Chapter 62 Class Committee Election (Thanks to Xu Xu Huanxin's roses)
"Dou Dou went out to get together at night and called everyone in your dormitory."

Tang Dou took the lead in the counterattack and surprised several people in the Physical Education Department. The boys in the second class of Chinese language were angry, and they really recognized Tang Dou as the class monitor.

"I can't do it these days. Someone is practicing singing. Let's wait until the military training is over." Tang Dou politely declined.

After the matter was over, Chen Yu hurried over with his arms swung, "Damn, why don't you call me buddies when you fight."

"What can your five short bodies hold up to?"

"Cannon fodder is fine." Chen Yu rolled his eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan admired Tang Dou very much at this time, he was a little panicked when he was surrounded by several people just now, and he was aggrieved, he kicked a few times after Tang Dou knocked down one person, it was so cool.Originally, Zhang Xiaofan planned to cooperate with the girls in choosing a roommate to be the squad leader, but now he has given up on the idea.

Originally, the class was overt and secret because of the squad leader election, and because an external conflict was resolved.

For half a month of military training, the first half was bitter and bitter, but the second half became easier and easier.

In the final stage of evaluation, each class selects an outstanding pacesetter. The instructor wanted to select Tang Dou, but Tang Dou refused.

Su Yuwei is recommended.

The instructor doesn't care.

Su Yuwei is also worthy of being an excellent pacesetter. Although she is a girl and unknown, she has worked hard and never left behind. Although she is strong, her actions are not as good as some girls' standards, and her interactions are not as active as these girls, and her sense of presence is very low.

Tang Dou was operating in the dark, and no one knew about it except the instructors. They thought that Tang Dou had been appointed by default, until the last day of the show to issue honorary certificates.

When she heard her name, Su Yuwei was so flattered that she forgot to kick her nervous goose step, and stepped onto the rostrum anxiously. Facing the principal and other leaders, as well as tens of thousands of teachers and students in the audience, Su Yuwei's mind went blank.

This was her first time on such a large platform.

Tang Dou didn't tell Su Yuwei in advance, just to give her a shock to her heart. She can't stay in her own small world forever. If she can't build up her self-confidence in four years of university, she can't do anything after graduation.

During half a month of military training, Su Yuwei practiced singing, was selected as an excellent pacesetter, and participated in a chorus competition, which opened her heart a little bit, and she was no longer completely confused and afraid of university.

To help her in another way, Tang Dou hopes to have a different ending from his previous life.

The first thing in the class after the military training is over is to hold a class meeting to officially elect the class committee, which is still presided over by Sun Ying.

Sun Ying did not propose to run for class president at first, but started from the school committee, the league secretary, etc.

"Students, each class committee has different responsibilities, but it is equally important to the class. First of all, the election of the school committee is held. The school committee has the most interaction with the teachers. It needs enthusiasm, dedication, respect for teachers, and care for classmates. It is about your mid-term and final exams and assessments. Relatively speaking, the work of the academic committee is more challenging, and now I invite interested students to give speeches."

After counselor Sun Ying finished speaking, the students below looked at each other in blank dismay. The boys were not interested in the school committee, while the girls were hesitant.

In addition to the squad leader, the class committee also has a school committee, a youth league committee, a sports committee, and a life committee.

The sports committee will definitely be a boy.

Tao Minmin gave up her position as class monitor and was not interested in life committee members, so she only had the school committee and the youth league committee. She chose the school committee and was the first to give a speech on stage.

"Hello, students. After more than half a month of getting along, everyone is already familiar with each other, so I won't gossip. I have been a department representative for six years in junior high school and high school. First of all, I am responsible and know how to communicate with teachers. To help the teachers to complete the teaching better, secondly, I will study hard and learn each course well, so as to get the approval of the teachers of each subject, better communicate with the teachers, and help the students learn at the same time, I will communicate more with the teachers before the exam, Try to help everyone pass the exams smoothly.”

"thank you all."

After Tao Minmin finished speaking, he first bowed to Sun Ying, and then bowed to the people below. There was warm applause in the classroom.

Tang Dou looked at this lively girl with admiration. In just a few words, he clarified his own strengths, and explained clearly the university exams that the students were most concerned about, and made the students convinced.

There is a school committee member with strong public relations ability in the university, and half of the students succeed in the exam.

Fortunately, her goal is not the squad leader, otherwise she would be a formidable enemy.

Sun Ying looked at the comments below: "Student Tao Minmin's speech is very good and practical. The college exam is an important problem you have to face in college. Don't think about college too simply. You can spend time doing what you like. Things, it doesn’t matter if you don’t study well in the course, but it’s a big problem if you don’t do well in the exam.”

"Which other students are interested?"

As expected, no one competed with Tao Minmin for the study committee.

Next, he ran for the sports committee, and Ma Jiang recommended himself, but no one contested.There are only 9 boys in the whole class, and there are four in Tang Dou's dormitory. Not surprisingly, Tang Dou is the class monitor, and the rain and dew are all wet, so the three of them will not compete for other positions. It is still relatively open to the eyes.

But Ma Jiang's roommate is about to take off, and of course Zhang Xiaofan and others will not compete internally.

Hu Tengfei’s original goal was to be the class monitor. After the trouble with the physical education department, he gave up fighting with Tang Tang for the class monitor. Well, the university is a big platform, not only class committee positions, but also student unions, clubs, and activities can be used for training.

There is also a boy who lives with other classes and is weak.

Then there is the Youth League Committee and the Life Committee.Because girls accounted for the majority of the class, Sun Ying asked the girls to be the life committee members, who were responsible for class fee management, material purchases, etc., and the boys assisted.

The competition for the Youth League Committee and the life committee members was relatively fierce, and the competition was between girls, and the speeches were particularly enthusiastic.

After the candidates have finished their speeches, the election method is anonymous on paper, and the ballots are publicly announced.

It is both democratic and tries to avoid forming cliques.

Tang Dou took a pen and drew "正" on the blackboard. It was the first time he really felt the right to vote. In one class, there were at most four candidates. Those who abstained would not be elected. Conversely, none of the four wanted to vote. selected.

So who do you want to choose?

In the end, Wang Xuehan was the Youth League Committee and Chen Yu Life Committee.

Chen Yu has a lively personality, and he is a buddy with the boys. Some girls don't like her crazy, neither male nor female, she makes a fool of herself on the first day of military training, and even hurt the squad leader, but the boys like her straightforwardness.

There are 35 people in the class, and three people are running for life committee members, which means 32 candidates.

Chen Yu alone got 15 votes, nearly half of them, directly crushing the other two.

After being elected, Chen Yu had a look of disbelief. She didn't think it was true. It's just that there were people in other dormitories running for the class committee. Su Yuwei, Gao Mengmeng, and Zheng Xiaoxia in her own dormitory were afraid to go on stage. She didn't want her dormitory to have no sense of existence. Participation is just a performance, telling others that their dormitory is not indifferent.

As a result, I was chosen, and I accidentally inserted a willow.

"I have never been an official from kindergarten to high school. I didn't wash my clothes a few times before college. The person who boils instant noodles in cold water and scrambles eggs in a dry pot at home has become a class life committee member in college. I am really sorry. Reliable."

With a cartoon hairpin tied on top of her head, Chen Yu, who was wearing a cartoon T-shirt and jeans with suspenders, was heartbroken.

"I said that Xiaoyu can be selected, that's right." Gao Meng immediately celebrated.

"The reason why I chose you is mainly because I think the life committee is a hard work." Hu Tengfei said to Chen Yu, and the girls around her looked much better when they heard it.

"Thank you Tang Doudou for your contribution to the class as the acting monitor for the past half month. The position of monitor is relatively important, but I also respect Tang Doudou's hard work during this period, so I will not open the election. What do you think, or do you have a more suitable candidate in your mind? Candidates, write them anonymously on a piece of paper and hand them over to me, and I will make a decision after discussing with the head teacher."

"No matter who is elected as the class leader in the end, other class committee members and the whole class should actively assist and cooperate with the class leader to organize the work. This is not only to help the class leader manage the class together, but also to enhance your sense of responsibility."

In the end, Sun Ying made the final decision.

(End of this chapter)

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