke directly.

"Let me try."

Tang Dou is very humble, after all, he is not a member of the student union, so keep a low profile.

"Then thank you, monitor."


412 roommates are all there.

Li Hao has been very chic since he broke up with his girlfriend. He said that games are much more fun than his girlfriend.

This kind of happiness can be imagined by Tang Dou, all couples are the same, and the happiness of being single is unique.

However, when Li Hao also had pain in the balls, yesterday when he went to the supermarket with An Qi and met his ex-wife, Li Hao greeted him naturally, but the next second he felt uncomfortable, because the ex-wife was next to a man, who was quite tall.

Only a few days before the breakup, the partner found a new love, which made Li Hao very depressed.

Meeting after breaking up is not terrible, whoever is single is embarrassed.

Now Li Hao is playing games, An Qi starts reviewing ahead of time, and Li Xiongxiong watches Sherlock Holmes.

"Are you going to copy without reviewing?"

Looking at the laid-back roommate, An Qi said.

"What is there to review for our pure liberal arts major? The courses this semester are not difficult. It is not easy to get a high score, and it is not difficult to get a score of 60." Li Hao said calmly: "Unlike the courses of science majors, they will not be good or not." Yes, I went to the front desk to find my high school classmates, looked at the high mathematics, I am Cao, fortunately I applied for the liberal arts."

Li Xiongxiong said: "High numbers are really difficult."

Tang Dou also thought that high maths was really difficult, but after seeing Nizi learned it, she felt normal, and Nizi got [-] or [-] points on the [-]-point questions, and it felt like playing.

"Have you ever been to a bar? I haven't been, let's go to a disco on the weekend."

Li Hao reminded him that he is single now, and he can mess around as much as he wants.

"I'm free."

Li Xiongxiong is fine, Zhao Rui is not very strict with him, he can take Zhao Rui with him.

"I dont go."

An Qi was originally quite conservative, but now that she is in a relationship, she doesn't even consider that kind of place.

"Where's the fight?"

"I have to bring my girlfriend with me, I don't want to take her to that kind of place."

Tang Dou euphemistically refused, he went to that kind of place just to have fun, at least to have a dance, if it's just for drinking, then go to the bar, you can take Mu Wanying to the disco, but not Mu Wanying, then This kind of dance floor is too messy, especially crowded when there are many people, and the group of demons dances wildly, so don't be afraid of salty trotters, no matter boys or girls.

Mu Wanying would never dance, let Mu Wanying watch herself dance with demons, Tang Dou still couldn't do it.

Since you can't make waves, you might as well not go.

"Okay, Xiongxiong, let's go together."

Li Hao sighed.

After class in the afternoon, Tang Dou went straight to find Mu Wanying. When she arrived at school, Mu Wanying was waiting outside the school gate, pushing her small pink cart.

"Doudou, I will take you today."

Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou to sit on the back and ride by herself.

"Give you another chance."

Tang Dou sat on it, and Mu Wanying was too wobbly to pedal the bike, so she let Tang Dou ride. At the red light at the intersection ahead, Tang Dou stopped, and it was time to get off work. The road was crowded, and it was inconvenient to take someone on a bike, Mu Wan Ying came down and pushed.

"Dou Dou, do the stockings look good?"

Noticing that Badou looked at the pantyhose legs coming from the opposite side, Mu Wanying elbowed her.

After being discovered by Nizi, Tang Dou didn't panic or feel embarrassed. He thought about the next serious thing in his mind and said, "It's mainly because of curiosity. Silk stockings are good-looking, but I don't know how they feel."

"It looks like you don't just like watching."

Mu Wanying pretended to be unhappy, and she was also thinking about it. It's normal for boys to be interested in silk stockings. She especially likes wearing leggings in winter. Mu Wanying said without emotion: "What color do you like?"

Feeling something was going on, Tang Dou's heart moved, but his surface was very calm, "Black."

"You are so honest."

Mu Wanying pinched Badou.

"I always say what I think and say."

Tang Dou said cheekily.

Mu Wanying has nothing to say, Badou has this kind of personality, call him a straight man, but his mouth is very good at speaking, but sometimes speaking is really heartbreaking.

As a girlfriend, Mu Wanying decided to satisfy Badou's curiosity. Instead of letting Badou watch others daydream, why can't she satisfy Badou's curiosity? Anyway, she only shows Badou what she wears at home.

"Wanying, do you want to wear it for me?"

Tang Dou asked knowingly.

"I'll buy it for you, and you can feel it when you wear it yourself."

Mu Wanying hummed.

Tang Dou cheerfully agreed, and Nizi said so, since she bought it, she would definitely wear it, so he couldn't help imagining how Nizi would look in stockings.

With those long legs and the temperament of a good sister, she should be no worse than Guo Jing in stockings.

Passing by the women's world, Mu Wanying let Badou look at the car, and went in to buy things by herself, she was quite embarrassed, she looked like a student, and she was carrying a schoolbag to buy stockings, which could easily be misunderstood, it doesn't matter because of Badou, she is not afraid The shadow is oblique.

Mu Wanying bought two, one black and one flesh-colored.

After coming out, the bag was given to Badou, "See how it feels in the hand."

"This has to hold up."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Go back to your own wearing experience."

Mu Wanying felt that her girlfriend was too competent, and she doted on her boyfriend.

"I put it on for fear that you might dislike it."

It's not that Tang Dou hasn't worn silk stockings either. In his previous life, he broke his integrity to please the readers.

"Don't dislike it."

Mu Wanying suddenly came up with an idea, there is a wig at home, let Badou wear a wig, wear her own clothes, and put on stockings, I don't know what the effect is.

After returning home, the bad fighting monkey anxiously took out the silk stockings to study, Mu Wanying was going to try them on, Tang Dourang cooked first, and then after dinner, otherwise he was worried that the health bar would not be enough.

Eating fried noodles with eggs at night is Mu Wanying's specialty.

Mu Wanying found an apron to tie herself.

Tang Dou started, he first boiled the water.

Mu Wanying prepared the ingredients, two sausages, two eggs, two green vegetables, and chopped onions.

Beat the eggs, slice the sausage, and pick off the vegetables.Scramble the eggs first in the frying pan and set aside.

"There's not enough noodles, Doudou, you don't have enough and have another zongzi."

Mu Wanying looked at the noodles and said.

"Almost, I can't eat much in hot weather, so I'll eat when I'm hungry at night."

When the water is boiled, Tang Dou cooks the noodles. After cooking, put them in cold water and rinse them under the tap.

Mu Wanying's side has already started to stir-fry. Stir-fry the onions, put in the ham, and after a while, Tang Dou fishes the noodles in. Mu Wanying holds the handle of the pot with her left hand, and continues to stir-fry with her right hand. Soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil consumption, chicken essence, salt, stir-fry for a few minutes, and finally add green cabbage leaves and stir-fry again, all in one go.

"So hot."

After the noodles were fried, I handed them over to Badou, Mu Wanying wiped her forehead with her arm, and put them on a plate.

Tang Dou brought out the pot.

The two cooperated tacitly, and the meal was completed in less than 15 minutes.

After eating, Mu Wanying smiled and said, "Dou Dou, do you want me to wash the dishes or wear stockings?"

(End of this chapter)

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